7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Nature Circle
- Be Followed by a Demon
- Create A PSI Ball
- Cemetery Powerful Love Spell
- See Past Life
- Death Upon a Person
- Evil Gone
- Demonic Love Spell
- Cleansing/Healing by your Spirit Guide(s) or Familiar(s) Spell
- Protection of Fire
#5531 - Nature Circle
First off sit comfortably on any smooth surface and put the candle in front of you. The candle should be the appropriate color (ex; love=red, black=death). Light your candle and take the soil and create a circle around you and the candle. For extra strength, sprinkle sand and salt on the soil circle for extra power. Chant "Water, air, earth and fire. I call upon you"
Then say your spell. The spell has to be nature related, like growth or protection of plants or animals. Have a glass of water near so you can put out the candle with your fingers. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, either let the wind blow it out or pour water on the flame. sit in the circle for a few moments and breathe. Scoop up as much soil/sand/salt from your circle as you can and let the wind blow it from your hands.
Last edited on Nov 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5532 - Be Followed by a Demon
Just imagine something following you and soon you will feel something on your back.
That IS the feel.
#5533 - Create A PSI Ball
Rub your hands together really fast until it gets really hot.
Now hold your hands close together, close your eyes and imagine energy flowing through your body then open them back up, (your eyes) .
Now imagine energy flowing through your arms to your hands with your eyes OPEN.
Now bring your hands apart biggger, and bigger like a ball form.
You will feel the ball, to crush it you must twist your hands and cover.
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#5534 - Cemetery Powerful Love Spell
Put on the grave of three candles. (The tomb to be older).
One at the head, right at the cross. This candle must be purchased in the church. The two legs of the deceased, simple candles, bought anywhere.
Disposes candles so we've got a kind of a triangle.
In the middle of the triangle put a metal bowl, we put into it bewitches her hair, dripping a few drops of your blood and sacrifices. Need a dove. Dove just unscrew your head and pour the blood into the same bowl, sprinkle a little and a little ground with the graves, on which all this is done.
Devils at the Tomb of the Cross, so that the cup was as if in the middle of the cross. Further, to be at the foot of the grave, it is possible to advance, to light the fourth candle and hold it with bare hands so that the wax is dripped into the bowl. It is also necessary to look at the cross and see bewitches humans. You have to visualize it and read the plot:
''You're dead man,
In his grave you sleep
In white light without looking.
You do not see how my soul Love is alarming.
Do not you hear the heart beating.
I (name) Please, I implore, I command,
Tie me (name) eternal fetters.
Let the wax drip into the bowl, because love comes to me.
Let a bowl is full, so our love filled.
Love me (name) as the Sun Loves Day, Love me (name) as the sun loves night.
As a Day in the Sun misses, so you're yearning for me.
Do not drink, is not without me, not you.
Love (bewitches the name) (your name) forever.
I call my sound, it does not unleash one. Neither the will of God. Neither the devil himself. ''
Read three times. The candle is in your hands, put out a bowl and dig this whole bowl at the head of the grave.
Others put out the candles with your fingers and throw.
#5535 - See Past Life
Light the candle and chant:
"Time in space, universes collide. Make me see who I was before my present day life. Element (your element) rise before me and let me see, the person that I used to be. Show me here, show me now. Take me back to my past life. So Mote it be!"
"Vicis in tractus, universum offensus planto mihi animadverto quisnam ego eram pro meus tendo dies vita. Elementum Terra (earth) orior oriri ortus pro mihi quod permissium mihi animadverto, alio ut ego adsuesco assuesco exsisto. ostendo mihi hic, ostendo mihi iam. Take mihi tergum ut meus preteritus vita."
You will not immediately flash back, but you will gain knowledge and get hints about certain things.
Last edited on Nov 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5536 - Death Upon a Person
Get the item from the person (something easy to catch on fire) go to fire burn the rose and burn the item and chant:
"Burn this item and kill (say person's name) never to return and go to the depths of hell and burn."
May take up to a week if it does not work try again or get a diffrent spell.
Last edited on Dec 31, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5537 - Evil Gone
You have to have a reason to do this spell or else you might attract evil spirits to your home. Focus on the area of your home were you think there might be an evil spirit lurking around. Focus on drawing it out while you chant:
"Evil be gone
Leave this home,
When bad comes to worse,
Leave this house"
Last edited on Nov 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#5538 - Demonic Love Spell
the right side - black spool of thread.
Under the photo of the crucifixion put on anyone doing face-up.
And on the very same cross on top, put a piece of beeswax.
Light the candles of black wax three you prepared (in the name Devil's Trinity) and read the spell:
Thirteen forces of hell, thirteen demons
Underworld beseech you, from the hell of bedrooms call
A cross upside down, dug the grave
The blood spilled
Witch-whisper magical zalet
Nine door opens for you to call it
You wander around the world crowded
Yes, Hawkeye, crow wing
(Name) find that during the day, that night
Above ground, under water
But amid the fields, but of woods
You will find (name), but his heart is to find
And if the heart will discover, the arrows at him enter
Torture, torment him become
To point out the decree, there chase
Cross upset
You conjure demons thirteen
Thirteen forces of hell in the heart of the (name) will send
You torment him, torturing, burning with fire
Torment him come forth, yearning to shift
During the day let the fire at night so the light
Think of him (name) of (name)
Miss him (name), rydom mourn for (name)
This is my imperative of hell
Thirteen demonic forces of the message
This cry of hell, demons
Flour (name) of (name).
Read it three times looking at the picture of who ought to bewitch.
Then the picture is light the candles on black, put on a plate without a pattern, let pictures turn to ash.
Then take a piece of wax, and the imaginary, imaginary it naminay when it becomes a soft pliable, add pictures from the ashes of what was left, and continue kneading his hands until he can not make a similar form
on the heart.
Put back on the crucifixion of this piece of wax:
Then take the first of the needle that you cooked and stuck in this piece of wax with the words:
(Name) of flour (name) to suffer!
Stuck second, exclaiming:
(Name), day and night without the (name) did not find the rest!
The third:
(Name) to tears (name) will expire!
Fourth stuck saying:
(Name) of black longing for (name) faint!
(Name) grief to (name) nailed!
(Name) of the thirteen demons to (name) nailed
(Name) to the power of hell (name), sew!
(Name) of the blood boiling, to (name) take a strong liking!
Ninth needle sticking Say
(Name) to (name) under the earth cry beckoning!
(Name) cooked pot of hell!
Formulated eleven needle sticking speech words:
(Name), a passion for (name) to indulge!
(Name) of (name) languish whim!
Thirteen sticking the needle of the river:
(Name) of course hell, in one bed with (name) to share! Amen
Then, take that black thread and is passed through the ears of all the needles.
When the thread that is threaded, then both ends tie knot, and capped with wax on the site enshrined Creating the turn of each candle, saying each time:
The thread is black, attended by thirteen gates, but the end came that click
conjure, the demons-cry of flour
heart, (name) to proceed, pine, by (name) flour stradat.Amin
After this action, keep his way into the woods, under the aspen bury all (cinders from the candles, but a piece of wax, with needles in it, wrapped in cloth that)
Yes, leave a generous mercy of Devils is on the cross roads in the forest is to say:
Accept, then delight, then be filled with strength, but my case will converge, spoken words of others like flint is harder! You still farmed, I specified that it is specified. Amen
Next, go away without looking back
#5539 - Cleansing/Healing by your Spirit Guide(s) or Familiar(s) Spell
Sit down on the ground,log,rock, or whatever.And clear your mind for a minute.Take deep cleansing breaths.
Then chant this:
(Insert the guide's or familiar's name), I ask you to get rid of the negative inside of me
Let them do nothing but leave and let me be in harmony
I welcome the positive, let them stay
But make sure the negative goes away
After chanting you might feel a numbing,cooling, yet relaxing feeling in your back- but do not freak out, this is just the negative energy coming out from you body.
#5540 - Protection of Fire
Take your source of flame and move the flame up into the air, tracing the five star pentagram. From bottom left, upper right, upper left, lower right, upper center, to lower left - then circle in a clockwise motion back to the starting point. As you do this, chant:
"Element of fire,
Protect me from evil desires.
Whether it be of spirit or flesh
So mote it be"
Last edited on Nov 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.