7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Form Protection
- Summon the Sun
- Protection
- Become a Dog
- Spell to become a Werewolf
- Inner Fire
- Pheonix warmth spell
- Wish Dream
- Twisting their Sixth Sense
- Astral Realm Creation
#4701 - Form Protection
Sit down can be in a chair or floor. Anything really. Now memorizes the chant words.Then calmly put your all 10 fingers bowl of water. And chant calmly. Think only about your forms and how bad you want to protect them.
"Mighty god that is soul gracefully upon souls. Gift to me the shield of protect. I ask for your shield to gift upon me. Please grant protect of shield upon my forms from any harm so that they may be safe and secures from any harm that wishes to befall me"
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4702 - Summon the Sun
Look outside your window and imagine yourself in warm sunshine and say:
"God of sun hear my plea
I need you now to answer me
So mote it be
God of sun hear my plea
I need the sun
So give it to me
I need it now
i need it today
I need it in a powerful way
So mote it be"
Last edited on Mar 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4703 - Protection
I summon all protection, that i may be allowed, to energize this necklace and protect whomever wears it. (Wave hands over necklace as you chant, imagine your inner energies helping through your hands to summon protection from the divinities)
Repeat this chant over and over until you feel you have succeeded, do not give up, keep going.
Once you feel that the necklace has been enchanted for protection, sit in silence and reflect on this. Imagine how amazing total protection would feel. Believe it has worked and it shall.
Place the necklace around your neck, blow out candles. And be comforted by the protection.
#4704 - Become a Dog
"Fast,Clever and loyal I wish to be a dog. Not just any dog a -breed of dog-. I can be dog or human wheneverI wish,a long floppy tounge and lots of barks. I wish to be a dog so mote it be" Chant this ten times.
Side effects:
- Sharper teeth
- Sharper nails
- Eye color change
- Headache
- Stomach ache
- Hair growth
- Better sense of sight and smell
Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4705 - Spell to become a Werewolf
email me if it has worked for you! my email is hayleemitchell44@yahoo.com plz tell me if it worked for you cause some people keep saying in the commets that it is fake but i have not tried it!
#4706 - Inner Fire
Let me use my fire, the fire is my desire,
Bring me my buring light. Don't hurt my friends,
don't hurt me. Start a flame within me.
This is my will, so mote it be!
#4707 - Pheonix warmth spell
I summon the wings
Of the pheonix
To surround and warm me
Until i dismiss thee
#4708 - Wish Dream
#4709 - Twisting their Sixth Sense
Chant the following:
'Shadow spirits, come to me
Plague this person that I see
Watch them always, day and night
Don't release them from their plight
Make them feel your icy stare
Even if there's no one there'
This should be chanted at least 3 times.
NB: This spell will only last for about a week, so I have not included a reversal spell.
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4710 - Astral Realm Creation
After achieving Astral Projection and proper materialization on this level, you may go to a place of nothingness, or the Unmanifest. From here you will need to create an inward spiral upon yourself. Allow your consciousness to be taken in to the spiral, pulling you through an unseen Veil between realities.
Once spun through the Veil, you will be inside another similar blackness that is the Manifest. Before trying to see anything at this point, you must first, meditate on your realm or universe. Consider all of its being, leave no detail unthought, physics, astronomy, rotation, spin, and axis points of planets and moons, inhabitance of planets, geography,zoology, and everything.
Next you will need to focus that thought into a point in the Manifest. Once it is there just touch it and see it expand all around you. Now you will need to choose a planet you wish to Inhabit.
Once chosen, you may or may not wish to adjust the time frame of your Realm, for instance the corelation between our time and your Realms time, if you do consider how much time you want to pass while you are away, if it is a smaller amount, the time spent there will seem like it was only a moment when actually hours went by, you must have lots of time to dedicate to a Realm on such a low frequency.
On a higher frequency,the time spent there & away will seem like an eturnity within the Realm, when only a few seconds have passed in our time. You may also want to find a place that is in between the low and high frequencies that you are satisfied with.
Now you may begin focusing on the characteristics, & personalities of the beings, creatures that are inhabited there. As well as shaping the world around you, the weather and more.
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.