7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Controlling the Thunderbird
- Stealing Life Force
- Summoning the Great Dragon
- Call Angle of Death
- Controlling the Indos Worm
- Controlling the Kumo
- The Creation of a Bahamut-Spawn
- Easy Haste
- Power Transfer
- Sheep Sleep
#6711 - Controlling the Thunderbird
1: Dodge backwards. When a Thunderbird attacks, it almost always does so by swooping down from above and throwing its wings out behind it. On a sunny day its shadow will be unmistakable. The loud screech this beast emits is also hard to miss. The bird will expect its prey (you) to run fowards as if you were an animal, and will adjust its strike to SLIGHTLY AHEAD OF WHERE YOU ARE. To avoid it, leap BACKWARDS out of the attack path. This will allow you to dodge the initial strike.
2: Duck and roll. Once on the ground, it is hard for a Thunderbird to take flight in a combat situation. To lift its large bulk the creature must flap its wings several times while hopping fowards in order to lift off. If it does this, you should have time to run to cover, such as a cave, tall grass or a building. Insteda, though, the creature will probably slash at you with its claws or snap with its beak. To avoid being maimed, stay on the move. Randomly run around it, dodging and frequently switching directions.
3: Ground the bird. This can be done in several ways. The recommened method it to lasso it by the neck and fasten it to the ground, then stun the animal with either a powerful stun spell or an elephant tranquilizer gun. Use whichever is easier to come by.
4: When the creature is unconcious, run if your goal was to escape. Run until you reach shelter, and look back occasionally in case your pursuer has woken up. If you intend to use the creature, read on.
1: Acclimate it to your prescence. After binding it heavily, feed it at LEAST two large prey animals (buffalo or elk) per day. Look it in the eye and make sure it knows you are not a threat.
2: Train it to hunt. Keep the creature in your sights while letting it go to hunt on your own. Try clipping its wing feathers to keep it from flying to high, far or fast. Once it kills an animal bring it down with spells or the tranquilizer gun. Do not render the animal unconcious but bring it out of the sky. Take some of the creature's meat, then reward it with food. Repeat until the bird learns to give you a portion of food without being asked or attacked.
3: Using standard falconry methods, you can then attempt to teach the Thunderbird other commands. These include attacking an enemy, fetching an object, carrying objects, using storm magic, etc. If you make a special saddle for it, a Thunderbird can also be trained to carry a human rider.
Thunderbird feathers are extremely powerful tools used in storm summoning, and the Thunderbird itself posesses strong powers of storm control and magical attack. Most notably, the animal can emit actual thunderbolts to stun or kill prey, though this ability takes a lot of energy and is not commonly used.
#6712 - Stealing Life Force
Imagine a line going true the person and into your body........ (blue line for mana, red line for blood and purple line for strength)
#6713 - Summoning the Great Dragon
Find twelve stones of similar size and place them in a
circle and put fire wood in it. Start a campfire. Take
twelve more stones and place them around you in a circle.
Sit down and take a knife and trace a triangle with it.
Stare at the triangle until dusk and then stab the center.
After that, stare at the dusk sky, then into the fire. Say;
"Great dragon, I waken you from your sleep!"
Wait for the
rush. Then get inspired from the feelings.
#6714 - Call Angle of Death
"Keeper of bones I know thy face but I shale yet out sprint thy pace."
#6715 - Controlling the Indos Worm
1: Cover your face. An Indos Worm will generally attack by directing a spray of digestive acid into the face of its victim, then lunging forwards and latching onto its prey with its jaws. The acid is not strong enough to melt flesh quickly, and isn't lethal if washed off with some degree of haste. Still, if you get it into your eyes, you may find yourself blind or at least in a great deal of pain.
2: Dodge and roll. As the creature charges, duck and roll out of the way of its jaws. This creature is not even close to intelligent and will take a moment to reorient if it misses in its attack. Also, once it catches you in its jaws, you are almost sure to be killed. Avoid this beast's mandibles at all costs.
3: Aim for the neck. This area bears the creature's gills, which are at first indistinguishable from the ridges in the animal's neck. Wait for them to open as its sucks in water to breathe. This will show you their location. This part of the Indos Worm's body is very vulnerable to injury, so striking it here with even a spear or rock can soon halt its attack.
