7154 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Centring Spell
- Banishing spell
- Of Me You Will Think
- Dragon Protection
- Will of Fire
- Protect Ones Self from Stalkers
- Future
- Angelic Spirit Guides
- Earth Energy Linking
- Pixie's Appearence
#5181 - Centring Spell
Sit in the middle of the circle and imagine pulling yourself together to once place in your body (head works best for most people) and stay like that until you feel ready.
Then stand and say I call myself to come, I command it. I take control over myself.
Blow out candles anti clockwise, starting at spirit and thank each element.
Feel free to change wording and message me if you have any questions.
#5182 - Banishing spell
Invocation for spirit Spirit, I welcome you to this circle and ask that you pull negative influences from me.
Invocation for earth Earth I welcome you to this circle and ask that you take bad energy from me.
Invocation for fire Fire I welcome you to this circle and ask that you burn away my curse.
Invocation for water Water I welcome you to this circle and ask that you cleanse and purify me.
Invocation for air Air I welcome you to this circle and ask that you blow my curse from me.
This done you should go to the middle of the circle, pick up the bowl of water and say With this water I embody my curse, as it flows from the bowl so shall my curse flow from me. This is my will, so mote it be. Pour the water onto the ground.
Close the circle by blowing out the candles starting from the air candle and going clockwise so the order should go, air, water, fire, earth, spirit. Before you blow each candle out you must thank the element. (i.e. thank you air).
Feel free to change the wording and message me if you have any questions.
#5183 - Of Me You Will Think
Make or buy a red poppet, sew it up leaving the head unsewed. Turn it inside out so the stiching is on the inside. Fill the doll with stuffing. Add the herbs in with the stuffing. Then put the picture inside the doll's head and sew the head closed. Take the ribbon and tie it in a bow. If you are casting on a boy, sew the bow like a bowtie on the front of the doll. If you are casting on a girl, sew the ribbon on like a hair bow.
Now that you have your Poppet, tell it, it's name (the name of your love),and tell it that you wish to contact the one you care for. Hold it close to your heart and tell it how much you love them.
Carry the poppet with you until your love returns your affection.
Last edited on Jan 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5184 - Dragon Protection
Light the candle with the match.Write this on the paper: "Raging and Graceful, oh thee dragon protect this item from anything that may harm it." Then place the special item on top of the paper and say the exact words again as much as it feels right to you.Then take off the item and put it in a box or something like that.
Then take the paper and slowly,slowly! Burn the paper up saying the chant again 5 times.Then it should never get lost or something.
Last edited on Jan 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5185 - Will of Fire
Chant: "Will of fire, burn so bright. Give me flaming strength tonight".
Last edited on Jan 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5186 - Protect Ones Self from Stalkers
Chant this spell while holding an opal in one hand and a smoky quartz crystal in the other:
"Knowledge and reverence gained,
So my piece of mind I can reclaim.
Goddess be cloak me with your charm
From all who wish to do me so much harm".
Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5187 - Future
"Let me see into the future
I need to know what happens to me"
Say this chant as many times as needed.
Last edited on Jan 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5188 - Angelic Spirit Guides
Open your path for good spirits and sage your area and cleans your Magick circle.
Use will power and focus on allowing your spirit guides to come into your life and accepting only good spirits so that they will guide you in the right pathway.
Sit quietly in the Circle and imagine bright light surrounding you now picture wings covering you with comfort.
Last edited on Jan 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5189 - Earth Energy Linking
Find your earthly object and ask it whether or not it is ok to tap into its energy, use your intuition to hear the objects response (this may take meditation). Draw your mark somewhere on your body (suggested where no-one will see it). Carve or draw the same mark onto your earthly object
Meditate; visualizing the connection between yourself and the object growing stronger, see and feel its energy empower you. Visualize the symbol on both of you, glowing a bright green light, and chant:
"I call upon the earthly powers, connect us now and in all hours, I draw my energy from this mighty (earthly object here) and connected we shall forever be!"
Chant until you feel the connection is done. You have now connected to the life force of the object, however, this does not allow you live until your earthly object dies, you are just borrowing/sharing the energy its emitting. Be warned, the connection will be break and you will no longer have the power that the object possesses if it dies, gets chopped down, poisoned etc. you must tend to your object and keep it safe from harm. If you are feeling drained for any reason, just go and meditate by your earthly object for a while, focusing on your connection.
Last edited on Jan 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5190 - Pixie's Appearence
Go somewhere like your backyards or the woods. Sit quietly in your chosen area at noon or early morning. It is said that pixies come out when humans are at ease.
Hold your flute then whistle a nature tune. If you don't have a flute try to whistle like one. They are drawn to these sounds. Wait patiently.
Last edited on Jan 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.