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7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7163 Spiritual Spells
  1. *+Welsh Fire Fairy Spell and Potion+*
  2. Astral Falling Spell
  3. Food Offering
  4. Anti Depression Herbal Remedy
  5. my simple energy spell
  6. Protection from Negative Energy Sachet
  7. Voodoo Rock Curse
  8. Travel in dreams
  9. Other world sight (Dream spell)
  10. Travel To Another Realm

#801 - *+Welsh Fire Fairy Spell and Potion+*

Yes, this is my 1st Fairy spell. BUT I GOT TWO MORE FAIRY SPELLS 2 GO, PEEPS! So, basically, this spell is for turning into a Fire element fairy...
You may need:

  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 candle
  • A bowl
  • 3 flower petals
  • 3 leaves
  • Fairy dust for the wings...make sure it has to have a positive aura so not really dark colors unless u wanna be evil... (to make fairy dust, get powder and glitter NOT GLITTER GLUE!!!)
  • Glitter Glue for another color in your wings (optional)
  • 1 cup of milk, cream, OR butter
  • Any candy stick that smells good
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    You may need:

  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 candle
  • A bowl
  • 3 flower petals
  • 3 leaves
  • Fairy dust for the wings...make sure it has to have a positive aura so not really dark colors unless u wanna be evil... (to make fairy dust, get powder and glitter NOT GLITTER GLUE!!!)
  • Glitter Glue for another color in your wings (optional)
  • 1 cup of milk, cream, OR butter
  • Any candy stick that smells good
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    There are four versions of this potion, this being the first one. One for each element. Really consider which element you want your power to be. However, the spell is the same. This one, we are doing Fire Fairy.

    1: Light your candle.

    2: Close your eyes and breath deeply.

    3: Imagine your eternal flame burning strongly.

    4: Imagine your wings on your back.

    Now its time to make the potion.

    5: Take your bowl and pour 2 cups of water into the bowl.

    6​​​​​​​: Take your fairy dust or glitter and sprinkle it into the bowl. DO NOT STIR!​​​​​​​

    7​​​​​​​: Put in the glitter glue.

    8: Now take your petals and leaves and put them in the bowl.

    9: Stir them with your stick/mixing tool and make sure they are covered in sparkles.

    10: Once the candle is melted a good amount, put the candle in the potion. Be very careful.

    11: Now pour your milk or cream into the potion OR melt your butter and pour it into the potion.

    12: Stir.

    13​​​​​​​:​​​​​​​ Now say the spell at the bottom of the instructions, then use your stick to put the potion in the middle of your forehead, the tip of your nose and your chin.

    Added to on Jun 29, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #802 - Astral Falling Spell

    This should make a star core fall to earth. The substance in the crater is very valuable
    You may need:

  • Sapphire
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    You may need:

  • Sapphire
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    Chant this while holding a sapphire in your left hand " O thy heavens lo above, make an astral mystery from above" seven times. There is something I should mention. If you pick up a piece of the substance a god like entity the Astral Lord will attack you. Now unless you want to be devoured you will have to negotiate with it or you will have to be a VERY powerful mage. So don't try this unless you are good with magic. And I do know the Astral Lord.

    Added to on Jun 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #803 - Food Offering

    Give an offering of food to a deity, deities or other spiritual figure or figures.
    You may need:

  • Altar
  • Incense
  • Food
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    You may need:

  • Altar
  • Incense
  • Food
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    Burn incense on an altar. Leave food on the altar. The bigger and better the quality of the food, the more the gods and spirits will help you. The food must be tasty and safe to eat. The food must not be blemished or rancid. If you are offering food to a specific deity or spirit, the food must be food that he or she loves. Let the incense burn down. Apples are the most common food offering. Do not eat the food on the altar. Do not let the food on the altar be eaten by anyone you did not intend for the food to be eaten by.

    The spirit or deity you fed will help you and protect you if the offering is accepted. You can also make a suitable offering to make peace and prevent war and destruction.