4: If all else fails and you cannot drive the creature off by hitting its gills, throw any food you may have towards it and flee. The ''worm'' will consume the easiest-to-catch prey it can find, so eating your food will seem more attractive than eating you-- especially if you've already hurt the creature. Still, these animals routinely exceed fifteen feet in length and have big appetites, so you'll want to get away from it fast.
5: Get on shore. The Indos ''Worm'' is a fish, but like a mudpuppy it can propel itself up onto land. However, once you are about 20 feet from the water's edge you can consider yourself safe and out of range of its attack.
1: Feed it. You will need to dump food into the area around this creature's den at the same time, every day, for at least two weeks. After this point the worm should be acclimated to you and should expect your feedings.
2: Train it like a dog. The worm is deaf, but you can still direct its actions. For example, the beast may playfully rush you when it wants food. Grab its head and turn it away, then reward it with food. After you repeat this several times, it should turn away on its own before it reaches you. Continue to reward it for at least two days after it learns a new trick or command.
3: Use gestures, not words. This animal has no hearing organs and thus must be directed by touch. Try associating specific actions with specific commands. For example, you could train it to attack if you pat its head repeatedly.
4: If you can't be bothered to spend time training the creature, an easy way to make it attack or go to a specific place is this: throw chum, with lots of fish or animal blood mixed in. This should set the creature into a feeding frenzy and send it barreling towards wherever you dumped the chum. DO NOT stay in the water after you throw chum. Dump or throw it into the river from the shore a safe distance away. The worm cannot detect airborne smells, so you should be safe from attack unless you are in the water while holding the chum. It will only attack when the chum hits the water.
1: Jump on from above, and lock your knees firmly about the creature. Wrap your arms around the back of its head.
2: Twist its head in the direction you want it to travel. This may take effort, but the worm's body follows whatever direction its head is pointing. This allows you to steer the animal without training it.
3: To dismount, unlock your legs and slide off of the beast's tail. This gives you a few extra seconds to escape while the creature turns its massive bulk around.
4: Alternatively, spend some time training the worm to carry you. The same training method outlined above (see ''Controlling the Indos Worm'') should work for riding as well.
#6716 - Controlling the Kumo
1: Do NOT try to escape. A Kumo is about the size of a large dog and will easily run you down.
2: Lower yourself to its level. I know this sounds insane, but a Kumo will generally regard anything taller than it as a threat and pounce. Squat down so you appear to be only slightly taller than it.
3: Hum softly and tunelessly-- make sure to keep one steady note and pitch. The Kumo detects vibrations with the hairs on its legs and thus zones in on its prey. Humming both calms the creature and confuses its homing abilities.
4: As you do so, shuffle backwards slightly using your feet. Do not stop humming and try not to make your motion obvious.
5: Once you are out of pounce range (about 25 feet away), stand up slowly and back away from the Kumo, still humming and making eye contact.
6: Once it is out of sight, feel free to turn around and walk. But DO NOT run. Even if it can't see you, it will still feel the vibrations of your running feet through the ground. And remember-- NOTHING incites a predator to attack like running prey.
1: Slowly approach the Kumo holding at your side an offering of food. The Kumo prefers bird meat.
2: Throw the offering to the ground about five feet in front of the creature and wait while it eats. It's a good idea to activate a warding spell at this point to keep you safe.
3: What you do at this point will direct the Kumo's behavior if it is satisfied with your gift. If it isn't satisfied, see ''To Survive a Kumo Encounter'' above.
1: Make a series of metronome-like clicking sounds while making eye contact with the target you want to be attacked. Do NOT make eye contact with the Kumo while doing this unless you wish to be attacked yourself.
1: Hum at a high pitch while drumming rapidly on the ground with your foot. The Kumo should drop its attack and come to you, unless it is at this point in a feeding frenzy.
1: Hum at a low pitch while drumming on the ground with your foot at a steady pace. Back up while you do so. The Kumo should follow you.
1: While looking at the ground, let out a slow hiss and back away from the Kumo. It should back away as well. Once it is about 30 feet from you, stop backing up but still walk in place until it has backed out of sight. Wait for a few minutes, and the Kumo should be gone from the area.
NOTE: A Kumo cannot be expected to obey your directions immediately after one feeding. It may take multiple feedings, different types or amounts of food, etc. Just give the creature time to adjust to you. Kumos are actually quite intelligent and can be trained as protectors if you spend enough time working with them. Still, remember that these are primarily demonic beasts and not to be trifled with.
