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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7157 Spiritual Spells
  1. Confusion Oil
  2. Hecate Summoning Prayer
  3. Summoning A Cool Breeze
  4. Start A Good Rumor About Yourself
  5. Simple Blessings
  6. Blade Spirts
  7. Night Vision
  8. Protection Spell (spell bible)
  9. Wish Come True Spell
  10. Tiki Summoning

#6421 - Confusion Oil

If one is ever attempting to cast a spell on you, this is the remedy: A very powerful counter spell.
You may need:

  • Vetiver
  • Lavender
  • Galangal
  • Burnt knotted shoelace
  • color: black
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    You may need:

  • Vetiver
  • Lavender
  • Galangal
  • Burnt knotted shoelace
  • color: black
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    Mix the lavender, galangal, and Vetiver with the burnt lace. Cast a circle unique to you. Pour the oil around the central rims of the circle and begin to chant a counter-curse unique to you and your situation. Meditate inside your circle and in 24 hours at most, the counter-curse will be in effect.

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    #6422 - Hecate Summoning Prayer

    This prayer allows you to summon Hecate so that she will take you under her wing and protect you from harm.
    You may need:

  • Hecate's Symbol
  • Nighttime
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    You may need:

  • Hecate's Symbol
  • Nighttime
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    *WARNINGS: Hecate is as strict as she is kind, so do not cross her. She can bring along death as she can life. She does not forgive easily and she holds grudges, so beware. Yet, she represents the Triple Goddess and holds enormous power and protection. If you're on her good side, she will shield you against harm and bring along creativity and guidance. She is darkness. She is everything. But do not fear her. With the bad comes the good. That is not only apart of Wicca (my religion), but apart of life and magick. In order to bring out the light, we must first be surrounded by darkness.*

    It helps if you are in a meditative state when calling on a deity, but you do not have to be. It would help if you have one of your deity's symbols. For instance, some of Hecate's symbols are the moon, keys, black, silver, darkness, crossroads, the number three, dogs, etc. Hecate is easiest to call on at night. Since she represents each phase of the moon, it doesn't have to be at a certain time of month. Make sure to hold the symbol and focus on it. If it is something that you cannot hold (like the moon or darkness), then just focus on it wherever it may be. I use the moon for my summoning. Clear your mind and let the image of it fill your mind, then begin to relax. You can think or say the words, ''Hecate, mighty Goddess of crossroads, darkness, death, wisdom, and the moon, please come to me. Please Hecate, protect me and help me when I am in danger. Treat me as one of your own and give me all that is needed. Hecate, surround me in your darkness so that I can bring forth my light.'' You will probably feel a presence at this time, but don't worry, even though Hecate is known for destruction, it is not all true. Remember, in order to have life, there must be death. This is much the case of Hecate.

    Hecate- Pronounced Heh-Kah-Tay

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    #6423 - Summoning A Cool Breeze

    This spell can make a nice breeze.
    You may need:

  • 1 Yellow Candle
  • Bladderwrack
  • Lavender Oils
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    You may need:

  • 1 Yellow Candle
  • Bladderwrack
  • Lavender Oils
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    Light the candle and chant: "God Aelous, Greek Ruler of the Winds. Onto the Earth, we need the winds pinned. Right not it is hot. Aeolus, in my area, may the wind tie in a knot. Please create a cool breeze. I beg you, pleaqse. With no harm done, so mote it be".

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    #6424 - Start A Good Rumor About Yourself

    This spell will start a good rumor about yourself.
    You may need:

  • 1 Green Candle
  • Your ''helper''
  • A piece of paper
  • A quiet place
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    You may need:

  • 1 Green Candle
  • Your ''helper''
  • A piece of paper
  • A quiet place
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    Light the candle and place your "helper" infront or beside the candle.

    With the piece of paper write down the rumor you want to start. Write down where the rumor would be told and how long it would last.

    When your done repeat this chant 3 times. "Fama Roman Goddess of Rumor here my plea, turn this into a rumor of me." After the third chant burn the paper when its done snuff the candle then blow it out.

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    #6425 - Simple Blessings

    These instructions are given as a template to create a blessing for almost any situation you may encounter.

    These blessings can be placed on either yourself, others, or even on inanimate objects. All three are covered here.
    You may need:

    You may need:


    1. Calm your mind.

    2. Say with an authouritive tone of voice ''By my decree, may my (quality/trait) be (adjective) as a/an (Noun).''


    1. Calm your mind.

    2. Imagine or visualise your energies gathering into the palms of your hand and then, holding some part of whatever is being blessed, focus those energies onto or into that subject.

    3. Say with an authouritivle tone of voice ''By my decree, blessed is (recipient's name). May his/her (quality/trait) be (adjective) as a/an (Noun).''


    1. Calm your mind.

    2. Imagine or visualise your energies gathering into the palms of your hand and then, holding some part of whatever is being blessed, focus those energies onto or into that subject.

    3. Say with an authouritivle tone of voice ''By my decree, blessed is this (Object name). May the bearer's (quality/trait) be (adjective) as a/an (Noun).''

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    #6426 - Blade Spirts

    It make spiritual blades in your hands.. very powerful blades
    You may need:

  • concentration
  • your hands
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    You may need:

  • concentration
  • your hands
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    cross your hands making your right fist touching your left shoulder and making your left pist touching your right shoulder concentrate on two blades (dont matter wat kind) then say:

    ''hyandae en luhta''
    2 times and strong spiritual blades will be in your hands

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    #6427 - Night Vision

    Use this and you would see in the dark easier.
    You may need:

  • your eyes
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    You may need:

  • your eyes
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    Close your eyes while in a pitch black space. Concentrate on the dark while you say, "elea ie dome" 3-4 times. Open your eyes and you should be able to see better in the dark.

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    #6428 - Protection Spell (spell bible)

    This spell is to fend of all evil and uninvited attentions
    You may need:

  • 1 red candle or 1 black one each 6-8''/15-20cm in length
  • lighter or matches
  • 1 sprig of white heather
  • 1 sprig of thyme
  • one 9''/25 cm length natural twine
  • one ball of asorbant cotten
  • one sourcer of water
  • 1 twist of aluminum foil
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    You may need:

  • 1 red candle or 1 black one each 6-8''/15-20cm in length
  • lighter or matches
  • 1 sprig of white heather
  • 1 sprig of thyme
  • one 9''/25 cm length natural twine
  • one ball of asorbant cotten
  • one sourcer of water
  • 1 twist of aluminum foil
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    1. cast a circle

    2. light the candle and say Mars/Saturn , you are honoured here
    let no enemy near, whose notice I fear

    3. Bind the heather and thymes stems together with twyne . Dip the asorbant cotton in the water and squeeze it outthen apply yo its roots of thyme and heather. Cover the asorbant with foil

    4. hold the corsage before the candle flame, visualising the person(s) you wish to avoid passing you by, as if they been repelled.

    5. Repeat the following incantation nine times over the corsage:

    6. wear the herb corsage on your lapel until it dies off; then dry the herbs and crumble them into an open fire to seal the spell

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    #6429 - Wish Come True Spell

    Make a wish come true. Its a secret. all you need to do is believe in yourself!
    You may need:

  • First of all you need to look deep inside yourself
  • 6 small white non-scented candles
  • 6 purchased on the 4th of July sparklers
  • 6 small clear ''glass'' candle holders
  • Wet 1 large white pure- cotton hand towel
  • Matches
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    You may need:

  • First of all you need to look deep inside yourself
  • 6 small white non-scented candles
  • 6 purchased on the 4th of July sparklers
  • 6 small clear ''glass'' candle holders
  • Wet 1 large white pure- cotton hand towel
  • Matches
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    6 days prior to making your wish, you need to start focusing on what it is your wishing for. On the 6th day at 4:00am, you'll need to already have items prepared as follows. Arrange 6 candle holders with candles inside. On top Aline the sparklers with the wick of the candles and insert them. light the candles first a chant x2:

    "Wish, wish, please come true, or I will forever be blue!"

    Then say to your self your wish 6 times. then light the 6 sparklers and chant x2:

    "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

    Then visualize your wish being true and at the same time put the wet towel over top of the sparklers and candles.
    Gather all items in the wet towel wrap it up and bury it somewhere safe... and wish will come true!!!!

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    #6430 - Tiki Summoning

    Crush the enemy using this spell.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant: "Oh, great God, kill him/her now so I can live. Farewell my enemy". Picture the person you wish dead.

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    7157 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters