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1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 1234 Trick Spells
1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 1234 Trick Spells
  1. Time Acceleration
  2. Bukujitsu-flying
  3. Mind Guard
  4. Travel to the Duat
  5. Mind Control
  6. Eye Color Changing
  7. Hair Straighten Spell
  8. Winged Wolf
  9. Become a Fairy
  10. Levitate Objects

#221 - Time Acceleration

It's a spell which needs patience and faith but will work to make time move faster for the caster.
You may need:

  • A Ruler (wooden , plastic, any)
  • A plank of wood, Desk etc
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    You may need:

  • A Ruler (wooden , plastic, any)
  • A plank of wood, Desk etc
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    Chant this if you want time to go fast " Time go fast; so mote it be" with the motion of fastness. In time of slowness chant the same way but replace 'fast' with 'slow' with motion of slowness. Energy will do the implementing

    Added to on Jan 14, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #222 - Bukujitsu-flying

    This ancient technique to fly comes from ancient Daoist beliefs, of goodness and purity.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Set out to become a better more caring person so that you are "pure". Meditate daily so you can clear your mind and a relieved of worries. Master your Chi or Ki, so you may do the next step(s)

    Unblock your Chakras, and feel your Chi or life force flow better. Direct your ki energy underneath you, so that it feels like a rug. Practice Martial Arts or Yoga, to become more flexible, only then you can acheive Bukujitsi

    Added to on Jan 10, 2017
    Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #223 - Mind Guard

    The purpose of this spell is to shield your mind from any and all mental invasions from other witches. If performed correctly you will be safe from any: intrusions of the mind, attempts at mind reading, or mind altering, as well as mind control.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Begin meditating until your mind is clear of all thoughts. Your mind must be completely clear before you proceed. Once you mind is clear, and only once your mind is clear repeat the incantation aloud. "Ir ska uyo tectorpion ey dnim mor lal sionutri"

    The more you repeat it the stronger the shield will be, but the more aura it will take to sustain it as well. When the spell is complete your mind will be safe subconsciously from others.

    Added to on Jan 08, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 19, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #224 - Travel to the Duat

    An Egyptian spell.
    You may need:

  • Silver,gold or bronze object.
  • Blue Ink Pen
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    You may need:

  • Silver,gold or bronze object.
  • Blue Ink Pen
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    Get rid of your pillow,you won't be using it tonight (sorry). Get the pen and write the egyptian hieroglyphics for D on your left hand and T on your right. Will power to your hands, and fall alseep with them clasped on a sliver, gold or bronze object.

    Added to on Jan 07, 2017
    Last edited on Jan 19, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #225 - Mind Control

    AWhat is called black magic can be used for malicious or self-centered reasons. On the other hand, white magic is magic that is used exclusively for good purposes such as healing the sick. The mind control spell I will show you is considered to be black magic, so please proceed with extreme caution.
    You may need:

  • Candles
  • Circle
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    You may need:

  • Candles
  • Circle
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    First, place the candles in a circle but do not light them. The best way to make an accurate circle is by placing a candle in each cardinal direction (example: North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, etc.). Make sure that the circle is at least a foot in diameter. Place the photograph or object in the center of this circle. Before you light the candles, utter these words:

    "Spirit guides, connect my ethereal cord with name of the person.
    Let us converge like the Moons light and darkness.
    May we be one and the same in thought and spirit."

    Afterwards, light the candles with your lighter or matches. This might be common sense but please be sure that you conduct this ritual on a concrete or wood floor if you're indoors. Never do this ritual on a rug, carpeted floor or any material that can easily catch fire. You may use candlesticks as well. This will not affect the casting of the spell. Once the light has filled up the room, stand in front of the circle of candles. Look down at the photo or object. Your concentration should be quite intense at this point. Don't think about anything else except the person you are attempting to enchant. Imagine that they can psychically feel you at that moment. Whisper their name 30 times in a row while concentrating on their picture or object. To finalize the ritual and close the link to the spirit world that you just opened up, say this prayer:

    "May my mind and soul become one with Name's mind.
    When I walk, they will walk with me.
    When I speak about apples, they will taste their sweetness.
    When I feel melancholy or love, their heart will respond in kind.
    I thank you, spirit guides, for helping me.
    May you make the cord between me and Name strong like the chains of a prisoner."

    In the end, close it with..
    "We are no longer two as one.
    I am myself and you are yourself.
    Your mind is now again your own."

    Added to on Jan 06, 2017
    Last edited on Mar 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #226 - Eye Color Changing

    A spell to change your eye color, hopefully works.
    You may need:

  • A mirror
  • Belief
  • Strong(ish) will
  • Visualization
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    You may need:

  • A mirror
  • Belief
  • Strong(ish) will
  • Visualization
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    Go somewhere where you won't be disturbed, whether it's the bathroom or a bedroom, just make sure no one will bug you. Take out the mirror and look at your eyes. Keep looking at them until they seem to be flickering between colors. Also, don't blink, as that will ruin the spell. Imagine your eyes in the color of your choice, visualize them changing into that color. If your eyes are a different color after you blink, then you did it!

    Added to on Dec 29, 2016
    Last edited on Dec 31, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #227 - Hair Straighten Spell

    A spell I wrote to straighten my hair naturally; it is similar to my hair growth spell.
    You may need:

  • Your voice
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    You may need:

  • Your voice
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    Say this spell once:

    "Hair, hair, thick and brown,
    Please get rid of this sad old frown.
    I ask for you to curl no more,
    Cause curly hair is such a bore.
    Instead grow straight, straight as a board,
    And make disappear this curly hoard.
    This will happen in (amount of time), you'll see,
    This is my will so mote it be."

    Added to on Dec 29, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 16, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #228 - Winged Wolf

    A spell to make yourself a winged wolf shifter, capable of growing wings, turning into a wolf, turning into a winged wolf or returning to human form at will.
    You may need:

  • Large feather (turkey feathers are great for this)
  • Paper
  • The second and third spells, written down (optional)
  • Pencil or pen
  • A match or lighter
  • A black candle (any size)
  • A bundle of dried sage
  • A cup of water
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    You may need:

  • Large feather (turkey feathers are great for this)
  • Paper
  • The second and third spells, written down (optional)
  • Pencil or pen
  • A match or lighter
  • A black candle (any size)
  • A bundle of dried sage
  • A cup of water
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    Take the paper and place it portrait-style on the table. At the top, draw a pentagram and write the species of wolf you want to be beneath it. Be specific: is it a timber wolf? A northwestern grey wolf? A red wolf? Choose carefully.

    Now write your wingspan as a human on the left, and your wingspan as a wolf on the right. For a human, try to choose a large wingspan. For example, if you are 1.7 meters tall you should have a 7 foot wingspan. Calculate a good size that can carry you well, taking into account your weight and proportions. Do the same for your wolf form, but have the wings proportionate to the size of your wolf form. Under each wingspan, write the height and weight of each form, and the fur colour of your wolf under the height and weight of the wolf form.

    Now write this:

    "Moon, oh moon, grant me my plea
    To soar in the sky and fly so free.
    I can grow my wings, painless and fast
    And they will grow as I grow to make it last.
    I can fly with ease, and my wings retract
    Quickly and easily into my back.
    Moon, oh moon, oh grant me my will
    To run through the forest and up on the hills.
    Painlessly I shift in a second or less
    Into my wolf form that I love best.
    Back into a human so easily
    And into a wolf when I wish to be free.
    Moon, oh moon, grant me these things
    An avian form, a wolf form, and a wolf with wings
    To become at will and return when I please
    So I can fly freely above the trees."

    Now say this spell three times, then light the black candle and say:

    "By the power of three, let it be
    By fire and earth, wind and sea
    My only weakness is aconite
    It burns me, weakens me, and hinders my flight
    I soar above the world, I run and I fly
    And colour is seen by my wolf eyes.
    My senses are multiplied by five
    So I experience the world even more alive
    And I have super strength, speed and agility
    To help my wings to carry me.
    I am flexible and my endurance is high
    So I can soar through the sky.
    My wings carry either form, so large and strong
    And I can fly free for very long.
    My body changes with such speed and grace
    And in seconds I shift to another race.
    The moon, the sun, the stars above
    The elements and the divine love
    I call all good powers here to me
    To let it be, mote it be."

    Now take a leaf of sage and crumble it into the water. Add a few plumes from the base of the feather. Burn a few leaves of the sage. Put the feather in the bundle and spin around, focusing on clearing the room and yourself of bad spirits, negative thoughts, and doubt. Now hold the feather to your heart and say this spell three times.

    "Moon with golden horns so bright
    I run and fly in the blackened night.
    Awaken my soul to be so free
    Let it be, blessed be.
    I am alive, and I shall live
    With everything this world has to give
    When I die and I am reborn
    I will regain all of my other forms.
    The cycle turns, the wheel to be
    My dreams alive to make it be
    Bless me, manifest my soul
    Open my body and make me whole.
    Wings and fur and claws and teeth
    Break free of my human sheath
    And my human form can close around
    And my spirit shall come to ground.
    In seconds I change and in seconds return
    I feel no pain as I turn
    This is my wish, my dream, my verse
    Sent out to the universe
    Do not misinterpret or reverse
    This great blessing into a curse.
    Evil spirits banished be
    This space pure and blessed be
    My wings and wolf alive in me
    By the power of three, mote it be!"

    Now drink the water, swallowing everything in it, while focusing on your wish. Blow out the candle. Fold up the paper and bury it outside.

    Added to on Dec 27, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 19, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #229 - Become a Fairy

    This spell is very good but painful. You will become a fairy and grow wings.
    You may need:

  • Morning dew
  • 11 flowers of different types
  • Glitter (color of wings)
  • Pink candle x1
  • Green candles x2
  • Matches
  • Chalk
  • Container
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    You may need:

  • Morning dew
  • 11 flowers of different types
  • Glitter (color of wings)
  • Pink candle x1
  • Green candles x2
  • Matches
  • Chalk
  • Container
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    Draw a circle around you with the chalk and sit in it then take the green candles and lite them then sprinkle a petal of 5 flowers on them if they extinguish relight them. Now take your pink candle and put 5 petals on it if they extinguish relight them.

    Sprinkle the glitter into a container with the dew add in the burnt petals then rub the mixture on your back. You should feel a sharp pain in between your shoulder blades and your shoulder blades should look the shade of the glitter you chose in the next hour or day. Stare up at the sky wishing you could fly!

    Added to on Dec 24, 2016
    Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #230 - Levitate Objects

    Will levitate an object.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Hold a small object, then try and concentrate really hard on the object, imagine it slowly lifting into the air. If it does not work, retry and add more intention or energy into it. Rinse, Repeat, Profit.

    Added to on Dec 24, 2016
    Last edited on Jan 15, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters