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7156 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

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7156 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 7156 Spiritual Spells
  1. Quartz Calming Charm
  2. Magical Instruments - Needle for thy caster
  3. Magical Instruments - Ink for thy spells, incantations, pacts, etc...
  4. Magical Instruments - Pen for thy caster
  5. Good luck star charm
  6. Magical Instruments - Knife of Black
  7. Magical Instruments - Knife of white
  8. Conact your spirit angel.
  9. For Traveling Or Battle
  10. Sleep

#781 - Quartz Calming Charm

Although I'm not too much of a fan of the lighter side of magick, this one really helped me through really bad times. I was taught this by a very kind witch from my hometown, who I since have lost contact with.
You may need:

  • Clear quartz
  • Water of any kind, in any form.
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    You may need:

  • Clear quartz
  • Water of any kind, in any form.
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    • Take your piece of clear quartz and expose it to whatever water you are using. Submerge it if you can.
    • Take a deep breath in, and then breathe all of the air out. Close your eyes, and continue breathing deeply and slowly.
    • Press a flat side of the quartz to your forehead. Move it in 8 clockwise circles.
    • Take the quartz off of your forehead.
    • Make a motion like you are taking something off of your forehead with your fingers, and throw the thing away from you. This symbolizes banishing negative energies. Remember, this charm is used to quickly calm you down or curb a panic attack.
    • Press the quartz back onto your forehead and move it in 8 counterclockwise circles.
    • Remove the quartz.
    • Submerge it in the water again to cleanse it.

    Added to on Jul 12, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #782 - Magical Instruments - Needle for thy caster

    this needle is used in my spells to draw the blood of the caster. the same ritual is used in the crafting of this magical needle as it is in both the white and black knives Black ingredients for those with dark intentions, white for those with purer intentions
    You may need:

  • 1 unused needle
  • 1 tablespoon of mole blood solution (1 part mole blood to 3 part spirit[rubbing alcohol])
  • 1 tablespoon mix of aromatic flower juices
  • 1 small red silk bag big enough to hold the knife and the goat horn
  • 1 teaspoon of powdered rose and powdered iris of Florence
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    You may need:

  • 1 unused needle
  • 1 tablespoon of mole blood solution (1 part mole blood to 3 part spirit[rubbing alcohol])
  • 1 tablespoon mix of aromatic flower juices
  • 1 small red silk bag big enough to hold the knife and the goat horn
  • 1 teaspoon of powdered rose and powdered iris of Florence
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    This blade needs to be crafted on a Thursday at 9 - 10 pm or 21:00 - 22:00 under the light of the full moon, what I mean is that everything listed in the "ingredients" needs to be collected & crafted just prior to crafting this blade.

    On the night of Thursday in the hour of 9 while bathing in the full moon, take the steel needle and place it just over the fire for 3 seconds, repeat this 3 times.

    Next, take both the moles blood and the flower juice and pour both on the needle to cool it.

    lastly, chant the following while holding your needle to the moon:

    "I conjure and form this instrument to serve me in my works of magic by the virtue and influence of the planet Jupiter, during whose day and hour of reign these were made! By virtue of the Elements, Gemstones, Herbs, Snow, Hail, and Winds! It is my will that you possess all the necessary virtues that I may succeed in all the works I intend! I invoke you, Oh great spirits, you, Damahu, Lumech, Gadal, Pancia, and Velaos, Merod, Lamidoch, Baldach, Ancreton, and Adonay, Metatron, to help me in every step of this work, that I may obtain the secrets of the highest science and be successful in my endeavors"

    once done, place your needle into the red silk bag along with both powdered flowers.

    on a side note, if you use pimpernel grass juice and black cats blood in place of the listed above the needle will work better if you have dark intentions while casting

    Check out my other works to find a use for this new instrument. I generally provide a spell a week, If you would like a specific spell in the category of love/attraction/binding please message me

    if you would like something other than those categories, message me with 3 *** in the subject line of the message, and I will review and consider the request

    Added to on Jul 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #783 - Magical Instruments - Ink for thy spells, incantations, pacts, etc...

    This is the ink used in every spell that I post. it's easy to make, but items need to be gathered at specific times on a specific day. Welcome to the old magics.
    You may need:

  • A waning moon
  • the pit of a peach
  • an unused bowl
  • rainwater, or river water
  • soot from a chimney
  • 2 tablespoon powdered gallnut
  • 8 tablespoon powdered Arabic Gum
  • The coals of a fern branch cut on June 23 at sunset
  • a sieve
  • Your Magical Instrument Needle
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    You may need:

  • A waning moon
  • the pit of a peach
  • an unused bowl
  • rainwater, or river water
  • soot from a chimney
  • 2 tablespoon powdered gallnut
  • 8 tablespoon powdered Arabic Gum
  • The coals of a fern branch cut on June 23 at sunset
  • a sieve
  • Your Magical Instrument Needle
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    Other than the fern branch needed for crafting this ink all other ingredients can be purchased or crafted in the case of the needle.


