7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Photogenic Love
- Fiendfyre
- Better Singing
- Become a Demigod.
- Rumor Eraser Chant
- Very Powerful Blood Curse
- Safe Ending To A Spell
- Protector Candle
- Poppet Banishing Spell
- Gods and Goddess Plea
#5511 - Photogenic Love
The ritual should be done to the growing moon. Light a white or red candle. Take a picture of who you want to enchant. On the back of the photograph write a column:
- Your name
- Below, draw a cross (a plus sign)
- His (her) name
- Move the line
- Draw a heart
- Draw all the cross
- Write "Amen"
Keep the photo of the side facing you, the person (a picture) of yourself. Starting from the bottom left corner, clockwise sew the edge of the large pictures of woolen thread stitches. The thread should not be black. It is better to use a white or red, respectively, the color of the candles. End of the thread, leave hanging, about 10 cm long penultimate stitch do, where was the first, the needle comes out of you on the front side, then the last stitch on the front side back to you.
Cut the string so that both ends are the same length, and appeared on one side - the one where the names are written. Tie them firmly on the three nodes. The ends of the thread is not cut and leave them hanging. Host seal, that is, crisscross the left hand or drip wax from a candle and say: "So be it".
Stitched photo store at home (can be wrapped in white paper with no records, clean), and in no case be that someone saw it, especially one who is depicted on it.
Last edited on Nov 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5512 - Fiendfyre
To cast this spell you must be a very powerful wizard or witch. To cast it say f"iendfyre". Its a fire spell.
Last edited on Nov 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5513 - Better Singing
I am not a very good at singing, So I ask the goddess of singing to grant me the power to have the best singing voice ever! This is my will, So mote it be !!
#5514 - Become a Demigod.
I wish to no longer be human. But to be a Demigod.
I will be the son/daughter of gods name. This is my will, So mote it be !
#5515 - Rumor Eraser Chant
Cast a circle if you wish. Hold your athame in your dominant hand. Chant : "Rumor, rumor like a tumor. Wither away, die today".
Visualize the rumor fading from everyone's memory. Point the the athame towards the sky and say, "So mote it be".
Last edited on Nov 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5516 - Very Powerful Blood Curse
There are 2 parts to this curse but before you go cursing people i would recommend that you have a photo of that person and a sacred place (your room closet, drawer e.t.c)
Light the red and black candles and place the red one to your front left and the black to your front right, take your piece of string and let your anger and pain consume your mind (remember all the bad thing the person had done to you and their negative actions)
Then Tie the first knot for rage (still holding the string inbetween the black and red candles look at the photo of the person then chant:" I tie this knot with the rage inside of me provoked by (victims name). With this knot of rage I ask of the gods and godesses of the sky please make this person see and feel what she/he has done to me"
Then tie the second knot -resembling the pain caused (think of the pain the victim caused you) as you say: "I tie the second knot with the inner pain i feel because of (victims name) I wish for this person to feel the pain she/he caused me and others so i ask of thy witches of power help the pain (victims name) caused and manifests to go straight back to her/him i will it". Imagine all the things She/he put you through happen to them.
Then tie the third knot for their actions as you say: "I tie the third knot with the rememberance of being a victim to (victims name) actions. His/her actions and negative ways shall bounce back when sent, I bind (victims name) negative words to herself/himself with the power of my rage i will it , i manifest it so mote it be"
Tie the fourth knot to join the knots in a circle as you say: " I tie the fourth knot with the will of revenge, make this wicked person regret her/his negative ways, So that He/she knows that what comes around goes around, He/she shall feel the unbearable negativity go round and round with this knot i bind (victims name) to this curse with my negative energy mote it be"
If you still feel hatred then take small and sharp and cut you finger and let a few drops of your blood sink into the string. Then place the knoted circle inbetween the red and black candle (let the candles melt). When the candles have melted and gone out the curse is complete.
Last edited on Nov 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5517 - Safe Ending To A Spell
As you finish the spell always think/say ''And if it harm none let it be done.''
This works for all spells. It is best for Black Magick spells, Love spells or Fertility Spells as an extra boost of protection.
#5518 - Protector Candle
Once You have gathered every ingredient, enter the circle with them and don't get out of it until you finish the spell. Mix the sugar with the oil. Hold the cloves and say this three times:
"Mother nature I call for your power,
Banish the hatred into fire
And from it's dust, let light reign over,
And from the cloves that I hold,
Let divine protection come along!"
Now, mix the clovers with the other mixture you made before, and put the candle in front of you. Don't light it yet. Now say:
"Powerful spirits of light,I got you a command,
In this candle your light will eternally stand!
The curses and hexes and misfortunes may come,
but with your divine light you shall destroy it all.
Now spirits, do as you are told!"
Now envision yourself in a dark room with the candle absorbing the darkness and forcing it out of it as knifes empowered with light(think knifes with a luminous aura surrounding them)and stabbing the evil that lurks in darkness(that evil can be demons,evil spirits,shadows,and anything else that looks eerie and dark for you). Now take the cotton, dip it in the mixture,suffuse the candle with it, and say:
"Everything that comes to me will be purified and great,
In this candle light come send your ray.
So mote it be."
Now light the candle. Now this step is optional, but if you have the tarot card 'the devil',you now take it, rip it in half then burn them both with the fire of the candle.While you are burning it say:
"Evil be gone,
I don't want you with me more.
With this candle's flame you're here no more,
To the astral plane permanently you're gone."
Then after you finish, put the ashes of the card below the candle. Now say this:
"Sacred flame of the candle,
embrace the light of the world.
Destroy the darkness,
and never let go."
Now envision the candle's light pouring into you and burn the cotton saying:
"Dark get out of my sight
Fade forever into light.
So mote it be."
If you used 'the devil' card, then let the candle go out.If you could, stay and empower it with spells until it goes out. By using that card,there are chances that the protection will be permanent. Empowering it as long as it is lit multiplies the chances.
Last edited on Nov 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5519 - Poppet Banishing Spell
1. Personalize a rag doll, label it with your victims name and dress with intimate items
2. Place the doll inside a shoe box
3. Sprinkle it with dirt from a crossroads
4. Melt black wax gently
5. Pour the wax over the doll, sprinkle it with more of the crossroads dirt before the wax sets
6. Bury the doll away from your home
7. Visit the doll grave weekly and sprinkle the spot with more of the crossroads dirt.
The intention of this spell, is that it makes the victim too preoccupied to bother you.
#5520 - Gods and Goddess Plea
2. sit in the centre of the candle circle
2. Face your god and goddess that are placed in front of you.
Gods and Goddess
Hear my plea
and understand what I must need
I need (name of person) to be removed from my life
out of sight and out of mind
this is my will
so mote it be.