1234 Trick Spells from Spell Casters
- Become Unexpected
- Control Someones Motions
- Grow Wings
- Mind Control
- Listen To the Voices of Nature
- Levitating Things Using Wind
- Fly-By School Day
- Mermaid
- To Bar The Lies & Hear The Truth
- To Bar The Lies & Hear The Truth
#911 - Become Unexpected
Do meditation about 2 minutes and then get up and wear your blindold. Now hold up your left hand to not bump into stuff. When you think you're there stop. Take off your blindfold. They might act suspicious cause they didn't know you were there.
Last edited on Nov 14, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#912 - Control Someones Motions
First write the person you want to control name on the paper then put the paper under your pillow. Then say thier name 5 times then say:
"Oh emotions, emotions
I am in control
I will control how (name of person) feels
I can control her/his feelings with my mind"
And then go to bed and when you wake up you will be able to see/control their feelings.
Last edited on Nov 13, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#913 - Grow Wings
''Witches power burning bright, Tarot, rune and blade
Charge the spell enfilled with might, here and now the magics made
Wave and tree, hedge and flame, strength of the elements gather here
To bless this work and charge it well, to complete the spell now, far, or near
Mystic Moon and Brilliant Sun, send your powers here this way
Gracious Lady, Mighty Lord, bless this charge that I lay
Powers that are, powers that be, gather round this spell I cast
Empower my working three times three
Send it forth to see it last, so shall it be!
Gods and Goddesses hear my plea
Please allow me to grow wings, set me free
Day and night, sky and sea
Undo these chains that bind me
Snow white wings are the wings for me
As beautiful as the eye can see
Let my wings carry me with ease
So I may walk and fly as I please
Let my wings be able to fold and hide
So with humans I may be able to reside
I want to soar above the land and sea
Now I shall fly and be free
Day and night, sky and sea
Allow my wings to grow quickly
Sour and sweet, sun and moon
I know my wings will grow soon
Flying, soaring way up high
With my wings I will fly into the sky
Break these binds that bind me to the ground
So from here on I will never frown
Day and night, sky and sea
Let the sky become one with me
Good and evil, pure and white
I command thee to give me the gift of flight
Elements of the world help me
Let me grow wings, set me free
Air that is swift and grace
Help me go from place to place
Water that is pure and clear
With my wings I shall be sincere
Earth that is old and wise
Let me leave your land and touch the sky
Fire that is strong and brave
Growing wings is the only thing I crave
Lightning that is relentless and swift
Please let my wings be able to lift
Snow that is soft and white
My wings will always make my mood bright
Sun that is light and kind
With my wings I shall always be nice
Moon that controls the seas
You melt away all my pains you see
Darkness that is dark and glum
My wings will always let me have fun
Light that is pure and bright
My wings will give me a new sense of height
All elements work together to make my wish come true
I command you and have faith in you
Now I release all elements from this spell
No longer will they dwell
Day and night, sky and sea
Soon I will truly be
Flying in the light blue sky
No one will be able to hurt me way up high
Let me be able to fly day and night
I crave the desire to take flight
I would like wings to fulfill a special deed
To help everyone in need
To help all humans, animals, and plants
But without wings this is a deed I cant
The happiness that my wings will bring
I will get my wings!
I will get my wings!
I will get my wings!
Gods and Goddesses hear my plea
Feathers and all
Let my wings grow in three weeks!
So mote it be!''
Then blow out the candles.
#914 - Mind Control
Put the 4 candles in a triangle and light the candles. As you do this, say: "Dear Gods and Goddesses. Please let me control the mind of (person). Please, so mote it be". And go to sleep.
By the morning, the candles should be burnt out. You will now be able to control the other persons thoughts.
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#915 - Listen To the Voices of Nature
One: Meditate. Focus on the natural sounds around you.
Two: Focus on what you hear, what you feel, and what you smell.
Three: Think about the Earth and all that goes on around it. What animals inhabit it, the weather, etc.
Four: Listen, listen, listen, as hard as you can.
Five: Be patient, it might take a minute from here.
You should be able to hear something inside of mind, or maybe even see images. Good luck, and hope this provides a good experience for you!
#916 - Levitating Things Using Wind
First of all Get into a meditative state while sitting down somewhere with wind flowing around your position (preferably outside). Now while sitting feel the wind, each gust and separate current, feel the wind brush and move past you. Now imagine altering the gusts and currents by making them blow harder or faster etc. then once you are in a meditative state, chant:
"By the Spirits of air.
I wish to bare a gale of air,
one strong enough to,
make ships sail
one strong enough to
make brick walls fail.
So that I may make things float.
So mote it be."
Then repeat it again as many times as you want.
Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#917 - Fly-By School Day
Chant as many times as you wish:
"School day school day
Go by fast
Don't last just pass
Gods and godesses
Make it flee
So mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#918 - Mermaid
Put on the swimsuit top and flippers. Turn on some relaxing music as you scrub lotion onto your legs. Cut the coconut in half, putting one half on each knee. Say, "I wish to be a mermaid and swim in the sea".
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#919 - To Bar The Lies & Hear The Truth
To perform this spell, look at the clock and observe what time it is: the more into the hour you are, the less time you will have for the duration of the spell, which is why it is best to use this spell at the start of a new hour.
Look at the Hour Hand on the clock (if you are using a digital clock, just look at the time) and chant these words:
As this hour passes 'round
Be these words forever bound
Bar the lies that seek an ear
Let the truth be all I hear
After the hour in which you cast this spell ends, the spell's energy is sufficiently spent and your Magick is done.
*Witches with negative intentions using this spell to hear the truth from others might find that it does not work for them, or that it backfires in some which way, because this spell's alignment is of good, benevolent Magick and is only to be cast if you truly need to know the truth about something!
#920 - To Bar The Lies & Hear The Truth
To perform this spell, look at the clock and observe what time it is: the more into the hour you are, the less time you will have for the duration of the spell, which is why it is best to use this spell at the start of a new hour.
Look at the Hour Hand on the clock (if you are using a digital clock, just look at the time) and chant these words:
"As this hour passes 'round
Be these words forever bound
Bar the lies that seek an ear
Let the truth be all I hear"
After the hour in which you cast this spell ends, the spell's energy is sufficiently spent and your Magick is done.
* Witches with negative intentions using this spell to hear the truth from others might find that it does not work for them, or that it backfires in some which way, because this spell's alignment is of good, benevolent Magick and is only to be cast if you truly need to know the truth about something!
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.