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1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1234 Trick Spells
1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1234 Trick Spells
  1. Invisibility and Magical Immunity
  2. Third Eye Opening
  3. Zoom Spell
  4. Levitating Practice and Guide
  5. Simple Teleportation
  6. Astral Projection Spell
  7. To hide an Object
  8. The Shadow Spell
  9. Simple Obscurity Charm
  10. Become a Mermaid when you Touch Water

#1181 - Invisibility and Magical Immunity

A powerful dark magic which will make the person invisibility,think many times before doing this.
You may need:

  • 5 wicks,each made of the fibers of:
  • Calatropis Gigantea
  • Salmalia Malabarica
  • Gossypium Heraceum
  • Cloth
  • Lotus
  • Human oil:extracted from a corpse
  • 5 Human Skulls
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    You may need:

  • 5 wicks,each made of the fibers of:
  • Calatropis Gigantea
  • Salmalia Malabarica
  • Gossypium Heraceum
  • Cloth
  • Lotus
  • Human oil:extracted from a corpse
  • 5 Human Skulls
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    Dip in all the wicks into the human oil, one should kindle five lights.

    These should be placed,one by one,on five human skulls.
    Then,combine the black ashes,obtained from the above,lights,should be applied to the eyes while one is in a temple of Shiva.

    The ashes are first consecrated with the following mantra,recited 1008 times:

    "Om hum phat kaali kaali mahaakaali maamsa-shonitam khaadaya khaadaya devi maa pasyatu manuseti hum phat svaahaa."

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    #1182 - Third Eye Opening

    This spell will open your third eye.
    You may need:

  • Small Crystal
  • Find your Third Eye Location
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    You may need:

  • Small Crystal
  • Find your Third Eye Location
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    "Alfy layla wa layla
    Alfy layla wa layla...
    By the moon, on Arabian nights,
    By the silence of ancient sites,
    By the secrets of arcane rites,
    By the flicker of candle lights...
    Ifta, ya simsim!
    Open sesame!"

    "Open my third eye, open my mind's eye,
    Release my sixth sense.
    Help me to see the unseen.
    Let me Be as I have never been."

    "Let me See as I have never seen.
    Open my third eye, open my mind's eye,
    Open my Self to understanding.
    afly layla wa layla
    afly layla wa layla...
    By the power of moonlight,
    By the power of clear sight,
    Ifta ya simsim!
    Open sesame!"

    You should begin to feel your third eye's power.

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    #1183 - Zoom Spell

    Makes time go faster or slower.
    You may need:

  • 1 (unplugged) Digital Clock
  • 1 Towel
  • 1 Pedestal(or high place)
  • Some Soot
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    You may need:

  • 1 (unplugged) Digital Clock
  • 1 Towel
  • 1 Pedestal(or high place)
  • Some Soot
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    To perform this spell you must concentrate. Take the towel and put it on top of the pedestal. Take the clock and put it on the towel. Put the soot around it while chanting:

    "Zoom, zoom, time go________(fowards or backwards)make it so,make it so,it will be_____(8 o'clock,4 o'clock, ect.) Thank you spirits."

    Then concentrate on that time.

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    #1184 - Levitating Practice and Guide

    This might or might not help you on levitating. Note that levitating takes years to conquer, this may or may not shorten that period of time.
    You may need:

  • A Strong Mind
  • Patience
  • Will Power
  • Relaxation
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    You may need:

  • A Strong Mind
  • Patience
  • Will Power
  • Relaxation
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    This is not the easiest thing to do, please note that. If it doesn't work, try and try and try, even harder, again. You'll get it in time.

    For this to work, do my meditating technique first (under the Spell Casters Coven rituals). That will clear the mind, thus it shall be easier. Though, it is optional.

    Stand or sit (for beginners, I suggest sitting) somewhere in a spacewise room. Sit cross legged and put your hands on your knees. Relax now.

    Breathe in through the nose, and out through the mouth. Close your eyes and imagine you are in the sky, birds around you, chirping and singing. Now imagine you are floating over water, the seashores rising up against the sand and relaxing sound of water. Now imagine floating over a rock in a graceful field, animals lurking, yet not fighting, around you. Now imagine yourself back in the sky, and repeat this over and over again in your mind.

    Now say the following chant:

    ''Skies and birds,
    Above my head.
    Worth it most,
    Worth it least.
    The gravity within me is now released.
    Let me fly,
    Into the sky.
    Where I shall be relaxed and calm,
    Put this gravity into my palm.
    Never falling,
    Never fearing.
    Over the pier,
    In which I fly,
    Take this body,
    Into the sky.''

    Open your eyes. Are you floating? If not, try again. Repeat this chant as many times as you must to levitate.

    Keep in mind though, do NOT fear flying. That will take away concentration and you will probably fall. If you'd like to prevent yourself from fear of heights, I suggest going to somewhere high and looking down. Then imagine yourself falling from that point without screaming, and you land gracefully without a scratch. I recommend the Empire State Building, but if you can't, maybe just a cliff or your roof, or an oversized rock.