#6717 - The Creation of a Bahamut-Spawn
Be warned, all who attempt this spell: this is high-level magic and extremely dangerous even to advanced practitioners. It is not meant to be attempted. If you do choose to perform this enchantment, take all possible precautions—make sure to wear a protective amulet strong enough to stave off forces from the abyss itself, and that the subject of this spell is bound tightly with magical bonds.
The purpose of this spell is to summon part of the essence of the powerful primordial being Bahamut into a target, altering them irrevocably and turning them into an almost-immortal warrior. However, this spell has serious effects upon the human mind and more often than not drives the target into insanity, transforming them into naught but a vassal of Bahamut itself. Be warned. Below is the original text of this spell, taken from the Matrix of Shebosk and translated into English. The annotations in parentheses are merely my own clarifications of the spell's finer points.
There comes a time in the life of a sorcerer of true ambition when he finds the need for a minion of unsurpassed strength and power, with the vigor and endurance of the greatest soldier melded to the obedient mind of a vassal. The creation of such a being is possible and indeed has been done before many times in the past. The offspring of the following spell will be of the greatest breed of warrior known yet to man. It will have the strength of thirty fine oxen and the speed of a bird in flight, and will know not deaths embrace despite the wounds inflicted on it. The Children of Bahamut may be killed again and again, but again and again they shall rise, made by their anger even more powerful than before.
But be warned, as the creature that I now instruct ye how to make is doomed to live a life most wretched and cursed, as though it may not die it must live with its pain until the end of time. And indeed the mind of the Spawn may be shattered, though its body will repair despite all punishment. So before this spell is used, consider ye, wise soul, the fate of your creation and if ye find pity in your heart turn back now.
If indeed you proceed to create a Child of Bahamut, ye will need a person of fitness and health, as no other will survive the invocation. And despite the state of him mind he must be bound by chains of strongest quality, and enchanted to resist the powers here summoned.
Proceed, then, after thy chosen man is ready, to mark about his body a pentacle (note that the text is very unspecific here. It does not actually list the type of pentacle you need, but a different, though slightly inferior, transcription of this spell states that only a simple inverse pentacle is required.) in the sanctified ointment that drips from thy holy candle. Then, using still the same divine ink, mark on his chest the symbol of Bahamut, the greatest of the Dark Primordials (The symbol referred to here is simply an ouroboros).
Touch, then, in turn the points of the pentacle, and mark upon each a rune of these five: Hunger, Strength, Plague, Fury and Resistance. (Note that it does not list the precise runes or the language needed, but any runic script works here as long as all are in the same language. Considering Bahamuts origin, Babylonian may be a good choice.) Once the runes are placed, touch each again in turn, while speaking its name aloud.
Next invoke Bahamut itself, summoning the Dark Primordial through the power of the pentacle. Speak aloud like so as you open the portal to the Warp and complete the summoning: Bahamut, greatest of the Dark Primordials, I offer up this mortal shell as a vessel for thy power. Meet the mind within with thy own and merge thy energies with this link to the natural world. Consume, empower, infect, enrage, and sanctify this body so that it never again may die and will walk as a host to thy glory.
Following the incantation Bahamuts energies shall surge into the given host, altering it and transforming it into a virtually immortal warrior to serve thy cause.
Now begins thy true test as a mage. Using the powers given to thee, thou must now separate Bahamut from the chosen host. This may be done using any form of power, but may indeed destroy the attempting sorcerer. If the connection is cut in time, the man into which Bahamut was summoned will be man no more, but a hybrid or unsurpassed power. If the attempt to break the connection fails, thou and the host shall both be consumed by the forces of the Warp.
Once the spell is complete, merely break the pentacle. Take care, though, with the new Child of Bahamut, as it shall greatly exceed thee in physical power if not magical and must be persuaded to serve rather than destroy.
This spell can only be reversed by the powers of Seraph itself, if he chooses to grant his blessings to the spell-born being created with the method here listed.
#6718 - Easy Haste
As you stand completely still, say "In the name of Infinious, give me the haste to out-run my opponents".
#6719 - Power Transfer
Chant this may you be victoryous in your fight:
"May you summon terrible creatures of the night.
May you have all my power may it bloom in u like a flower, so mote it."
#6720 - Sheep Sleep
As you want to fall asleep, say this: "I wish to fall asleep after I start to count sheep". Begin counting sheep in a normal speaking voice. Slowly soften your voice until it is no longer outloud and only in your mind. Close your eyes and keep counting.