7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Triple Circle Casting
- Summoning a Dark fairy
- Wind
- Love Binding
- Wrath of the Dragon God
- Dragon Creation from egg to end
- Call a Ghost
- Binding Spell
- Summon Anything You Want
- Chant for Making Spells
#5481 - Triple Circle Casting
(Recite as you walk the first time around the circle)
''In this place, this circle round
I consecrate the sacred ground
with golden light this space surround
all power here contained and bound''
(Recite as you walk the second time around the circle)
''From earth, the things that manifest
from air, the things of mind
from fire, the things that motivate
from water, the souls refined''
(Recite as you walk the third time around the circle)
''And yet no place or time there be
between the worlds, my word, and me
welcome, Ancient Ones and see
this place is sealed, so mote it be!''
End back at the North Quarter. It is good to take your tool and point it upward and say, ''As Above'', then point it to the ground and say, ''So Below''. Then visualize the circle as sealed and feel the energy protecting you.
This spell is originally written by ''Lady MorningStar''. I did not write this, for it belongs to her.
#5482 - Summoning a Dark fairy
Step 1: get the three similar glass cups and put water in them. Make sure all three glasses are equal with amount of water.
Step 2: get a silver or glass bowl and put it on a flat surface. Fill up the bowl halfway with water. Next put the egg in the bowl. Make the egg is in good shape.
Step 3: get the dead rose and crush the petals into the bowl.
Step 4: when finished crushing the rose petals into the bowl, set the three glass cups into a triangle.
Step 5: put one crystal of your choice in each cup and keep the fourth crystal for energy.
Step 6: pour the sugar around the egg
Close your eye and chant:
I call upon you dark fairy
Come sing of the darkness
Come and assist me on my quest
until my goal is done
And when the song is sung.
Then crack the egg.
#5483 - Wind
First you need to be in a wide open area near trees.Then stand up in the middle and concentrate on the tree in front of you.Think of power gust of winds and think mostly of air. Place 2 white candels and light them.
Relax and meditate on air. As you focus, you will see the candles go out. This means it works.
Last edited on Nov 21, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5484 - Love Binding
Write your full name on the top half of your paper. Write your lover's full name on the bottom half. Rip the paper so each name is on one piece. Spray them with your favorite perfume and put them at the bottom of a bowl filled with cold spring water. Light a pink candle. Pour salt into the bowl (as much as desired).
Pour sugar into the bowl. (the more you put in the sweeter your lover will become) Put a few drops of your own blood into the mixture. Take your pink candle and pour some of the wax into the mixture. Stir while chanting the following 5 times:
"Something salty, something sweet, this candle burns with roaring heat. As it burns so doth our love. I seal this spell with drops of blood. And as I stir this mix together, may our souls be bound like leather. If our love was meant to be, may he come back-- so mote it be"
Stare into the candle for 15 minutes with only thoughts of you and your lover being together happily. Repeat the chant one last time.
Last edited on Jul 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5485 - Wrath of the Dragon God
While focusing on your Ki Chant: "Omasimigo-Ryu-flamea-ra!" followed after by a roar.
Last edited on Nov 21, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5486 - Dragon Creation from egg to end
.Draw what your dragon will look like.
.Color your dragon according to it?s element or just color your dragon then find out its element by its color.
.Draw you next to your dragon. The dragon will be that much taller/ smaller than you.
.Right down your height next to you.
.Color yourself (optional)
.Make lines to the top of your body according to your height. (example: five feet. Draw five equal lines.)
.Now continue to make your dragon?s height. The top of the dragon?s shoulders are its height. Not the head.
.Underline the heights of you and your dragon.
.Fold paper hamburger style. So you can?t see your drawing. Fold it only once
.Now write its info with a pencil on either side. (Name, Scale color, wings, tail, Accessories, strength, behavior, abilities, element, dragon breed, eyes, what it eats, etc.)
.Fold paper hamburger style again so you can?t see the words.
.Now write this and say it as you write it allowed: (it?s element) dragon of mine, come to me, by egg of (its element again). I summon the newborn mythical creature. So mote it be. (?So mote it be? should be written as big as you can.)
.Now fold it hamburger style so you can?t see the words.
.Make a pentagram on one side.
.Fold it once more.
.Now every night, before you sleep, chant: God/ Goddesses, grant my dream dragon in the real world from egg to end
.Kiss the paper after you chanted and put it under your pillow.
.As you fall asleep, dream of you and your dragon coming together.
If you stop in the middle, just simply read what you have. You need actual belief in dragons or else you will not get an egg.
type of eggs:
Water= sitting in the pool (if you have one)/blue egg
Earth=rock egg
Fire= flaming egg/ red egg
Air/Wind= maybe invisible and strong wind comes/ white egg
Snow= comes in winter time/white-blue coloring
Metal= metal egg
Silver= silver egg
Copper= copper egg
Nature= colorful (I?m not sure)
There are more egg types but I don?t have them in mind now. So, if you have any other sort of element, please message me.
Let me know if the spell works. I'm currently using this spell. Also, it's best to make your dragon's main abilities to be able to phase through your dragon (if not wanted to be touched), invisibility, and telepathy. Also, don't make your dragon invincible. The spell won't work if you do that. This spell is meant to be good and not bad. Once you find the dragon egg, keep in eye on it. Hopefully, your egg will hatch within a week or so. Now I involved some things that I thought will work cause they seem to be in a lot of places on the site. Your dragon egg should be in your back yard. If you don't have a back yard, then it should appear in your room or on the balcony. I'll edit this if I find out it works. Let me know if you guys get an egg. I will make an instruction on what to do once you get an egg. Once one person messages me, I'll set up an instruction on how to care for the dragon. You are only allowed to get one dragon. I'll also tell you what you dragon is if it has more than one element. Like mine, hopefully, will be a Silverwind breed. That's Silver and Wind dragon. I will be naming your breed. If you have anymore questions, message me.
#5487 - Call a Ghost
Decide who you want to call to you. It must be dark when doing so. Put the yolk on the table and concentrate. The room should be of suitable temperature so it doesn't distract you. When you feel ready, call the ghost by name. If you have an assistant (like a pretty girl), have them call as well.
After a few minutes, you will be able to feel a presence. If you are strong, you may see the ghost as well. If not,you just can feel the presence, but you can still talk to him/her. Ask him/her to use your body, and you will somehow understand, sometimes with your own voice.
Last edited on Aug 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5488 - Binding Spell
Take the second piece of paper and roll it around another as you did the first and when you begin to tie the string chant ''As the world has heard my despair, no longer will harm from you be near, so mote it be.''
Finally take the third piece of paper and roll it around a branch, when you tie the string to this one chant ''And now three by three, your harmful ways will no longer be, by light of day and dark of night you will no longer carry on to fight, as I will, So mote it be.''
After this has been done you should bury the sticks or better yet burn them. If neither options are available then you may have to throw them in the bin where they will be taken away.
#5489 - Summon Anything You Want
The animals can speak in any language. They have minds of their own so they can think like a human can. Respect them, they are there for company and protection. I am guessing that company and protection is why you summoned the animal you summoned.
Warning: Perform a protection spell before this because if it is a danerous animal you are summoning like a tiger, then you might get hurt by the animal. If it is harmless like a fairy, then you probably don't need to perform a protection spell.
#5490 - Chant for Making Spells
Put your hand (any hand but only 1 hand) over your spell and chant three times, "This is my spell and I shall use it".
Last edited on Nov 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.