    Also, to get back down, close your eyes and imagine yourself floating down slowly in the sky, at the sea, and on the field. Make sure you float down SLOWLY!! You don't want to break your back. After thinking of that, say the following chant:

    ''Weightless and high,
    I now take a sigh.
    All the air within me,
    Released upon my grasp.
    Give me gravity,
    Give me safety.
    Floating down onto the ground,
    Make me land without a pound.''

    Now, for any confusing towards these chants, I will define them:

    CHANT 1: Levitating

    The first few lines explain you losing gravity.
    The next few lines explain how you will and must act within the air.
    The last few lines explain how you will not fall and how much you'd like to levitate.

    CHANT 2: Landing

    The first few lines explain how high you are.
    The next few lines explain how you are releasing levitation.
    The last few lines explain how gravity is transferred back to you.

    Those are 2 chants you must know.

    **Credit to all the ''Light as a feather, stiff as a board.'' chants for the idea.

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    #1185 - Simple Teleportation

    This spell will get you to rooms and such in your house. It's simple, nothing needed for it to work, but you can't just suddenly go to Asia.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Close your eyes. Think of the room you're in now. Collect all details; wall colors, objects within the room, anything near you. Now imagine either of the two:The room is twisting and turns faster and faster or you suddenly fall into blackness. After thinking of those two, think of the room you'd like to be in. Also include all objects, wall colors, etc. in that room. It should look like the room has suddenly changed to that room. Replay this as many times as you can in your head, and say the following spell:

    "Walking is a burden. Now the walls are turning. Twist and change, this room is a pain. Go to (room name here) in time. Faster than when I flip a dime. Be there now, be there yet. Teleport me there, now I can go anywhere."

    Repeat as many times possible. You may or may not feel the room change. But be very calm when doing this, be relaxed and settle. This may take a while, a few minutes maybe, but after time to time and with practice, you can teleport even faster.

    Also, when doing this spell, make sure to include where you'd like to be when you enter the room. You don't want to teleport and find that your lower body has turned into a couch!

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    #1186 - Astral Projection Spell

    To astral project to a place once seen.
    You may need:

  • 2 mirrors
  • 1 white candle
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    You may need:

  • 2 mirrors
  • 1 white candle
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    Place the 2 mirrors facing you diagonally in front of you then place a single white candle inbetween the mirrors and say htis spell until in works:

    tria-seia og-neia lom-eia zhel-teia ne-via
    kron zeves aris dennitsa

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    #1187 - To hide an Object

    To hid an object or item
    You may need:

  • None
  • (candles might make it work better)
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    You may need:

  • None
  • (candles might make it work better)
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    Focus on the object you wish to be invisible. Concentrate on it being invisible and chant:

    "Light shimmer, reflect around,
    above below, then and now,
    keep it safe from prying eyes,
    make it mine and mine alone."

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    #1188 - The Shadow Spell

    Allows the caster to be rendered invisible.
    You may need:

  • Small, smooth stone

  • Two Candles
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    You may need:

  • Small, smooth stone

  • Two Candles
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    This spell is used to allow one to move or travel about relatively unnoticed. Care should of course be taken not to unnecessarily draw attention to ones self and thereby break the spell. This spell need be prepared in advance. A small, smooth stone should be acquired. The stone should be of minimal size so as to be easily carried on one's person without toil. The spell must be worked in the dark and two candles need be lighted and placed on a flat surface such as a tabletop. The stone should be placed on the surface between them. Repeat this incantation:

    ''Stone cold, without light Hold the shadow of the night Carry it through light of day Out of sight and out of way''

    Extinguish the candle on your left. Repeat this incantation:

    ''Stone of earth, stone of shade Into thee this spell be made That no eye may notice me Whilst traveling to wander free'' Extinguish the candle on your right. You should now be in total darkness. Pick up the stone and whilst holding it in both your hands, repeat the following invocation:

    ''Spirits of the night Lords of the shadows Guide my path Envelope me in thine cloak of darkness And let this spell be done.''

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    #1189 - Simple Obscurity Charm

    A very simple spell to make you unnoticeable
    You may need:

  • A basic meditation skill
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    You may need:

  • A basic meditation skill
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    This spell is very simple but not incredibly powerful. It has no chants or potions but I find it very effective. However it does not work against witches and you need to be able to meditate.
    Simply close your eyes and picture what you can see if your eyes are open. Now imagine feeling a shadow wrap itself up around you and seal you in a bubble then open your eyes, you are now obscure to humans, not invisible just unnoticeable.
    To get out of thes pell you need to rip open the shadow and let it disperse into the world or reabsorb it if you are capable of this.
    This is how this spell works for me some people find it easier to use light rather than shadow and various other variations, just follow your instincts on it and don’t worry this spell uses next to no power so is reasonably safe.

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    #1190 - Become a Mermaid when you Touch Water

    I know this spell works but it may not work for you only some people become a mermaid from it.
    You may need:

  • Saying it in the bath with the door locked.
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    You may need:

  • Saying it in the bath with the door locked.
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    "Water of nature talk unto me, Water of nature let the earth come to me, Water of nature sea creatures and I, will never leave each until I resign, Oh great oceans, Oh great seas, anwer my want answer my need, make me a mermaid."

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    1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters