1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- Look Into The Future
- Mind Reading
- Fairy
- Spinning Paper
- Wing Growth Potion 2
- Telekenetic
- Sorcerers Ball Of Light
- Larentia's Wing Ritual
- Seraphian 7 Moons Wings
- Water Control
#241 - Look Into The Future
#242 - Mind Reading
Simply look at the person while holding the Amethyst, in your mind think to yourself that you are entering their mind. Say: "I call to the mind of (name) and the thoughts of (name). I call to you, to read your mind. Here I say it, so mote it be".
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#243 - Fairy
If you choose to get leaves then spread them out in a circle. Say this spell 3x. Look out the window and imagine yourself as a fairy (optional too)
"Fairies flying around in the air
I want to soar
Through the air
Through the breeze
With (color) wings
I shall have powers of (3 powers)
and my element will be (your element)
Fairies, hear my plea
Please make this me
When I (summoning action/word)
my wings will summon
When I (disappearing action/word)
my wings will fold in my back
My wings and powers shall stay
Until I made up my mind to reverse it
Grant me this wish in (your time)
So mote it be"
Last edited on Feb 20, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#244 - Spinning Paper
Get the eraser and the pin. Put the pin into the eraser and the fold the paper into a triangle and the unfold it. Now do the same except this time put the other corner to corner and then unfold it.
By now you should be able to place/balance the paper on the pin. When you can put your hands around the side of the paper without touching it though and focus very hard and use heaps of energy into spinning the paper the paper. Then should start spinning and the more you practice this the better you will be at it.
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#245 - Wing Growth Potion 2
Go outside with a cauldron or bowl, and the required ingredients. Stand or sit in the moonlight, in a place with as little light pollution as possible. Allow the moon to shine on the bowl as you work. Focus on your intent (wings) as you work. Before you start, sprinkle flour and salt in a pentagram shape. Work within this pentagram.
Mix together water, apple juice, grape juice, lime juice and orange juice. Add a few drops of vanilla extract, followed by dried, powdered dandelion roots. Gather, dry, and powder the roots yourself if you can. Add a pinch of sea salt, then mix together until well combined. Slowly mix in flour until it makes a paste, then chant three times this spell while stirring the mixture.
"This potion I mix, the wind it brings
The air uplifts and my spirit sings
With wand and salve, crystal and blade
Within my circle the magick is made
Thy power in the full moon bright
Gathers in the pale moonlight
The energy swirling around and around
I pull it downward to the ground
I charge the potion with the Moon's power
To grant my wishes in the midnight hour!
And I do call, with stinging eyes
To the pretty bird that flies
On (colour) wings, as light as the breeze
Oh powers of air, I beg of you, please!
Give me large (colour) wings of flight
Make my bones strong, but light
Give me a body modified for flight
Charge this potion with power tonight
By the Gods and Goddesses of the air,
I will receive my wings!
So mote it be!"
Now remove your shirt, bra, etc. and spread the potion between your shoulder blades, and spread all of the potion onto it. Wait for the paste to dry before wearing clothes. Bow to the moon, and leave with your bowl and clothes. Leave the pentagram there. Leave the potion on overnight, then wash it off while focusing on wings. Your wings will come, so have faith that your wings are coming to you. Use binaurals, subliminal and meditation to help the spell.
Last edited on Oct 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#246 - Telekenetic
But you can't achieve it in just a one day of practice, it takes years or weeks , months or maybe years and it all depends on your determination.
First, well work with your psychic ability. Face your hand with your other hand, you can rub your hands before that if you want and after that you can close your for better concentration and focus on your hands producing aura and make a imaginary ball between your hands or having a bridge of aura. You will fell a slight push and pull, did you feel it, that's your aura.
Then after that, slowly direct your aura into the object that you want to move or levitate. Always think on what you wanted to happen, do you want to push, pull or make it float but don't force yourself if you can't do it. Focus on the thing. You can try it again another time.
I don't recommend meditating but it can help you in doing this, what I want to say is you just need a comfortable position in doing this.
Now it's done.. You just need to practice it everyday.
#247 - Sorcerers Ball Of Light
Firstly sit on the floor with your legs in a meditation position. Then imagine that there is a sphere of white light above your head, then see it turning into a spear that's going in through your head. Lift up your hands and let the energy go through.
Try pressing your hands together and if you can't then you've done it! The more you press your hands together the more strength of the sphere.
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#248 - Larentia's Wing Ritual
Think about your wish for wings, and close your eyes. Enter a meditative state. Focus on that wish. Imagine soaring through the sky. Imagine taking off, landing, flying, gliding. Practically feel the wind in your wings. Feel the freedom. Feel how good it feels to fly. Continue focusing until you feel calm, and feel the freedom of flight. Now imagine the whole process of wing growth. See nubs form and grow as your wing bones form. Imagine your primaries poking out, then stretching from your back. Then imagine them folding down slightly as the rest of the wings slide out, ''elbows'' first, then completely pulling out, tinged with blood, but not bloody, and folding on your back. Now open your eyes and hold your arms up in the goddess pose, and imagine golden energy, the energy of the wind, entering your body. Close your eyes again if you're having trouble visualizing, but stay in the pose as you imagine the energy coming down to your arms, wrapping around them, then wrapping your torso, then surrounding your legs, and then soaking into your body, filling you with the energy of the element of air filling you with golden light. Now imagine wings of golden light opening on your back, then folding down. Try to feel them there. Now stand and move to the south candle, the red candle. If the fire is dying, fix it, then go to South.
Kneel at the red candle and focus on wings again. Silence all chatter, and be calm. Imagine walking atop lava, not burning, but warm. Now imagine lying down in the lava, and sinking into it. Linger under the lava, feeling the burning heat, but not caring. Now push against the lava, and imagine bursting through the surface, with flaming wings on your back. Shake them out as they turn to the colour you wish. Now fly upwards, towards the night sky. Open your eyes and assume the goddess pose again, closing your eyes if you have to, and visualize red energy this time. Instead of coiling around you, it appears as an orb which drifts forward, touches your chest, and covers you in red energy. It then sinks into your skin, and covers your golden wings with red, creating orange wings made of fire and air energy. Now get up, keep the fire going, and move to west, with the green candle of earth.
Kneel at the earth candle, and get into a meditative state again. Imagine walking through a forest and stepping into a tangle of vines. The vines wrap around your legs, but you're not alarmed. Instead, you welcome them. They wrap around your torso and shoulders, then thevines on your legs and lower torso move upward until they're all at your shoulders. Then, the vines coalesce into wing shapes, which glow green and fuse into feathered wings with your chosen colour/s. Now open your eyes, assume the goddess pose, and close them again if you need to. Imagine green pools of energy beneath your knees. They send off orbs of green, filling you with earth energy until the pools are depleted. Now the energy pushes from your back, covering your orange energy wings in green, turning them into brown energy wings. Now keep the fire going, and move to the north candle.
At the blue candle, kneel and meditate, and when you're in a meditative state, visualize walking into the ocean until you are covered. But you are not choking or drowning. Beneath the water, you feel pressure around your back, as the water connects to you. Then, you fly free with wings of water. As you fly freely with them, the base splashes downwards, revealing feathers of blue. Then the middle falls off, and finally the tips, leaving you with blue wings. With a mighty flap, the blue falls away, revealing your wings in the colours you want, as you fly onwards. Open your eyes, assume the goddess pose, and close your eyes if you must. Imagine a large pool of water energy, getting smaller and smaller as it flows up into your knees, into your torso, arms, head. Then, the water energy engulfs your energy wings, filling them with water energy and turning them to energy versions of your ideal wings, with the colours and size you want.
Now get up and return to east, fixing up the fire as you go, then immediately assume the goddess pose. Close your eyes if you have to, and imagine the moon pulsing with Goddess energy. The energy forms the shape of a bird, the bird from which you are taking your wings, and you sense the Goddess energy as it flies down to you, then hovers at eye level, standing on nothing. It spreads it's wings, the wings you desire, and bright, blinding beams of Goddess energy fill your body, making your energy wings become normal wings and fold on your back, before sinking back into you. Feel the energy filling you with power, with divine energy, with the power that will give you your wings. Feel it, don't imagine, feel it. Feel the energy inside you, filling you with strength, with two large areas of energy at your back, where they will help grow your wings, and provide your wings with energy and life.
When you are full of energy, the bird flies back to the moon, and the energy fades, but you know it is still there, within the moon.
Now get up, keep the fire moving, and begin to dance, with long, sweeping arm movements, imitating a bird. Dance around the flames, and focus your energy as you do, chanting this spell as you dance:
Faerie fire and dragon's breath
Sun and Moon, Life and Death
To this circle here there be
Power of eternity
In this circle the magick is made
By my hand, my wand, my candle, my blade
And the power of the Goddess burning bright
Within the moon, for all of tonight
Witches in their circle cast
A spell tonight to make it last
As the moon full and round
Sends my dreams to the universe bound
And brings them back to soon be real
In this wondrous power that I feel
And all around the magick sweet
Surrounds my heart at every beat
And as I wave, I pluck at strings
Controlling power over magick things
And as I spin it within this ring
I give myself (colour)-feathered wings!
The elements combine together
Forming wings that never weather
Upon my back between my shoulders
That shall grow as I grow older
Always the perfect size and strength
To carry me for greatest lengths
And able to tightly fold and hide
So with humans I keep my secret inside
The wings of a (bird) come to me
The lovely wings for all to see
And I shall soar and leap and fly
Across the silver-frosted sky!
Goddess, I ask of thee
Under your moon I pray, prithee,
Make my wish to be!
Give me my wings so I may be free!
I thank you if my wings are to be,
And this is my will, so mote it be.
Now snuff the candles, starting east and going clockwise, releasing the elements as you go, then leave the fire to burn away. Your wings will take a while to come and quite a while to grow, but trust the Goddess and the universe that your ritual was heard and your wings are coming.
#249 - Seraphian 7 Moons Wings
Draw and color your wings (make sure they are textured) (you can also just use a black and white printer and color in the wings how you want.) Fold it six times, then draw the seraphian symbol. Go outdoors and start a fire. Set the paper ablaze, after 3 minutes just submerge it in water. Let the water sit out with the paper in it with the moonlight.
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#250 - Water Control
Tak 1 cup of sea salt and pour it into a jar of water. Mix it up while you say: "My father, my God, give me the power to help control water. I will only use it for good. So mote it be" Light both candles.
Do this on a waxing moon. Do the same thing on a full moon to help increase power!
Last edited on Dec 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.