    Added to on Jun 26, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #804 - Anti Depression Herbal Remedy

    This spell is a mixture of herbs that will help slowly fade away depression.
    You may need:

  • Dandelion (Dried)
  • Honeysuckle (Dried)
  • Lavender (Dried and Oil)
  • Tissues / Kleenex
  • Gray Cloth Bag
  • Agate (Optional but highly recommended)
  • Ability to Manipulate Energy. (Optional)
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    You may need:

  • Dandelion (Dried)
  • Honeysuckle (Dried)
  • Lavender (Dried and Oil)
  • Tissues / Kleenex
  • Gray Cloth Bag
  • Agate (Optional but highly recommended)
  • Ability to Manipulate Energy. (Optional)
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    The process of making this herbal anti depressant is fairly easy.

    First grab the gray cloth bag. It must be gray because the color gray helps with loneliness. Next, add the dried Dandelion. Dandelion is used in healing rituals that are focused on depression. After that, add the Honeysuckle. Honeysuckle is known for helping with willpower. This can help battle the depression. Lastly, add the dried Lavender and the aromatherapy oil. To put the oil in the bag, place around 5 drops onto a piece of tissue. Lavender is commonly known for its relaxation properties, which can help calm the persons mind. Using agate is optional, but it is definitely beneficial. Agate has properties of relieving sadness, helping with mental health / depression, healing, and more energy. I highly recommend using it. Once you put all the ingredients into the bag, then you are set.

    If you are giving this bag to someone, then you can also put positive energy into the cloth bag. To start with this, you will need to center yourself.

    • Go to a place where no one can disturb you
    • Regulate your breathing until it is even / Meditate
    • Visualize your energy while rubbing your hands together
    • Move them a couple inches apart. You should feel a tingling sensation on your hands.

    Once you can feel the energy that you have took from within you, you can then shape it into a ball. Think happy thoughts and determination as you are forming this energy. Then slowly push it into the gray cloth bag. Now you're done!

    Remember, you are not making new energy. Energy can not be created or destroyed. You are either borrowing it from your surroundings or yourself.

    Added to on Jun 25, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #805 - my simple energy spell

    Will give you energy my first spell don't know if it works feel free to message me if it works or does not work
    You may need:

  • a rock (preferebly limestone but any other stone is okay)
  • a pentacle
  • and a wand (optional)
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    You may need:

  • a rock (preferebly limestone but any other stone is okay)
  • a pentacle
  • and a wand (optional)
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    1.First find your stone

    2. put the stone against the pentacle and them both in your hands

    3. visualize blue energy going into your palms from both the rock and pentacle

    (optional) 4. take your wand and amplify the energy

    if you are using a wand It should give you more energy

    message me if it doesn't work or if it does

    Added to on Jun 24, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #806 - Protection from Negative Energy Sachet

    This spell will help prevent bad vibes or energies trying to intervene with your life. It's very easy, but anything can backfire if casted incorrectly.
    You may need:

  • Small Black or White Cloth String Bag
  • Black Crystals (3 to
  • Dried Sage Leaves
  • Dried White Rose Petals (Optional)
  • Pinch Of Salt
  • Window Ledge or Another Form Of Natural Lighting
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    You may need:

  • Small Black or White Cloth String Bag
  • Black Crystals (3 to
  • Dried Sage Leaves
  • Dried White Rose Petals (Optional)
  • Pinch Of Salt
  • Window Ledge or Another Form Of Natural Lighting
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    To start, you will want to grab the black crystals and charge them for one full day / 24 hours. To charge them, you put them on a window ledge or a place with natural lighting. Try not to disturb or move them during this process.

    While the crystals are charging, you can get the cloth string bag ready. You will want to put sage leaves in the bag. Sage is used in this spell because of its protection, immortality, and longevity properties. Next, for purity purposes, you can add the dried white rose pedals (optional). Lastly, you will add a pinch of salt. If you have ever heard of the Circle of Salt, then you would know that salt is used to make magick protection barriers.

    Once the crystals are charged, add them to the string bag with all the other ingredients. The moment the bag is closed / sealed, you shall not open it. If the bag is opened, the protection properties will be released, and will no longer be as useful as it was before.

