7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
- Shield Of Valor
- Dark Crystal Lightning
- Light
- Thermokinesis
- Binding Spell
- People Pusher
- Summon Night Creatures
- To forget my lost love
- Talking With Your Phoenix
- Summoning of the Devil
#6671 - Shield Of Valor
''Keep me safe from those that harm. Protect me while I use my charms or even when I don't. Guard me in a sheild of steel, rock, diamond, snakes, and fire. Utilize this wall to defeat any and all malignant intentions towards me. My shield is flawless, solid, true, and indestructible. My eternal force will let nothing against my will or entity through. My shield has multiple layers that are powerful and strong. This allows me not to drop my guard. I call upon all powers and deities that be, Protect me from all harm and cloak me from my enemies. Allow the darkness to wrap me in black. Those who attempt to cause me harm will get a surprise when they attack. Repel all unwanted forces that are not mine. Protect me for all eternity and until the end of time. Teach my enemies their survival means to flee. This is my will, so It WILL BE. I Am safe.''
-Inspried from a protection spell (Incompressible Shield of Valiance) by Danielle82 revised to suit my needs more efficiently. Thank you Danielle for your excellent spell contribution.-
#6672 - Dark Crystal Lightning
#6673 - Light
Point with your wand and say: "I need a light, I need it now. Bring a light to me right now".
#6674 - Thermokinesis
* The ability to accelerate the molecules in an object to cause the object to become hot. This can be used to heat things up or make them hotter, like a bowl of soup for instance. This can also be used to replace the workings of a toaster, waffle-maker, etc. that is if you are practiced and skilled enough with this ability.
* The ability to decelerate the molecules in an object to cause the object to become cold. This can be used to freeze things or make them colder, like a hot cup of tea, a hot cup of cocoa, etc. that is if you are practiced and skilled enough with this ability.
* The ability to manipulate the temperature of the air around you, as I mentioned before; aka the atmospheric temperature. This is commonly mistaken for the ability to control weather, aka Atmokinesis. This in fact not at all like Atmokinesis. You are only manipulating the temperature around you. Whereas, Atmokinesis is where you are manipulating the weather around you, causing feats like hurricanes, rain, snow, sunshine, etc.
* The ability to manipulate body temperatures. This is used mostly to lower the temperature of one's body when they are sick and their body temperature is flaring out of control, or a similar reason, but this ability is pretty straightforward and can be used also to heat or make cold one's body for their own reasons. But this ability is probably the most prone to go wrong.
* *This ability is rare in psychics with Thermokinesis and only shows in very few Thermokinetics!* The rare ability to resist temperature extremes, as well as freezing, burning, Atmokinesis or the like.
And now for the part all you Thermokinetics have been waiting for: The Thermokinetic exercises and methods! These methods and exercises are ones that I have devised myself and ones that I have received from others. Here they are:
1. To accelerate the molecules of an object: Visualize little White-Blue, spherical balls (representing the atoms of the object) moving slowly around in the area of the object. *Area* = Visualize the color White replacing the appearance of the object, but keep the shape of the object in your visual model! Now, visualize the little White-Blue balls now moving around fast and swiftly. Visualize them crashing into each other and as they crash into each other they become a fiery-Red color (representing the object becoming hotter). Do this for as long as you feel necessary.
2. To decelerate the molecules of an object: Visualize little Fiery-Red, spherical balls (representing the atoms of the object) moving fast around in the area of the object. *Area* = Visualize the color White replacing the appearance of the object, but keep the shape of the object in your visual model! Now, visualize the little fiery-Red balls now moving around slowly. Visualize them suddenly becoming an Icy Blue color (representing the object becoming colder). Do this for as long as you feel necessary.
This is all that I will tell you how to do because the rest I want all you Thermokinetics to experiment with on your own. You have the basis of how to accelerate and decelerate molecules, so try it out next time with something a little more different, like the air around you. Good luck all of you Thermokinetics!
#6675 - Binding Spell
Hold the item in your hand as you wrap the red ribbon around it. Chant the following three times: "I bind you from doing harm upon others and yourself".
#6676 - People Pusher
For this you need build-up, or a charging. Once you have a small overflow of energy, magik, or whatever medium of your choosing, gather a feeling of seclusion. Then, in your mind, or aloud, say:
"Repulse, emphasizing it as repulse, instead of repulse."
The incantation in the opposite emphasis has no effect when I do it. If it works for you, then cast away.
#6677 - Summon Night Creatures
Concentrate. Then chant, "This hollows eve I summon the creatures of night: vampires, witches, ghouls and ghosts come give me a fright".
#6678 - To forget my lost love
2) sprinkle alittle of one of this herbs on top (allspice, angelica, apple, carnation, cedar, cinnamon, elder, eucalyptus, fennel, gardenia, lemon balm, peppermint, sandalwood, willow. )
3) drink the mixture and you have to drink it all
say ''I loved her/him once, and she/he loved me; but she/he moved on and i still hold on, I found a girl/boy I seem to like but cant get past my other love, so I drink this (herb 1) for the love and the (herb 2) for courge the water is to purafy my spirt and (herb 3) for healing of my heart. Friendship is all we need between us both so I am giving my love to the goddess and invoking the peace to move on. Earth, Air, Fire, Water so I say so mote it be. Blessed be to the goddess....
since your wanting to get rid of the feelings the Waning moon would be best and prob. 50% of a full moon. Around around 10pm-6am some time between those times.
I hope this helps you...I dreampth it last time ^^
#6679 - Talking With Your Phoenix
Get in a comfortable position. Meditate for a bit and you should start to feel the phoenix's power flowing through you. You should be able to talk with it then. The words from it will be like your own. Be careful. Treat it with the utmost respect.
#6680 - Summoning of the Devil
Set the black candels meter's length apart and in the middle of the candles place the bones sprinkle the death dust over the bones then sprinkle the corpse dust over the bones then add a drop of your blood onto the bones and chant:
"Power of death power of life let the devil live and rise once again so mote it be."
From Prince Eriobe (Warlok)