7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Nightmare Repelling Herb Pouch
- Viking Funeral Prayer
- Dragon Defense
- Dragon Cleansing Spell
- Dragon Cash Spell
- Dragon Wisdom Spell
- Soul Release
- Summon a Dragon
- Breathe underwater
- Holy Bubble
#6481 - Nightmare Repelling Herb Pouch
Sow a clean square - shaped cloth together. You can use any color you'd like. I recommend black or white because they're simple and pure.
You may use any type of fabric, as long as its clean and soft, yet strong.
Sow the fabric into a small pouch with an opening in the top by bending it in half and sowing up the sides.
Don't forget to turn the cloth inside out, so the stitches will be on the inside.
Once you have your pouch ready, begin putting the herbs in. Blessing each one with a written chant so its personal.
Put them inside the pouch, once inside, tie the bag closed with some string of the following colors:
Green for Earth.
Yellow or White for Air.
Red for Fire
And Blue for Water.
Tie the pouch closed and light two or more candles and sit before them with the herb pouch in your hands.
Focus on the flame of the candles and clear your mind and chant the following three or more times:
"Demons and spirits
flee from me.
Gone and harmless
you shall be.
Stay from my dreams.
from my mind and sight.
I ask you to leave
in both day and in night."
Lastly, close your eyes and take a deep breath or two until you're calm. Blow out the candles and set the pouch on the Altar, tap your wand on it three times, repeating the following:
"It has been said, do as you have been told."
Hang the bag above or beside your bed to protect your dreams.
I've used this spell for a week or so.
And its helped with my dreams a lot actually.
I hope it helps with you, as well.
#6482 - Viking Funeral Prayer
Lo, There do I see my Mother and
My Brothers and my Sisters
Lo, There do I see the line of my people back to the begining
Lo, They do call to me
They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla
Where thine enemies have been vanquished
Where the brave shall live Forever
Nor shall we mourn but rejoice for those that have died the glorious death.
Dated between 4 B.C. and 3 A.D.
#6483 - Dragon Defense
Imagine your spiritual dragons coming to you while you chant:
"Dragons All, DragonKind
I need You standing by my side.
I need a strong defense, You see.
I need You all watching over me.
All good things that come my way,
Let them through to me, I pray.
But all bad things of darkness and hatred,
Send it back to the one who made it".
#6484 - Dragon Cleansing Spell
By all the oaths I have sworn,
I need the cleansing touch of fire!
Touch this ______ with dragon's power!
Warning: It is tempting sometimes to change the words of spells. But do NOT ask for dragon's fire in this spell! I know someone who did this and his house burned down 3 nights afterward!! Do not cause your spells to backfire upon yourself!! Be careful what you say and be cautious of what you THINK when doing magick!!
#6485 - Dragon Cash Spell
Golden Dragon of the hoard.
Give this Oone Your magick word.
I need the coins to pay my bills,
And stave away the winter chills.
I ask not from my whims nor wants.
I ask in need and from my heart.
#6486 - Dragon Wisdom Spell
Silver Dragon of the Weyr
Bring me to you, take me there.
Show me sights of things unseen;
Take me where your heart has been.
Impart to me what I must know,
Unto me, your wisdom, please bestow.
#6487 - Soul Release
First find a quiet place in your mind, and imagine your soul appearing before you. Next imagine it chained by a magical force of hatred, find a way to sever the chains. Do you relax and slip through them, or do you break them with force. When the chains are broken, state the following:
"Champions of light, I call to thee
Release my soul, let it fly free
Break the chains that hold it down
Let it be a beacon to be found."
Your soul shall fele pure and lighter for the next three days.
#6488 - Summon a Dragon
On the paper, draw the kind of dragon you want to summon. Hold the crystal in your hand. While the fire is burning, chant: "Come, dragon, come" up to ten times. The dragon should come the next day though it could take up to a month. When it appears, feed it a piece of meat to solidify trust.
#6489 - Breathe underwater
Spell to breathe on land: I am done being a fish thank you for granting my wish fish is not my favorite dish so mote it be
WARNING! When in lakes or oceans be careful with the other animals you meet some of them may hurt, threaten, atack or eat you
WARNING! If you want to keep the invisible gills too much the reverse spell wont work
#6490 - Holy Bubble
Imagine a bubble of protection around you. Imagine the bubble being filled with a white light and say: "Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. Do thou, Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust Satan into hell along with all his evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen".