1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- Hecate's Gift
- A Teleportation
- Light as a Feather
- Practice Telekinesis
- Make Yourself a Fairy
- Special Wolf Transformation
- Vampire Spell
- Become a Fairy Spell
- White Wings
- Flying Spell
#231 - Hecate's Gift
Sometime at night say this spell one time:
"Hecate I ask of the
A request beyond the vail
Of life to death through and through
Shall the sun rise from one day hence
Thy will be reborn into magic past the tale
Of which the hero prevails without sense
I ask of you, goddess of magic and the mist
Please allow me to unlock my hidden power
So mote it be!"
Last edited on Jan 15, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#232 - A Teleportation
Okay, now sit down.Release everything on your mind and concentrate. Find a best place to comfort yourself.Make sure your heart only feel love/happy. Visualize the place that you wanted to go (e.g Paris,California,School,Office,Shopping Mall)
Now, believe that you're there,seeing things around you.(If you saw people, good!.If you don't, you're in another realm). Now, take a little walk. If you wanted to stay there for a while, stay.
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#233 - Light as a Feather
First, before you get started. This spell doesn't make you feel lighter gradually, it is very sudden, and can be quite surprising. The moment I feel light I'm always shocked out of concentration, so this is a momentary spell.
To start, go to your place outside that is quiet and has a totally clear view of the sky, and lay down. Don't do anything just yet, just relax. Clear your mind, and look to the sky. Relax, and try to let your body become loose and relaxed. This is the meditation step.
Next, now that you've relaxed, direct your thoughts to the sky. Think about just how big it is, how high it goes. The sky is very large, almost endless. There is a lot of space between you and the edge of the sky, earth's atmosphere.
Now that you've pictured how high the sky is, picture how deep it is, and the space beyond it. The sky is large, but where it ends the pitch black abyss of space starts. It goes on and on continuously, swallowing all. Try to feel it being deep like the ocean, but bottomless, and engulfing everything.
*Suddenly, the sky switches from feeling tall to feeling deep, and you feel extremely light. You'll feel like you'll fall into the deep ocean of the sky. The sudden weightlessness is like when you're dreaming and you fall, it surprises you so much you jump and wake yourself up. I always jump, even when I know what to expect.
Last edited on Nov 21, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#234 - Practice Telekinesis
Hold the top of the necklace between your thumb and forefinger. Make sure the pendant is still.
Shut out all outside thoughts and focus. Imagine energy flowing through your arms and hands, flowing through the necklace. Picture the pendant swinging in little circles, speeding up as the energy flows. You should see tiny swinging movements.
Concentrate as hard as you can, all the while keeping the image realistic. For example don't picture the pendant spinning quickly straight away. Try to imagine what it would look like in real life, starting slow and speeding up.
Last edited on Nov 13, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#235 - Make Yourself a Fairy
First, pick an area where clean up isn't needed or easy to do. You're gonna pour the fairy dust around you in a circle. Now, you have to think deeply of what you wanna be. At this time you can light the candles, but the candles themselves are optional.
Make sure to visualize yourself being the fairy you wanna become. If you can feel phantom wings, that's good (unless you don't want fairy wings as a fairy) As you visualize yoursself moving your wings/becoming a fairy, Chant the following:
"Wish to be a fairy,
let my dream come to be." 5 times.
Then say "So mote it be" before waiting for a moment. Feel for your wings with your mind, like feeling for your arms and legs when waking. If you can feel the phantom wings, the process has begun. They will grow out of your back in under one month.
Note this spell may cause you to jump timelines/realities soyouare able to complete the spell. That's what the belief is for. If it does not work, feel free to try again later. It may take a while, so wait for it to work, but if it's been over a month, you can try again.
Last edited on Jan 14, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#236 - Special Wolf Transformation
Sit somewhere in the bedroom and chant 4x: "Wolf spirits, wolf spirits guide me along, look down upon me as i wish to become a wolf with (fur colour) as it shines like the moon. I wish for my (eye colour) eyes to glow in the night. Let me have the ability to transform at will, wolf spirits this is my wish, so mote it be".
Last edited on Jan 06, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#237 - Vampire Spell
Say this once, if you mess up, start over:
"I have a great wish. As I desire, I wish to be a vampire. I wish to have long fangs, and fly and have color eyes. I will crave blood. I will be extra hot in sunlight. Please grant my wish, so mote it be!"
Side Effects:
-Sunlight burns your eyes, and gives you headaches
-Super drowsy during daytime
-Night vision
-freak out when see blood, or even the word
-hungry often
-Craves any red food
-Wants alone time
-Eyes feel weird
-Sharp teeth
You can still go in sunlight, but it will be hot. Good luck!
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#238 - Become a Fairy Spell
Go in a room alone. Say this once:
"Fairies, fairies everywhere, I have a great wish. I wish to be like you and your brothers and sisters, as a fairy. I'll be tiny, but fly high in the sky. This is my great wish, so mote it be!"
Last edited on Jan 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#239 - White Wings
Say three times:
"Gods of Three
A wish from me:
Wing of white
Grow overnight
So mote it be"
Last edited on May 06, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#240 - Flying Spell
Go outside, hold a flower petal in your hand and chat the spell 3x
"Air, air, help me air, the wind is fresh in the sky, help, help, I want to fly in the sky, to the greatest hight, grant this to me in () days, So mote is be."
It will come in the numbers of days you choose on the "() days" part.
Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.