7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Basic Energy Focusing
- Voodoo Secret Revealing Spell
- Cut the red cord
- spell to make you hate something you love complete spell
- Animal love
- Luna schonen
- Kamehameha
- how to go super saiyan
- how to go super saiyan
- Bad Luck/Death
#891 - Basic Energy Focusing
close your eyes imagine your heart the color (your aura color) and imagine it flowing to a part of your body and you should feel tiingling (might not work)
#892 - Voodoo Secret Revealing Spell
-Place an offering for Papa Legba into the bag, some offerings for him are black coffee, rum, coconut, cigars, pipe tobacco, peanuts, pennies, small toys, candy, palm oil, Palm oil candles, chicken, sweet potatoes, peppers, sweets & breads.
-Write the person's name on the paper three times and place it inside the bag.
-Hang the bag in a tree where its not going to be disturbed.
*You could also write Papa Legba's Veve on the back side of the paper
#893 - Cut the red cord
The hardest thing is saying good bye to the good times in a romantic relationship. But sometimes it’s completely necessary. You must be sure that you are able to complete rid this toxic person from your life. Going back and forth will tie both of you up and leave both unable to move on.
1- sage the room or air around you. clear your mind. focus on what you want, and it might be hard. realize your place in the universe and humble yourself.
2- add the symbolic items to the shell or bowl. if they are flowers crush them. love letters or pictures can remain folded or flat depending on how big the burning area is.
3- spray items with perfume or cologne. openly voice what you desire. pray or vocalize to whatever deity you believe in. the point of casting a spell is to make it to your own beliefs. if you pray to aphrodite yet you don’t believe in her, nothing will work.
4- tie a single red thread to your wrists like handcuffs
5- light your items on fire. announce to the universe and spirit realm that you simply wish to cut the red cord of fate tying you to your s/o
6- as the fire dwindles down hold your wrists over the smoke (not over the flame) and pull apart quickly without hesitation, to break the thread.
And you’re done.
-if the fire won’t light, keep adding the perfume or cologne to the substances.
-do NOT breathe in the fumes
-as previously stated, if you are in danger please turn to someone you love and trust for emotional support and contact your local police or domestic abuse hotline for help.
magick can only do so much. it’s ok to get help.
blessed be
#894 - spell to make you hate something you love complete spell
1.trace cap on paper
2.cut out the circle
3.glue the circle on to cap
4.wright the ting you want to hate on the cap
5. say enchainment:
i wish to not like (thing you wont to hate). I wish for it not to be part of my life. remove (thing you want to hate) from me. I wish to hate (Thing you want to hate). so mote it be .
7. the bottle cap with the blade as your blade sinks into the cap say the enchantment again.
warning: does not work on living things, if it does not work you spelled it wrong, or you hesitated, or you dont realy want to.
#895 - Animal love
So let's say your friend has a cat that is so shy and you want to become friends with it. Here I will teach you how.
Read everything before you do this!!!
Before approaching the animal close your eyes and imagine you are that creature. Take deep breaths and step into a room with the animal. Do not look threatening and do NOT corner it. Sit down and close your eyes. The animal has to first get used to your presence. Staring at the animal is a sign of dominance. Lay one hand on each side of you and take deep breaths. Do that for five minutes.
Open your eyes and set a restful glare upon the animal. Do NOT stare into its eyes. Again that is a sign of dominance. If you want you can hum a joyful melody. Sometimes this can freak the animal out. So the decision is up to you.
Say in a loving voice:
"I have meant no harm. For I am here for comfort. Another protector and lover. You may not know me as you know your family but, soon we will. So mote it be..."
Now imagine being that animal again. Imagine it feeling a friendly connection with you and walking toward you confidently. If this doesn't work try again later or another day. Some animals are trickier than others.
Send me a private message if it worked or didn't work.
Last edited on Apr 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#896 - Luna schonen
Then chant ''stellar lunar very its vie'' seven times
Then sprinkle herbs around perimeter of the bowl.
Take the object you want to enchant and place it south of tube bowl then move it west and leave it
Then draw a waxing moon with sharpie or ink on a piece of white paper
Place the symbol west of the bowl
Then chant ''ikmaitus lee solanget see blues'' seven times
And now the object now channels power from a lunar and night spirits
#897 - Kamehameha
Now stand with your legs apart, bracing yourself, both hands on your left or right side like Goku
Next you need to begin channeling all of that focused energy into the palms of your hands, focus all of the energy from your core into you hands. It's okay to make noise on this stage, do whatever you need to do in order to channel your energy.
After all of your energy has been channeled into your palms you need to release it all at once in a massive controlled burst.
Be very careful, although it won't be as strong at first it's still a powerful energy burst, only use this under dire circumstances. You might not be able to do it at first because you don't feel threatened, you might only be able to activate your inner energy once you are in a serious situation in order to defend yourself/others.
Good luck, and remember to wear a diaper because you might poop yourself from too much focus.
#898 - how to go super saiyan
Look down at the ground, drop your arms, and begin to focus your rage. You're going to need to do a lot of teeth grinding. If you start unintentionally rage-grunting you're on the right track.
Breathe slowly while flexing every muscle you have. If this induces tidal shifts, lightning strikes, and FPS (floating pebble syndrom) proceed to step 4.
Are you still flexing? You'll know if you can see every vein in your body. Tilt your head back while still maintaining that rigid posture. You'll notice a hair color change, and your vision will seem odd. This will be the first glimpse at your Super Saiyan form...or perhaps an anyeurysm.
Pay no mind to the stunned spectators around you. They could attack but are usually too mesmerized by your awesomeness to get wise and attack your completely vulnerable state. Once you see the ground crack beneath your feet the fun begins!
Now that your veins are bulging to a point of breaking, yellow energy should begin to envelop your body. You won't see this as your eyes will be far back into your head at this point. Just wait ten seconds or however long you think it's appropriate for step 7.
Scream like a motherf*****.
Congratulations! You are now Super Saiyan! Side effects may include berating your son, kicking ass like you never thought possible, and destruction of planets. Good luck, and let me know the results!
#899 - how to go super saiyan
#900 - Bad Luck/Death
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.