    1. Start off by taking the pit of a peach and reducing it to ash in a fire
    2. Next take your unused bowl and place the rainwater or river water into it.
    3. Take the Gum and Gall. Mix both extremely finely
    4. Add the ash of the peach pit, to the soot of a chimney. Make sure this mix it fine.
    5. Sift both mixtures into the filled bowl
    6. Next, take the coals of the fern and slowly add them to the bowl.
    7. You then have to stir this mixture once a day for 5 consecutive days for 5 minutes bathing in the light of the waning moon.
    8. Lastly, take your Magical Instruments needle and prick any finger on your left hand, adding 2 drops of blood to the mixture.

    Congrats, you have made magical ink. this is used in succession with the Magical Instruments Pen to weave spells, make pacts, and perform magics.

    Added to on Jul 10, 2018
    Last edited on Nov 16, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #784 - Magical Instruments - Pen for thy caster

    This is the item used in writing any and all magics from which I present to the masses.
    You may need:

  • Memorization
  • Full moon
  • Good timing
  • 1 goose feather from a live male goose
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    You may need:

  • Memorization
  • Full moon
  • Good timing
  • 1 goose feather from a live male goose
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    First, to gain this item you need a live goose, so for those in a city, it may need to be bought from a reliable supplier.

    take your goose in your arms on a Thursday night at 12am or 24:00, In the light of the full moon chant this while plunging the white knife into his heart:

    "I sacrifice you, oh marvelous, unequaled bird, in this solemn hour in honor of the mighty and sublime Adonay, to who I devote the first of my works, that you through the gift of your magical feathers, serve me well in all my experiments."

    Finally, take the fifth feather on the right wing at the bone ridge of the wing.

    everyone who knows or have used magic, know that it comes with sacrifice. just know that any spells I have posted do work, and are some of the strongest I know of for love or binding.

    Added to on Jul 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #785 - Good luck star charm

    Wanna goood luck charm dont read this then its a good luck star charm.
    You may need:

  • Water,The object, Night (Opintal but more effective) and box
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    You may need:

  • Water,The object, Night (Opintal but more effective) and box
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    Go outside.(Backyards and patio.) Hold your object with both hands.Say Heaven of the stars hear my wish and it shall be I only want to see positivity..Banish all negativity vanish it for eternity.! Seal away bad luck before destruction comes.I wanna sore in freedom. Give the energy to the object.The more you say the stronger. After fill the box with water put the charm in it and wait till you feel a good vibe. If you it feels empty do it again.

    Added to on Jul 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #786 - Magical Instruments - Knife of Black

    This is one of the many magical tools needed to perform love magics of old Spain. Follow Correctly or risk complete failure. This tool is used in bonafide love spells.
    You may need:

  • Great Memorization
  • Good timing
  • 1 unused steel knife (Completely new)
  • 1 half pint of a black cats blood
  • 1 half pint of pimpernel grass juice
  • 1 black goat horn
  • Leather strips
  • 1 large red silk bag big enough to hold the knife and the goat horn
  • powdered rose and powdered iris of Florence
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    You may need:

  • Great Memorization
  • Good timing
  • 1 unused steel knife (Completely new)
  • 1 half pint of a black cats blood
  • 1 half pint of pimpernel grass juice
  • 1 black goat horn
  • Leather strips
  • 1 large red silk bag big enough to hold the knife and the goat horn
  • powdered rose and powdered iris of Florence
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    First off, thank you for going through this process. I promise you if done properly this instrument can conduct magical energies when performing any of my other spells.

    This blade needs to be crafted on a Saturday at 10 - 11 pm or 22:00 - 23:00 under the light of the new moon, what I mean is that everything listed in the "ingredients" needs to be collected & crafted just prior to crafting this blade.

    On the night of Saturday in the hour of 10 while bathing in the dark of night, take the steel blade and place it just over the fire for 3 seconds, repeat this 3 times.

    Next, take both the cats blood and the grass juice and pour both on the blade to cool it.

