7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- A Good Night's Rest
- Blessing a New Home
- Calming spell
- To Liberate Someone From Your Life
- To Liberate Someone From Your Life
- Tea Meditation
- Snow for the Day
- lucky me spell
- Precog Potion
- Breathing Smoke
#4931 - A Good Night's Rest
If you have lavender in a liquid form, dab a small amount of it on your pillow. If your lavender is in a solid form, place a small amount on the inside of your pillow so it is where you place your head.
Set some water on to boil for your chamomile tea. Do not use sugar, even if you are a sweet tooth!
Sit on your bed in cross-legged or criss-cross position (yes, these are different). Criss-cross is how one sits on a rug in kindergarten. Cross-legged is a formal yoga and meditation position, but since it is hard for some people, criss-cross is fine.
Breathe in and out, feeling the life flow in to as you breath in, and your muscles relax as you breath out. If you having any stress and/or nagging thoughts, imagine them as a black smoke that you breath out as you exhale, and imagine a white, glowing, healing smoke that you breath in. As the healing smoke fills your lungs, feel your lungs cleaning what is already pure, making the glow even brighter and warm as it flows through your veins.
Think of your self sitting on a large and comfortable tree stump in a warm and sunny woodland area. See the sunlight pour in through the leaves and needles, breathe in he scent of fresh young ferns and moist rich soil. Hear the song birds singing and flittering about in the trees.
Continue to sit in your warm woodland setting until the kettle goes off, in which you should then finish making your sugarless tea(the sugar will just keep you up). Inhale the warm white steam of the tea as you wait for it to cool down. Smell the chamomile, and even if the smell wears off on you eventually, it will still be calming you down.
Drink your tea placidly, meditating along the way. Now you've finished your tea and gone to bed, as your lying there, breathe in and out healing yourself with your breath.
Feel each muscle individually relaxing, slowly until you are completely relaxed and you feel as if you cannot move, nor want to. Imagine your self on an empty beach, it is dusk out and comfortably warm. You are lying in the sand, you can feel each grain shift to fit your resting form perfectly. you are near the edge of the shore and you can feel the soft, clear, and warm water flowing back and forth over your feet and calves.
If you find this setting unpleasing, you can change it to whatever you want, remember to enjoy in detail and feel at peace with yourself.
Last edited on Feb 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4932 - Blessing a New Home
Chant this but standing. Here in the first line, it's written touch the wall, but don't really touch it! The spell it self will touch it.
"Touch the lintel and touch the wall,
Nothing but blessings here befall!
Bless the candle that stands by itself,
Bless the book on the mantle shelf,
Bless the pillow for the tired head,
Bless the hearth and the light shed.
Friends who tarry here, let them know
A three fold blessing before they go.
Sleep for weariness - peace for sorrow
Faith in yesterday and tomorrow.
Friends who go from here, let them bear
The blessing of hope, wherever they fare.
Lintel and windows, sill and wall,
Nothing but good, this place befall."
Last edited on Feb 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4933 - Calming spell
To get rid of Stress
''Bide the Wiccan law of three,
If you don't then Cursed you'll be,
Spirits of my Ancestors come,
Give me your protection, Some,
Interfere in my life,
And Keep me free from Stress and Strife
So mote it be''
#4934 - To Liberate Someone From Your Life
Remnants linger from our past
Now you are such: part of my past.
Don't call, don't text, don't ask for me.
Just simply go and leave me be.
Out of mind, out of the way
Out of my life forever stay.
Return here nevermore
To my path, my conscience nor.
We part our ways and carry on
Then soon I'll understand you're gone.
I wish you well on your journey
But now I bid adieu to thee.
With harm to none
So mote it be.
One you've said the spell, throw the paper into the fire and watch it burn. As it burns, take a deep breath in, and exhale it out. Know that you are free of this individual from now on.
#4935 - To Liberate Someone From Your Life
Remnants linger from our past
Now you are such: part of my past.
Don't call, don't text, don't ask for me.
Just simply go and leave me be.
Out of mind, out of the way
Out of my life forever stay.
Return here nevermore
To my path, my conscience nor.
We part our ways and carry on
Then soon I'll understand you're gone.
I wish you well on your journey
But now I bid adieu to thee.
With harm to none
So mote it be.
One you've said the spell, throw the paper into the fire and watch it burn. As it burns, take a deep breath in, and exhale it out. Know that you are free of this individual from now on.
#4936 - Tea Meditation
Place tea in front of you (sit on blanket).
Breath in and out while imagining the energy flowing in the tea do this till you feel relaxed.
Now imagine all your energy flowing into the bowl.
Then imagine all the pain and suffering leave the energy in the tea.
Drink tea.
Now you have rid the bad things in you and left only the good. Leaving no room for other thought in your head helping you conentrate with the spell you are doing at hand.
Last edited on Jan 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4937 - Snow for the Day
Get a wand or your hand and visualize a snowflake forming and then chant the incantation.
"Ancient gods and goddesses
I invoke thee,
Ice from the sky let it be,
I command thee now to thee all
Listen to my desire: snow fall
Bring it thick, bring it fast
Bring a snow day that will last."
Last edited on Nov 23, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4938 - lucky me spell
how long the spells last is closely connected to how long and deeply you concentrate
this spell is powerful and but don't do anything to get in trouble on purpose
no jumping in front of cars
no picking fight
because you do that and this spell backfire and give you exactly what you are looking for because of your intent
lastly if you can bring divinity into it to stir the spell just in case you for get you cast it and do something crazy
see for as long as possible
after say harming none, never cursing me, breaking no will so may it be
#4939 - Precog Potion
Bring 3 culs of water to a slight boil and add tea and herbs. Let this boil for about 3 minutes and strain. Add ice, sugar or honey if desired and drink.
Last edited on Feb 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4940 - Breathing Smoke
Take a deep breath and hold it in your mouth. Cup your hands around your mouth and squeeze. Then open mouth and watch smoke come out.
Last edited on Feb 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.