This spell makes time go faster but it has to end in nine and CANNOT end in 19.
You may need:
voice(quiet or loud)
the mirror is for looking at numbers if you dont have a clock
You may need:
voice(quiet or loud)
the mirror is for looking at numbers if you dont have a clock
God of time,
Godess of ryhme,
Please make the time,
_ _:_ 9
If you have the mirror before you say the spell,write on it 12,1,2,,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
It has to be a little hand mirror and make the hands to the time you want in black expo marker and say the spell.
At Dusk you transform into a bat,and at Dawn you transform back.
You may need:
Your voice
Belief that it will work
Night time/or Sunset
You may need:
Your voice
Belief that it will work
Night time/or Sunset
1.)Say This at Sunset or at Night,(inside or outside)''By the secret of the dark and the song of moonlight,cloak me with a (Type of bat's) wings and transform me at the dim of each day's light.
2.Imagine yourself turning into a bat,will it to happen.
3.You will transform at sunset every day than transform back at dawn.
Side Effects:
Back,shoulder and arm pain.
Two sharp fangs will grow in the front of your mouth.
Perfect Night Vision.
A craving for whatever your breed of bat eats.
Anxiety when your in a bright area.
Skin burns more easily.
Go outside. Stand in the middle of your yard and close your eyes. Spread your arms out and take slow, calm breaths.
Think of a gust of wind come out of you whenever you exhale, and back in when you inhale. Concentrate on the amount of wind you want. If you feel gusts of wind whenever you exhale, you are doing the ritual correctly.
Sit in a quiet place, rest a little. Now sit in lotus position and disconnect from every thing around you, close your eyes. Get inside your mind, imagine your self in that same position, peaceful, calm fully rested.
Now visualize your self, lighter, lighter, lighter, then floating in the air, in peace, lighter the a feather, away from the floor. Open your eyes, if your are floating, then congratulations, if you are not, try again.
This spell worked twice for me but you have to believe in order to levitate or fly. (a lot of belief is needed)
You may need:
A fairy friend that can give you fairy dust
You may need:
A fairy friend that can give you fairy dust
Set the dandelions out in a circle and stand in it. Next, chant this, " fly me to the stars, fly me to the moon, I shall float up there, but bring me down when I say, ( )".
Fairies themselves are real, you know. They don't live in this world and I don't care about what other people say, I do have a fairy friend and say I'm delirious but i am not. They can't be photographed and the king has banished them from coming into human contact as unfortunately an incident happened many moons ago. Leave these creators alone, thank you.
How to find your secret name. A secret name is something that allows someone to have complete control over you.
You may need:
You may need:
Lay on your back and close your eyes. Imagine your aura and imagine caving in on yourself. Now keep going deeper and deeper. Finally you've reached the bottom floor. Your secret name will be on that floor. To leave imagine climbing a staircase or ladder all the way up. By the way there will be obstacles.
Does exactly as the name says. This is relatively hard so just keep trying. It can allow you to talk with someone mentally or damage their mind.
You may need:
You may need:
Decide who to do this on and concentrate on your aura (their's too). Imagine your aura seeping into their's.Try to speak with them or imagine little bombs going off in their mind
Keep trying and you'll get it.