Well, you get realy I meen realy psychic (si-kick) in 2 hours!
You may need:
Strong and Clear Voice
100% Focused
Believe to be Psychic
Imagining (GOOD)
Purple Candle
You may need:
Strong and Clear Voice
100% Focused
Believe to be Psychic
Imagining (GOOD)
Purple Candle
Okay, first imagine that you have awsome psychic powers you love (si-kick). Now say:
''Psychic, Psychic, Come to me.
Psychic, Psychic, I will be.
Psychic, Psychic, let it be.
Psychic, Psychic, tell me what
it shall be. Psychic, Psychic,
Psychic, So Mote It Be!
O yea, light the candle and say that a few more times then 10times. It worx. I developed it!
Im a bad luck charm, so have any ques? send me a message to my Spells Of Magic or email
Use my email if you dont have an spells of magic account...
You may need:
1 Sister
1 Friend (Male)
You may need:
1 Sister
1 Friend (Male)
First, do any spells that don't work. Do 10 or more of them loudly and clear in front of yuor friend.
Make His Bike Tire Pop:
Go on a bike ride and say:
Bike a hiunah, bike a wess, pop the tire more then less. Make sure your pointing at his tire. You need your sister following along. Your poping his (MALE) tire.
Make Him Fall In Mud:
1ST You fall in mud. Imagine that to him.
Then say:
Hiction, diction, relouhanictions to loop, make his fat booch fall in the garahhootch! Paraweiirau, slimindaughmelei, make him get sliughed! hahahahahahahahahaha laugh evil at end of this.
Imagine you are transparent or that you blend in the background. Then say:" Dragon frog and chameleon sight, I command the shrouded sea. I blend the mist, I mix the light. Refract around behind me."
Have the person you want to levitate laying on the ground. Then have the 4 people sitting around (her/him). Next, have 4 friends put two of their fingers under (him/her) and say "light as a feather stiff as a board" over and over again until (he/she) floats. It is of the utmost importance that all parties are concentrating very hard with eyes closed.
First, write your wish down on a piece of paper and fold to the size of the locket. Then, take a spoon and a bowl, add the following ingredients in the bowl:feather, basil, thyme, apple seeds, banana skin, wishing bone. Light 6 candles in a circle and sit in the middle. Stir the ingredients clockwise in the bowl when its all mushy put a little bit of substance in the locket with the piece of paper that you wrote your wish on. Hold it tight in your right hand close your eyes and chant the following: "Grant this wish grant it near hear my plea grant my wish so let it be".
a simple spell to warm your hands when cold using your iner fire. Oh and it also works on other parts.
You may need:
# 1 mind
# open third eye
# concentration
# hand/whatever your tring to warm (preferably attached to you)
You may need:
# 1 mind
# open third eye
# concentration
# hand/whatever your tring to warm (preferably attached to you)
ok so I know there other spells like this here, and its basicly the same but i though I'd tell folk how i do it. so lets get started.
Take said body part of yours(best to start with a hand),
Put it in front of you and look at it, and imagine a fire round it.(onlt take a second or so)
NOW the hard bit close your pysical eyes, and then using your second sight/third eye try and see your hand at the same time say ''fire from ice''
See the fire, hear the cracle of the flames feel the heat.
as you do this concentrate on the heating properties of the flame
Again repeat ''Fire from Ice'' each time you say this fell the fire flare and a blast of heat though the body part. repate until warm.
you may find thay at first the tips of your finngers miss the heat.
Start of small and work your way up, if you are unable to get it to work try keep picturing the fire and saying ''fire from ice''
if it dosnt work for you when your freezing to death try your pocets
or a mixture it probably wont be able to set them on fire as it isn't pysical fire.
Point your wand at the object you want to levitate. Vizualize the object levitating. And while you do so, move your wand in a circular motion, then say:
"Four Elements have gravity band,
raise this object from ground land."
Walk into a dark closet and turn off any lights. Sit down and imagine a blue or pink light. Once you focus on this light for at least three minutes, say: "Gods of time- help me now. I call upon you here and how: Speed up time for art thou wishes thee to speed up time".
This will help you use wind to aid you in telekinesis.
You may need:
Strong mind
You may need:
Strong mind
Focus on making the wind blow, make it blow around, move trees, or whatever you want it to move. This helps if thinks get stuck in trees or telephone wires.