    Following the cooling, take the goat horn and leather strips and tie the horn to the base of the blade as a hilt.

    lastly, chant the following while holding your new blade to the stars:

    "I conjure and form this instrument to serve me in my works of magic by the virtue and influence of the planet Jupiter, during whose day and hour of reign these were made! By virtue of the Elements, Gemstones, Herbs, Snow, Hail, and Winds! It is my will that you possess all the necessary virtues that I may succeed in all the works I intend! I invoke you, Oh great spirits, you, Damahu, Lumech, Gadal, Pancia, and Velaos, Merod, Lamidoch, Baldach, Ancreton, and Adonay, Metatron, to help me in every step of this work, that I may obtain the secrets of the highest science and be successful in my endeavors"

    once done, place your new knife into the red silk bag along with both powdered flowers.

    Check out my other works to find a use for this new instrument. I generally provide a spell a week, If you would like a specific spell in the category of love/attraction/binding please message me

    Added to on Jul 10, 2018
    Last edited on Apr 03, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #787 - Magical Instruments - Knife of white

    This is one of the many magical tools needed to perform love magics of old Spain. Follow Correctly or risk complete failure.
    You may need:

  • Great Memorization
  • Good timing
  • 1 unused steel knife (Completely new)
  • 1 half pint of mole blood solution (1 part mole blood to 3 part spirit[rubbing alcohol])
  • 1 half pint mix of aromatic flower juices
  • 1 goat horn
  • Leather strips
  • 1 large red silk bag big enough to hold the knife and the goat horn
  • powdered rose and powdered iris of Florence
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    You may need:

  • Great Memorization
  • Good timing
  • 1 unused steel knife (Completely new)
  • 1 half pint of mole blood solution (1 part mole blood to 3 part spirit[rubbing alcohol])
  • 1 half pint mix of aromatic flower juices
  • 1 goat horn
  • Leather strips
  • 1 large red silk bag big enough to hold the knife and the goat horn
  • powdered rose and powdered iris of Florence
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    First off, thank you for going through this process. I promise you if done properly this instrument can conduct magical energies when performing any of my other spells.

    This blade needs to be crafted on a Thursday at 9 - 10 pm or 21:00 - 22:00 under the light of the full moon, what I mean is that everything listed in the "ingredients" needs to be collected & crafted just prior to crafting this blade.

    On the night of Thursday in the hour of 9 while bathing in the full moon, take the steel blade and place it just over the fire for 3 seconds, repeat this 3 times.

    Next, take both the moles blood and the flower juice and pour both on the blade to cool it.

    Following the cooling, take the goat horn and leather strips and tie the horn to the base of the blade as a hilt.

    lastly, chant the following while holding your new blade to the moon:

    "I conjure and form this instrument to serve me in my works of magic by the virtue and influence of the planet Jupiter, during whose day and hour of reign these were made! By virtue of the Elements, Gemstones, Herbs, Snow, Hail, and Winds! It is my will that you possess all the necessary virtues that I may succeed in all the works I intend! I invoke you, Oh great spirits, you, Damahu, Lumech, Gadal, Pancia, and Velaos, Merod, Lamidoch, Baldach, Ancreton, and Adonay, Metatron, to help me in every step of this work, that I may obtain the secrets of the highest science and be successful in my endeavors"

    once done, place your new knife into the red silk bag along with both powdered flowers.

    Check out my other works to find a use for this new instrument. I generally provide a spell a week, If you would like a specific spell in the category of love/attraction/binding please message me

    Added to on Jul 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #788 - Conact your spirit angel.

    Wanna see your spirit angel.. This is for you then. (You can always turn back to earth.)
    You may need:

  • Quiet room and music. (Opinational but more helpful)
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    You may need:

  • Quiet room and music. (Opinational but more helpful)
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    Find a comfortable place to be in after close your eyes visualize a bridge connected by the heaven and earth and your on it. You see a angel.Say lead me somewhere. If they lead to the heavens there your angel.If they lead you to earth there not your angel and try again. You can talk to them. Note:It will be hard if you use dark magic.

    Added to on Jul 10, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #789 - For Traveling Or Battle

    Can be used as a general luck spell, best when away from home.
    You may need:

  • Self-heal: good health
  • Basil: good wishes
  • Rue: clear vision
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    You may need:

  • Self-heal: good health
  • Basil: good wishes
  • Rue: clear vision
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    Grind equal parts of the dried components in a wooden bowl, mixing thoroughly. Add a pinch to drinking water or food for luck and safety.

    You can adjust the proportions slightly to accommodate your preferences, but be sparing.

    Added to on Jul 07, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #790 - Sleep

    This spell will work when someone is at least somewhat willing to sleep. To help this work try to get the person comfortable.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Look into the person’s eyes and say “ (First and last name) not a peep, close your eyes and go to sleep.”

    Added to on Jul 05, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    7156 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters