7163 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Summoning a Succubus 1
- Summoning Jinn
- Power Spell
- Forever Binding
- Healing and Protection
- Dream of your Lover
- Summon an Incubus
- Protection Charm
- Dream a dream
- Connect Thoughts
#4991 - Summoning a Succubus 1
Be in a quiet and dark room by yourself. Relax your body and quite your thoughts for 10 minutes and then light your candle and burn both incense sticks. Relax your body and quiet your thoughts for another 5 minutes.
Write on the paper using black ink pen "O Great Lilith hear my call I beg of you to send your Daughter to me"
Burn the paper (make sure you DON'T burn your room and rest of the house). Blow out the candle (if you wish I recommend that you do) and do this everynight for 10 nights without missing 1 night.
Last edited on Jan 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4992 - Summoning Jinn
Find a quiet room where you can do your spells and ritual, burn 4 incense sticks, leave the room and return after the 4 incense sticks has burned out. In the room and place your candles in a straight line on the floor, 6 inches from one another, in the order: white, red, black (white to your left and black to your right and don't light it).
Burn 2 incense sticks then rub Flying Tonic oil all over your body except your face and head. Sit in the quiet room in the dark, relax your body and quiet your thoughts. After your body and mind have been stilled: Keep your body relaxed and your thoughts quiet for 20 minutes.
After the 20 minutes Say: "In the of my lord God I will the gate of the spirit world to reveal itself onto me, In the of my lord God I will the gate of hell to reveal itself onto, In the of my lord God I will the gate of the jinn world to reveal itself onto me".
Say: "In the of my lord God I will the gate of the spirit world to reveal itself onto me, In the of my lord God I will the gate of hell to reveal itself onto, In the of my lord God I will the gate of the jinn world to reveal itself onto me".
Now light your white candle after lighting Say: "In the of my lord God I order the gate of the spirit world to reveal itself onto me, In the of my lord God I order the gate of hell to reveal itself onto, In the of my lord God I order the gate of the jinn world to reveal itself onto me".
Say: "In the of my lord God I order the gate of the spirit world to reveal itself onto me, In the of my lord God I order the gate of hell to reveal itself onto, In the of my lord God I order the gate of the jinn world to reveal itself onto me".
Now light the black candle after lighting Say: "In the of my lord God I have command it to open the gateway to the spirit world so let it be, In the of my lord God I have command it to open the gateway to hell so let it be, In the of my lord God I have command it to open the gateway to the jinn world so let it be".
Say: "In the of my lord God I have command it to open the gateway to the spirit world so let it be, In the of my lord God I have command it to open the gateway to hell so let it be, In the of my lord God I have command it to open the gateway to the jinn world so let it be".
Now light the red candle and wait for 5 minutes, keeping your body relaxed. After 5 minutes, write with the lipstick on the mirrior "God and His forbidden demonic secrets". After writing that wait for 1 minute then remove the lipstick writings from the mirror using the tea towel. Once it's removed, pick your jinnis sex it can be Muschnahe (male) or Vamirshe (female).
Burn the last 2 incense sticks than write the following on the mirrior:
- Line 1: I summon The Fire of Al-Iblis
- Line 2: O Muschnahe or O Vamirshe (write one not both)
- Line 3: Come to me
- Line 4: Accept me as your master
- Line 5: In return I give 25% of my soul.
Place the item you wish the Jinn to become bounded with near the red candle and wait for 5 minutes. Say: "In the of my lord God I command the gateway to the spirit world to be closed, In the of my lord God I command the gateway to hell to be closed, In the of my lord God I command the gateway to the jinn world to be closed" then blow out red candle.
Slowly get up and leave the room and don't on the light and don't enter that room until sun has risen high in the sky like after 12pm, try going to sleep. Note: Go into that room after sun has risen clean the room up and as for the item you wished the Jinn to become bounded take that item and keep it in a safe place, keep it harm, offer food, love it the item and the jinn in the item, respect it also, talk with your jinn, your jinn will not talk with you at first but it's there.
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4993 - Power Spell
#4994 - Forever Binding
Put the candle on a plate or other flat surface. Place a circle of sea salt around the lit candle. Bless the candle, asking to be used for protection and safety.
Say: "This flame represents a meaning to an end, by my will so mote it be". Take the piece of rope and say, "This rope represents (person) and with this rope I bind them"
Tie the rope in a knot and burn each end saying "I bind you (whomever) from doing harm, harm on to others and harm onto yourself. Now burn the other end and repeat.
Once this is done place in a small box and pour a circle of see salt around the rope inside the box, then close the box (with rope and salt inside and say) "this ox represents a means to an end, I bind you (whomever) by my will, so mote it be.
Last edited on Feb 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4995 - Healing and Protection
Dragon goddess hear my plea, and by choice help me, (name) need both protection and health, may you send one of your Guardians, and in return i shall give you my loyalty to you. So may it be.
#4996 - Dream of your Lover
Right your lover's name on paper. Fold the paper and put in the bag with the lavender herb. Hold the bag and chant:
"Sucellos, God of love and time,
Bring this boy/girl
In my dream, no harm done,
Just this loving illusion my
Eyes. So mote it be"
Place bag under pillow. Go to bed.
Last edited on Jan 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4997 - Summon an Incubus
At night close your door in a secure room. Then start to masterbate. When you're about to have an orgasm turn it into sexual spritual energy and say: "Oh Lilith, send your slave under me so I can relax the sexual tension, please".
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#4998 - Protection Charm
2. Concentrate on the piece of jewelry or item, while at the same time taking in all the details of your body.
3. Imagine the piece of jewelry or item glowing any bright color. I imagined a sort of pinkish-red.
4. While keeping the jewelry glowing, say this: ''I plea upon the angels, the guardian angels, to protect me from magickal, physical, or emotional harm. I have nothing to offer for this, except my complete faith until the very end. Amen.''
5. Imagine the glow growing into another color, I imagined a light blue, and growing to cover your whole body in any way. It need not be a circle, it can be any way. You can have it a sphere, or just the shape of your body, anything, really.
6. Now let the glow fade away until all you see is your body.
7. You may not feel any different, but you can know that if you have done the right things, and are worthy of their protection, the angels will look over you.
#4999 - Dream a dream
If you are a boy: put all five red candles to form a pentagram put the pink in middle and say: "I give you the power to dream to only dream of me". Now girls do the same except form a pentagram with pink candles and the red one in the middle.
Last edited on Jan 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5000 - Connect Thoughts
While holding hands, on the floor with your legs crossed, chant this 2 times
"Soul to soul,
Heart to heart
Connect our minds,
Don't break them apart,
Bond our thoughts,
Keep them together
Until we break our friendship forever"
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.