7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters
Included in this list of 7161 Spiritual Spells
- Vivacity Potion
- Chains Of Mind Control
- Humanoid Armor Of Energy (Susanoo)
- Golem Eyes
- Hunter's Curse Enchantment
- Change gender(made by actual spellcaster)
- Morpheus Guided Dream Spell
- curse of sleep
- Golem Eyes (time sight)
- Hunter's Curse Enchantment
#911 - Vivacity Potion
Feeling drowsy and need some energy? Don't want to fill yourself with toxins, sugars and caffeine just to keep your eyes open? Well then do I have the potion for you!
This Vivacity Potion utilizes the powers of aromatherapy to help enhance your stamina when you just can't seem to stay awake!
This Vivacity Potion utilizes the powers of aromatherapy to help enhance your stamina when you just can't seem to stay awake!
You may need:
two small bowls
citrus leaf oil
small amount of dried citrus leaves
cypress leaf oil
cold water
means to start a fire
mortar & pestle [or a sufficient substitute]
Container for the potion
NEXT, take your citrus leaves and crush them in the mortar and pestle. The drier the leaves the easier it will be. You can stop doing this once the leaves have gained an almost powder like texture and no longer appear to be leaves. Once this is complete you can put your crushed leaves into the second bowl.
THIRD, light the citrus powder on fire. Make sure not to stand too close to the flames as not to burn yourself, and make sure that the fire does not grow to a dangerous size. After the fire begins to give off a citrus aroma, you can extinguish the flames by placing a cloth over the bowl and depriving the fire of oxygen.
AFTERWARD, pour the ashes of the citrus leaves and the mix of the two oils into the container you plan to keep the potion in. Mix the two thoroughly either by shaking them or through stirring.
FINALLY, set the sealed container in cold water. Make sure that the water only comes up to half the height of the container so that the water won't contaminate the potion. Leave the potion in the cold water for an hour. After that, you can remove the potion. It is suggested that you store the potion at room temperature or colder, overheating the potion can lead to evaporation.
You can use the potion in two ways: by either rubbing it on your wrists and neck when you need an extra boost OR by pouring light amounts of it into your bath or shower in the morning.
Hiraeth has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jan 27, 2018
#912 - Chains Of Mind Control
Create energy chains to control beings. Animals, Huamans, A dead person, A robot, A piece of paper you know it!
WARNING: Use this power for your own risks. I am not responsible for what madness happens when I SHARE this power with the internet! This for both good and evil.Create chains made out of energy, You can use your energy or natures energy but whatever energy you took it from you have to ask politely otherwise they will have access to controlling instead of you! Use all the energy you got intill you feel tired or stop before you do and then attach them to your target to either their soul or mind. Soul is more dangerous but it gives you your target's energy. Mind is safer and easier to fully control. If it's just the ground or something else just attach to neither. Imagine your energy chain connected them imagine what you want it to do. Start off with something simple. If you're energy is strong and you can create my armor of energy perfectly (OTHER SPELL) then by all means try the hardest one possible. But the target doesn't have to be living. You can see their vision when you try hard enough and even switch places without switching places like only you are controlling the other. If you try this for a month you can make simple events happen. If you practice for years you can control a whole city in a day. I've practiced this for 3 years and I can control a one person FULLY and the others almost the same. It's a dangerous technique but worth it. Message me if you have questions! :)
TheGreyMage has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Nov 07, 2017
#913 - Humanoid Armor Of Energy (Susanoo)
It gives you a armor of energy that takes on the form of a humanoid but is wrapped around you. It's the ultimate offense and defense.
WARNING: You have to be experienced in magic in order to do this. If you're a beginner you have to practice this alot of times to make it more powerful. 1. Visualize your energy (or other's energy WARNING DANGEROUS) and imagine it forming around you to form a skeletal ribcage made out of any color of energy. Make it shine like color and make it look ghastly. 2.ADVANCED: Visualize energy coming around you and forming a ribcage along with a skull with glowing yellow or any color of eyes. Imagine it being strong and made out of metal energy. (You can also give it a weapon or just a fist or bladed fist.) 3. After a month of practice go ahead and put flesh on the armor of energy and make it into a cool design. Mine is a hoodie with a face on it but the real face is under the hoodie. Also you can have a weapon as well even a unique one. My weapon is a chainsaw that can shoot out needles. TIPS: This power can be used to block and reflect spells can protect it from spiritual and physical attacks. Also it can be visisble or transparent but you have to put alot of belief and energy for it to be visible or even work. And if you keep practicing not only will this technique be more powerful but your energy will too.
TheGreyMage has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Nov 07, 2017
#914 - Golem Eyes
See the things around you slow down as your vision speeds up.
Go outside and do the ritual as follows:place the eyewear or jewelry in the container, fill the container halfway full of water, next pour the oil into the container the oil should float take the eyewear/jewelry out and place the wick inside then light the wick and wait until the oil is gone as the oil burns chant:
''Goddess of time, with your sight i could see everything right.
Orion with your third eye give me the power to see through time.''
''For the love and sacrifice i've shared: Can I Get An Amen?''
wait for the oil to finish burning and as it does that say ''Amen''
pour the water onto the item you wish, then everything should be slowing down when you put the item on
Huntress20 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jan 27, 2018
#915 - Hunter's Curse Enchantment
see everything for what it really is, this also enhances your senses all 6.
You may need:
blood or red water
a candle
a large mirror
a voice
a private place
silent atmosphere
any container
a ring or piece of jewelry
a lighter or matchbox
God of the hunt and bringer of beasts look at thy offering for you to feast.
If thou is willing then blow this candle make it dim.
May thou feast on this liquid to quench your thirst but i have a request of you first, bless this ring/pendant with your gifts.
Huntress20 has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jan 27, 2018
#916 - Change gender(made by actual spellcaster)
Change your form from male to female. List desired traits.
As you know, or I'm about to tell you, spells that alter the human body are extremely dangerous, or don't work.(because their made by people who don't know,or for fantasy game purposes.) But, as an actual practitioner of magick, I've made a spell that will circumvent the usual dangerous methods,that being said. This spell doesn't change your body, or swap your body, it makes a new one. It scours the multi verse for everything needed, and after its done it puts it all back.
As you know, or I'm about to tell you, spells that alter the human body are extremely dangerous, or don't work.(because their made by people who don't know,or for fantasy game purposes.) But, as an actual practitioner of magick, I've made a spell that will circumvent the usual dangerous methods,that being said. This spell doesn't change your body, or swap your body, it makes a new one. It scours the multi verse for everything needed, and after its done it puts it all back.
You may need:
1 white candle
1 piece of snowflake obsidian
1 paper with specific design.
2 trait lists
2 rubber bands
Firm belief in magic
Belief in spell
''This parchment holds all that I am in body, and I wish to cast it off(hold your hand over the male list) please grant my wish and give me a body fitting the details penned here(gesture over the other list.''
Light the candle and place your hands over the stone, chant your name followed by the name you wish to take on,(Fist name only.M,F,M,F.)until you have said both names ten times.
Finish the chant with ''my wish has been laid bare before thee,
Please I implore you, so mote it be.'' Twice. Now snuff the candle unbind both lists and lay them facing words up over there respective circles, turn the stone 180 degrees and go to bed.
You may take on your female form any where from the following day to five days from then. Upon taking your new form you will remain in it for the next two days, if by the end of the period you wish to stay this way, burn the male list over the candle and wear the snowflake obsidian as jewellery for the following 24 hours, if removed before then you will revert the following morning. After 24 hours have passed you may enjoy your new life.
Keep in mind that you will experience hormonal changes and such. Do not reverse the symbol to attempt a female to male version of this spell, do not tamper with the spell site during the trial period, do not tamper with the spell in order to do a female to male transformation. I will make a reverse version for the spell if its in demand. Please note me your experience with this spell, as it helps me to improve it and others. The design can be printed, but might be better if hand drawn. The link to the design shall be added shortly.
LakeOwl has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jul 22, 2017
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Jan 25, 2018
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Oct 31, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#917 - Morpheus Guided Dream Spell
Cast to invoke Morpheus, the Greek God of Dreams, and ask him for guidance or visions. Good for divination. Involves blood magic. Read all the way through before casting, as some ingredients may be hard to obtain.
You may need:
Paper to draw a sigil on,
Something to draw a sigil with,
A ceramic bowl or mug, preferably all white,
Your blood, (obtained safely),
Tea (preferably Chamomile Lavender or some other sleep related tea),
Something to stir with,
A lighter or some other fire starting implement,
Somewhere you can burn paper safely without mixing the ashes of the paper with something else.
A place with dirt where you can dig and bury things
Optional Items:
Incense that calms you down
Other relaxing things that ease your environment and connect you to Morpheus
(In my experience, he really digs Selenite crystals)
You may need:
Paper to draw a sigil on,
Something to draw a sigil with,
A ceramic bowl or mug, preferably all white,
Your blood, (obtained safely),
Tea (preferably Chamomile Lavender or some other sleep related tea),
Something to stir with,
A lighter or some other fire starting implement,
Somewhere you can burn paper safely without mixing the ashes of the paper with something else.
A place with dirt where you can dig and bury things
Optional Items:
Incense that calms you down
Other relaxing things that ease your environment and connect you to Morpheus
(In my experience, he really digs Selenite crystals)
This spell is to be cast at night.
Create a sigil to represent the Oneiromanteion, or the home of Hypnos, Morpheus, and the other Oneiroi. Mine looks like a deconstructes amphora with sand pouring out of it because whenever I think of any of the Oneiroi the song Mr. Sandman plays in my head.
Burn the sigil, putting the ashes into a mug or something NONPLASTIC that you can pour tea into.
Start some tea.
Lavender, Myrhh, or Frankincense is useful but not required. If you have any of the incenses previously listed, let the incense burn all the way and take the ashes, mixing them with the ashes from the paper you put the sigil on
Making sure the ashes are in the cup, pour the tea in and add a few drops of blood (Obtained safely. I am hella clumsy, so I always have scabs I can remove at any point to get blood from them. Don't injure youself please. It could add a negative effect to the spell.)
Mix all of it together, with a finger or a spoon or whatever.
I use my wand for a little extra oomph, but you don't have to.
Partake of the offering, no matter how gross it is, ingest a little bit NOT A LOT (only like 1 drop is needed) of the gross tea
After that, I add a ton of sugar to the tea because in my experience Morpheus likes his sugar.
Put the tea cup in your windowsill and leave overnight, and regardless of whether you recieve the guidance you are asking for, the morning after you cast the spell DO NOT FORGET to pour the tea onto earthy ground.
If you can dig a small hole to pour the tea in, even better.
After that, pour the tea into the hole or just into the grass if you couldn't dig a hole.
If you can dig a hole, light a match, let the sulfer burn off, and drop it into the hole with the gross tea.
Fill the hole back up with Earth, and thank Morpheus again.
inktorch has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jan 25, 2018
Added to
Spells Of Magic
on Jan 25, 2018
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
Last edited on Apr 10, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#918 - curse of sleep
can cause an enemy to fall asleep for long periods of time causing them to miss vital things
You may need:
all are optional
black candle
3feet of black cord
an incence of choice ( preferably one that makes you sleepy)
Through longest day, To endless night, I am a witch you cannot fight, from deepest depths.of earth and sea, bring thy misery unto me
goldgod has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jun 20, 2017
#919 - Golem Eyes (time sight)
See the things around you slow down as your vision speeds up.
place the eyewear or jewelry in the container, fill the container halfway full of water, next pour the oil into the container the oil should float
MastemaMagic has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jan 22, 2018
#920 - Hunter's Curse Enchantment
see everything for what it really is, this also enhances your senses all 6.
You may need:
blood or red water
a candle
a large mirror
a voice
a private place
silent atmosphere
any container
a ring or piece of jewelry
a lighter or matchbox
God of the hunt and bringer of beasts look at thy offering for you to feast.
If thou is willing then blow this candle make it dim.
May thou feast on this liquid to quench your thirst but i have a request of you first, bless this ring/pendant with your gifts.
After that thank the god Orion for his time you may feel a little twinge of pain for a second, that means Orion is in control then drink the blood/water and thank him for his time once more blow out the candle and put the item on. wear it overnight for the effects to sink in.
LazarusMagic has been a member of the site for 7 years, since Jan 03, 2018
7161 Spiritual Spells from Spell Casters