7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Vampire Transformation Spell
- Animal protection spell
- Make Your Love Interest Dream of You
- Water signs
- Remove a Curse
- Call forth Dark Energy
- To break The Curse Of Bleeding Bones
- Omnipotence Spell
- Half blood spell
- Happiness Chant
#491 - Vampire Transformation Spell
- Gather your ingredients and get to your quiet safe space.
- Make sure all the lights are off and there are no electronics illuminating the room.
- Get down and sit in an open area on the floor, placing the bowl in front of you and one black candle on each side of the bowl, then place the bleeding or red candle directly between you and the bowl.
- Take the single match and strike it. Use the one match to light all three candles. If it burns out before you can successfully light the candles, you must restart the spell and try again another night.
- Once all three candles are lit, prick or cut your left index finger with the needle or knife. Start dripping the blood into the bowl. Allow three drops of blood, no more no less, to fall into the bowl.
- Chant the following twice, confidently and respectfully: "Mater nocte Et invoca me in utero meo. Volo ut cute pallida luna acuta quasi aspectus dentes oculos torret sitis. Ut mihi, mater. Me puer tuus. Benedic viribus infans nocturna."
- While chanting, take the red candle and let it drip wax into the bowl and mix with your blood. Do this until the chant is done.
- At this step, once you are done chanting and dripping the wax, take the burnt out match stick and dip it into the blood and wax mixture. Make sure some sticks to the match.
- Place the match in a safe place and blow out all the candles. Wash the bowl.
The spell must be performed on a new moon and the chant MUST be said in Latin as it is written. Do NOT continue the spell if the match burns out before all of the candles are lit, OR if you drop more or less than three drops of blood into the bowl. The spell takes about 5-7 days to take affect if performed correctly and Selene deems you worthy. You MUST NOT be interrupted in any manner while performing this spell.
side effects of this spell working include:
- severe headaches
- tooth aches
- sensitivity to natural light such as the sun or fire
- tiredness during the day
- uncontrollable hunger pains
#492 - Animal protection spell
You can buy a feather from a shop or you can pick one up when walking. Try to make sure it's white or maybe even black. White is often symbolic to Angels are near by, while black is often symbolic that they are protecting you, so it would be a nice little throw back. If you don't believe in them. Then that's cool, white still symbolic protection along with black feathers. Either way make sure to cleanse this feather before you go on with the spell. This will will ensure that any unwanted energy is gone. Cleanse the White feather in salt or your prefer cleansing method. If this is done in salt leave the feather for three ours and then remove the feather.
Close your eyes and place this feather over your heart. Try to picture love for your animals and protection, this way the feather will absorb that energy. Use the string you have wrapped around the tip of the feather and go towards a gate. Try to make sure this is either a front gate or a gate that your animals walk by. If you have hens or a bird, then wrap the other end of the string in front of that gate or cage. Think of this as a shield for your animals against negative energy. You can say the following spell as many times you wish, but personally say it three times.
Note/ please also remember this spell is only to be worked with against negative energy. This will not stop animals from eating anything that is either bad for themselves or harmful in anyway. If your animals had touch something they shouldn't and could be possible life threatening. This is the same for serious injuries and sickness. Take that animal to your local vet.
My animals are protected,
The animals of this land are protected
These animals are safe from anything negative
Or any ill attention.
No hexes or curses will harm my animals
If anyone wishes to harm them
Then the cruse will be sent back to the person responsible.
My animals are protected
My animals are safe,
Thank you Mother Earth
And father sky.
Last edited on Dec 05, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#493 - Make Your Love Interest Dream of You
1. Cast this spell right before you go to sleep.
2. Light up the candle, place it on the surface in front of you, and hold your palms around the candle at a safe distance. Close your eyes and feel the warmth of your passion fill your body. When your chest heats up, visualize the dream you want your love interest to see you in.
3. Chant the following:
O [person's name], may what you see
In your sweetest dreams be me.
Want me, crave me every night.
Feeling this you cannot fight.
Think of me, dream only me.
It's my will, so mote it be.
4. If you're of legal drinking age and don't have any conflicting conditions, drink the red wine and feel it fill you with warmth and power. Feel the power flow from you to your love interest, wrapping them up in your passion.
5. To help this spell manifest, you may want to text your love interest a short goodnight message right after the casting.
Last edited on Apr 03, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#494 - Water signs
When you fell scared and you go to get in a bath form a chi ball then put your intentions in to the water then you will make a water cloak
Last edited on Dec 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#495 - Remove a Curse
How to use the spell:
Get in a bath and and put the sage in the water, then hold the gemstone and imagine the energy of the gem coursing trough your body, while doing this speak the following incantation:
"Et maledixi alieni inveterati sunt, et ejus navitas vt purificentur, transire per virtutem data est mihi a natura quam ego nunc praecipiam ut sit ait ista maledictio meus de via, et nunc, et veterascet et abierunt."
Last edited on Nov 23, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#496 - Call forth Dark Energy
Spell to call forth pure dark energy.
English version: dark energy of the endless void, lend me your power and empower my magic and body for three days, and then to the void they shall return return.
Latin version (the real Incantation) Tenebris navitas in potentiam tuam sine fine vacui praebueris, ditans guttura corpus meum, et in tres dies et magica, inanis est et vos revertetur.
You can use the dark energy to empower your rituals, or as a source of energy for dark magic.
Last edited on May 24, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#497 - To break The Curse Of Bleeding Bones
Spell to break / reverse the (blood) Curse of Bleeding Bones.
Hold your personal item and chant the following 3 or more times:
"Ossibus cruentis convertero meae devotioni frangi volo et non vis huius reddi."
You can also do this while in a bath with cleansing salts / herbs like Sage.
Good luck and blessed be.
Last edited on Nov 21, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#498 - Omnipotence Spell
- Take the cross Necklace and put it around your neck.
- Hold the cross part in your hand and say this: "I call upon the God Jehovah and the rest of the Trinity to make me an Omnipotent being; with every power and ability and to make me a physical God. Please make this me instantly so mote it be."
Last edited on Nov 15, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#499 - Half blood spell
Grab the item you chose for your Godly parent in your hand and say this "I call upon the God ( insert gods name here) to make me a Half blood son/daughter of ( insert Gods name here) I shall have a Demigod scent that Attracts monsters and have some of your Powers and Abilities and have a special Magic weapon disguised as a normal thing mortals use every day it shall be in the disguise of my ( insert item you want your half blood weapon to be disguised as here) and shall be made Indestructible by hephaestus and when I do a certain thing with it which shall be ( gesture u want to have it take its weapon form) it shall take its weapon form instantly and its weapon form shall be (insert weapon form of your special item here) and we can turn our Demigod scent on and off at will our Demigod Abilities shall be the same as our godly parents but will vary depending on the offspring but will also overall be the same Powers and we will all have the ability to be Fluent in whatever language is native to the culture of our godly parents and we can read and write fluently to and have Quick natural battle reflexes and a overall great physical Condition we have the fighting prowess and genetic and personality traits of our godly parents i will look like a spitting image of my godly parent and I will get all of this instantly so mote it be."
Last edited on Nov 12, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#500 - Happiness Chant
Just chant (if you are using a crystal hold in hands)
"I shall be happy til eternity no one shall bring me down i am happy til eternity yes you cant bring me down."
Last edited on Nov 12, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.