This Spell Will Have The Person Of Choice Ask The Other Person Out, And Start A Happy, Beautiful, Long Lasting Realtionship.!! (Can Be Used On Yourself To)
You may need:
.4 red candles
.1 yellow candle
.1 white candle
.2 oarange candles
.1 pink candle
.Pink or red rose petals.. (Or any kind of petals)
You may need:
.4 red candles
.1 yellow candle
.1 white candle
.2 oarange candles
.1 pink candle
.Pink or red rose petals.. (Or any kind of petals)
Put The Red Candles In A Circle Or Any Shape You Want. Then, Take the 2 oarange Candles and Put One Behind One Of The Red Candles. Then Take The Other Oarange One, And Put It Behind Another One Of The Red Candles. Take The White Candle And Put It Any wear You Would Like To Put It, Put the Yellow Candle Behind It Or Beside It. Put The Pink candles In The Center Of The Circle Or Whatever Shape You Made Then, Put The Petals All Around The Pink Candle. Light The Candles, Focas On The Person Asking The Person Out And Staying Togetther Happily For A Verry Long Time.( Wisper the names f The People in your head or outloud 3-5 times Then Chant, ''She Wants Him, And He Wants Her, So Why Wait? Take Her By The Hand, Ask Her Out, Love Her. And Start A Long Lasting Happy Realationship. No Harm Done, Mote It Be'' Then Blow Out The Candles!!! :) Hope It Works For You, It Worked For Me Trying To Get My Two Freinds Togetther!
So first get to what the popet calls phase c. Then do the part where you mentally get that thing that makes you tingly that puts you in a vibrational state. Then go to sleep. If the next morning you found it good , then it worked if you didn't well then it failed good luck.
A spell to keep your journeys smooth and free of mishap.
You may need:
A root of Ginger
3 yellow ribbons
A small wooden box
You may need:
A root of Ginger
3 yellow ribbons
A small wooden box
When obtaining the ginger try to secure a human shaped root. This is not as difficult as it sounds- gingerroot comes in the most amazing forms If this is not possible, fasion a body out of the ginger with a sharp knife. Decorate the figure with the yellow ribbons by tying them around it, but you may not tie one arround its neck. As you tie each ribbon kiss the knot, for positive luck. Then chant, ''In all the journeys of my life, protect and keep me safe from future strife.'' Place the figure in the wooden box, seal the lid, and keep it in a safe dry place. Make contact with it before every journey and repeat ever 6 months. -smokey2022
Mix the ingredients in a small bowl ans sprinkle it around the house/room creating a barrier from your room/house from impurities
chant these words while spreading the stuff;
I cleanse this house from impurities,
I cleanse this house from evil....'
repeat until it runs out.
this magic requires you to actually believe in the magic, or else it wont work.
Are you a spellcaster/witch/ whatever and you find yourself using too much energy? This spell can help you store extra energy for some big spells.
You may need:
A vessel to keep energy in
Time where you don't need energy for spells
You may need:
A vessel to keep energy in
Time where you don't need energy for spells
First, get the energy. It can be from anywhere, anything, because everything has energy. Next, pull this energy out of the thing your getting energy from, and imagine the energy traveling into this vessel somehow. Everything can store energy, it all depends how much. I'd prefer a crystal, but anything will work. So, that's it. I hope this spell is usefull, because it is my first one. Ps, inanimate objects cannot make more energy then they already have. Living things may restore energy, but at a slow pace.
Take two chairs, and sit them facing one another. Choose the more comfortable of the two chairs, and sit down in it. Calm yourself, and begin to visualize your pain in the other chair. Visualize it in vivid, excruciating detail, spend some time on this--at least 10-15 minutes. When you have finished with your visualization, it is ok to get up.. You should begin to feel your pain dissipate. After 2 or 3 hours, it is ok to move the chairs, your pain should be completely gone.
This is a simple spell that has been around forever. (dated before 300 .A.D.)
You may need:
Parchment or Paper
Pen or pencil
You may need:
Parchment or Paper
Pen or pencil
Write this on a piece of parchment and put it around the neck of an individual who is sick or has a fever. The fever will then disappear just as the word does.