Get a wand or your hand and visualize a snowflake forming and then chant the incantation.
"Ancient gods and goddesses
I invoke thee,
Ice from the sky let it be,
I command thee now to thee all
Listen to my desire: snow fall
Bring it thick, bring it fast
Bring a snow day that will last."
gives good lucky this includes test contest, not getting in trouble. You'll find free food if hunger, you'd find fun stuff if you're bored, really this spell is great
how long the spells last is closely connected to how long and deeply you concentrate
this spell is powerful and but don't do anything to get in trouble on purpose
no jumping in front of cars
no picking fight
because you do that and this spell backfire and give you exactly what you are looking for because of your intent
lastly if you can bring divinity into it to stir the spell just in case you for get you cast it and do something crazy
You may need:
You may need:
think of lucky things stuff that are higly lucky to you and than imagine that green energy around you that holds these thing
see for as long as possible
after say harming none, never cursing me, breaking no will so may it be
This potion is to give the person who drinks it a short experience with precognition.
You may need:
2 bay leaves (crushed)
Herbal tea (any)
Rose petals
3 cups of water
You may need:
2 bay leaves (crushed)
Herbal tea (any)
Rose petals
3 cups of water
Bring 3 culs of water to a slight boil and add tea and herbs. Let this boil for about 3 minutes and strain. Add ice, sugar or honey if desired and drink.
A ninja star made from ki, used to cut your oppenent and then attack with otherki moves.
You may need:
1 Hand
An Enemy(or friend)
You may need:
1 Hand
An Enemy(or friend)
First ground yourself. Think of roots shooting dowm from your feet and draw in some ki. Now create 5-10 ki balls. Ok in your mind imagine your finger cutting the balls up into ninja stars. Then stack them in your non-dominent hand and then wither your dominent hand throw them.
When you are ready. Make sure the cauldron has boiling water. Put salt in the cauldron and stir. And put your jewelry in it. Make sure the jewelry hasn't been enchanted before.
After you put it into your cauldron say the enchanted words. And stir while doing this.
"Oh Mighty enchantment hear me! Make this jewelry my protector. When I put it on, a shield of salt is around me. Let its power's do the work."
Ground and center and while doing that think of positive energies entering your body as you breathe in and the negative energies leaving your body when you breathe out. While doing that say "in with the positive, out with the negative". Repeat spell if needed or repeat the words.
You feel so hurt that someone you cared for is gone. All of that pain inside can go away with this spell.
You may need:
Five red candles
Crushed cloves
Something of the persons.
You may need:
Five red candles
Crushed cloves
Something of the persons.
This will not take long to come into affect.
1. Light the candles one by one repeating the persons name.
2. Say,
''Pain of my leave me alone.
They have gone, no more can be done.
Keep away from me the pain.
Forever and ever,
So mote it be.''
3. Then spread the cloves around you in a circle. You should start to feel a little better.
This spell will temporarily stun and confuse any one.
You may need:
You may need:
Focus on who you are casting this on. Chant 1x: "Love and hate. Light and darkness. Help me out fighting this battle, l summon powers from the life beyond. Stun them, so mote it be".