    Added to on Jun 24, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #807 - Voodoo Rock Curse

    This curse ties your enemy's life essence and soul to a rock
    You may need:

  • A rock , cannot be quartz or Sapphire
  • A circle of earth
  • The ruin chant found on spell to ruin
  • Pure Hatred
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    You may need:

  • A rock , cannot be quartz or Sapphire
  • A circle of earth
  • The ruin chant found on spell to ruin
  • Pure Hatred
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    take a rock that is not quartz or Sapphire/ ruby and put it in an earthen circle. Say " young [ victim name] your life is small and meek you will never live to see a thing for your spirit is not worthwhile to taint this feeble planet" then chant the spell of ruin oh and during the whole thing you must hold a Sapphire in the left hand a quartz in the right.. after chanting the ruin curse rub the quartz and Sapphire together and throw them on the stone you have in the earthen circle. The stone will hold the soul of a human only until the stone breaks or is broken. If it breaks the soul of that human is lost forever.

    Added to on Jun 23, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #808 - Travel in dreams

    Walk around in your dreams
    You may need:

  • Strength to let your brain be awake while your body is sleeping
  • It is so easy that the whole you fall asleep, so you got to really want this!
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    You may need:

  • Strength to let your brain be awake while your body is sleeping
  • It is so easy that the whole you fall asleep, so you got to really want this!
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    First of you need to go to bed.

    Then close your eyes and thing about a picture or a thing

    Look at that picture or thing in your mind

    Let your body relax till it falls asleep but make sure ur brain is still awake with making sure to always "look" or think at than picture or thing.

    When ur body is falling asleep your mind will start forming the picture/thing into a dream.

    Than you can be awake in your own dream and walk around

    Added to on Jun 23, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #809 - Other world sight (Dream spell)

    were you get to see,feel,taste things in sleep and seems real. Note: its not a powerful spell anyone can do it if they believe.
    You may need:

  • Nothing only belief
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    You may need:

  • Nothing only belief
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    All you need to do is look at the night sky threw window are whatever outside doesent madder were at. Look at the stars and make a peace sign lefting your arm up with eyes closed. as you chant. "Stars,Stars tonight grant me this wish upon the gods hell and heaven, to enter this new world threw sleep. Bring me the star dust threw the eyes. so mote it be."

    thats all you need to say and idk what world you will go to it depends on you and you only.

    Added to on Jun 21, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #810 - Travel To Another Realm

    You may need:

  • Mind
  • Protection Spell *If going to hell*
  • Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Mind
  • Protection Spell *If going to hell*
  • Concentration
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    Again, this is traveling in YOUR MIND. You will not physically go there.

    There are four places you can go. Some easier than others. The easiest are Heaven and Hell, or whatever afterlife you believe in. The hardest are what I like to call the Death Realm, where you can find lost spirits that don't fit in and have nowhere else to go. Possibly the hardest is the Animal Realm, where you can find the spirits of animals.

    Now, onto how to get to them. Before you go anywhere, make sure to read the warnings* below.

    The first step is to visualize a black void-like area, ♡meditating while doing this helps♡ there is a white light above you. This, is heaven. A red light below you, this is hell. A gray light to the left. This is the death realm. And lastly, a dark purple light to the right. As you can guess, this the animal realm. Look directly at the place you need to go. Start swimming, flying, gliding, or.. whatever feels natural to you to get there. Go into the light and you are free to explore whatever area you are in. When you need to leave, find the light and get back to the void-like area. You can open your eyes when you are back.


    Do NOT and I repeat NOT go anywhere until reading and accepting the warnings

    Heaven- If you have a pact with the devil, a demon, or practice a lot of black magic, multiple angelic creatures will try to block you from getting inside. Once past them, you should be safe. You can ask god or one of the angelic beings to bring a spirit to you as well, and have a conversation with the dead.

    Hell- If you practice a lot of white magic and have a very pure heart, the demons will try to keep you out. If the demons are strong enough, they can physically hurt you. This is why I heavily advise not going if you are very good. And, no matter what, you must use a protection spell every five minutes or demons may drag you down so far you can never leave.

    Death Realm- This is fairly simple, don't disrespect the spirits or beings there.

    Animal Realm- Do not tamper with dangerous animals.

    If you are having trouble getting anywhere or have questions/concerns feel free to contact me.


    Added to on Jun 21, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters