1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- Make Me Taller
- The Darkest Closet
- Ten Times Beautiful
- Telekinesis
- Cat Fall Asleep
- Visualize Meditation
- Magic Alarm Clock
- Bat Transformation
- Connect Thoughts
- Mind Read
#811 - Make Me Taller
Chant this five times: "Make me taller, make me taller. I don't wish to be short anymore. I wish to grow. I don't want to be called puny. Make me grow, so mote it be".
Last edited on Feb 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#812 - The Darkest Closet
Moon upon me,
This person has harmed me,
I seek vengeance, I want him/her to pay
Suffering each night, hurting all day,
I put a nightmare upon them, that shall harm them
As he/she has harmed me..
So mote it be..
Be sure to do a protection spell so this won't backfire
Be very sure you want to do this also, because if the hate for the person isn't enough this spell is useless. Also have faith and belief.
#813 - Ten Times Beautiful
Say this spell ten times:
"Spirits of beauty! I ask you please to make me ten more times beautiful! I will say this spell ten times to make me ten times more beautiful! This is my will so mote it be!"
Last edited on Jan 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#814 - Telekinesis
On a table mark an ( X ) and lay an item thats light a feather , fingernail,or baloon.everyday at midnight alone, practice moving it keeping a record of your progress.
Kinesis is energy in motion ,everything is energy the wind people pain, fire, etc. You have the energy to set energy in motion like for like and like produces like. Your energy is kinetic. You will find you can move others, shape clouds,even move pain away from you using your mind.
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#815 - Cat Fall Asleep
Once the cat is calm. Put your index finger on their third eye or in the middle of their eyes (*note if you don't know were the cats third eye is like I said in the middle of their eyes but just alittle up and there you got!) Ok once your ready wisper this once:
"Fall asleep."
and the cat should either fall asleep or get sleepy then fall asleep.
Hope it works
Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#816 - Visualize Meditation
This can be at work in your office, Sitting outside in a quiet park, You can do this at home sitting on sofa, bed even on the floor.
1) Try to sit without moving your body just relax yourself and quiet all your thoughts.
2) Close your eyelids.
3) Try focusing on one point and nothing else.
4) Try focusing between your eyes.
5) After body and mind have been stilled.
6) Visualize a red apple against a dark background.
7) Focus on it, bring it close and closer see the small details of it's skin, try smelling it, touch it and feel the skin, bite it and taste it.
8) Do this sited, do not lie down (this could cause you to fall asleep).
9) It may take a lot of practicing to actually to see thing, don't give up, keep practicing this and it will enhance your mind eye.
note1: Keep focus on apple and nothing else.
It may take a few times to actually taste the apple.
Don't give up, keep practicing this and it will enhance your mind for meditation.
note2: mastering the ''Relax Meditation'' on my page under history before this will help you stay focus and it's not hard for most to master the ''Relax Meditation''
#817 - Magic Alarm Clock
First of all say:
"Time,chronological mind, I call on you gods of time to get me up at :00 am/pm so mote it be."
Last edited on Apr 12, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#818 - Bat Transformation
2. Color your bat how it's species looks.
3. Write down it's height next to it.
4. underline the height.
5.Fold hamburger style so you can't see the drawing,ONLY ONE FOLD.
6.Write it's info with a pencil/pen on either side
7. Fold hamburger style again so you can't see the words.
8. Write this and say it as you write it,aloud ''Bats,bats,bats,I wish to be a bat. I want to be a (type of bat) My fur color shall be (Color) and my eyes will be shining (color) ''God grant me my wish to be,I wish to be a bat. SO MOTE IT BE
9.fold paper hamburger again.
10. draw a pentagram on one side.
11.fold hamburger again.
12. Everynight for three nights before you sleep,chant ''God, please let me be the bat that I wish to be.'' Then chant: Bats, bats,bats I wish to be a bat. I want to be a (type of bat). My fur shall be (color), and my eyes will be shining (color). God, grant me my wish to be, I wish to be a bat. SO MOTE IT BE.
NOTE: Once you have chanted the three nights, you have sealed the deal and you cant start over.
You Can be any type of bat that you want.
Last edited on Feb 24, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#819 - Connect Thoughts
While holding hands, on the floor with your legs crossed, chant this 2 times
"Soul to soul,
Heart to heart
Connect our minds,
Don't break them apart,
Bond our thoughts,
Keep them together
Until we break our friendship forever"
Last edited on Jan 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#820 - Mind Read
Focus on that person in your head for 5-10 seconds, then plunge your thoughts into a plain white background.
Say this spell in your head, still with the white background:
Let me look inside __________'s head,
Lock all the thoughts inside.
All white be banished, arise thoughts.
Continue saying this spell in your head until a picture (or words) appear in your mind.