Not exactly a spell but its useful all the same to alter your perception of time.
You may need:
You may need:
Draw a small eye on one of your palms with the pen. Don't stare at the clock for awhile and hopefully you will notice that the time has gone by faster than you normally would notice it to.
Think of how you want to be. Let it echo in your mind for an hour while you focus on it, projecting the personality you want stronger and stronger onto yourself. Do this 13 days in a row.
Freeze and stay in place for a moment. Concentrate on your body blending in with the background. Blend your body with your mind into your surroundings and say, "I am but shadow" as you do so.
It does not make you completely invisible but it makes you significantly less noticable to anybody.
This spell will allow you to feel or think like the person the spell is cast upon. The person the spell is cast upon must be in a close range from when you cast the spell.
You may need:
Photo of person who spell is cast upon
Free mind
In close area of the person spell is cast upon
You may need:
Photo of person who spell is cast upon
Free mind
In close area of the person spell is cast upon
Meditate for a few minutes and think of the person who you are casting the spell upon. After your mind is cleared chant:
"Accerso alius sententia ut mihi , phasmatis of interregnum ego dico , solvo meus mens mei , ego dico thee phasmatis audite meus placitum take meus mens quod iacio is porro ut (persons name)."
Sit in a chair relaxingly with a flat surface table on your front.
Now get a pen and place it in the table (make sure the pen will not accidentally move by others or you).
Now think of a power of your mind,
then visualize a pen rolling.
Use this to move anything with the power of your mind.
You may need:
Wand (optional)
You may need:
Wand (optional)
To begin with, make an energy ball in your hands. Then open your hands slightly in the direction of the object that you wish to move. Will the energy to move from your hands and surround the object. Then, make sure your energy line is strong otherwise it won't move, say:
"Listen to me and abide
Move this random thing aside"
And then slowly move your hands/wand in the direction you want the object to go. If it doesn't move at first then put your hands/wand in the original position and try to move it again.
Picture or Drawing of the Person You Want Dream Read
Mindlink (See Instructions)
You may need:
Necklace or Bracelet (Necklace Is Better)
Picture or Drawing of the Person You Want Dream Read
Mindlink (See Instructions)
1: Put on necklace or bracelet (necklace is preferable and make sure to keep your neckalace/bracelet on for the whole day)
2: Mind link with the person you want to dream read (each of you concentrates on each other at the same time. Mail me (moroccowitch)for more info)
3: Hold the photo/drawing between your hands and say: ''Entertwined by a link of mind, tied together by only thought. I will jump into your dreams and drown in your fantasies'' Note: You don't have to say exactly this. Just say an incantation that mentions how your minds are linked and you want to see his/her dreams. I made this one though, and think it works the best.
4: Keep the necklace/bracelet on when you sleep and put the photo/drawing under your pillow.
5: When you sleep, you will have a dream. During this dream, you will see a T.V. or book. If it is a T.V, watch it and it will show the persons dreams. If it is a book, read it and it will tell you about his/her dreams. It also might be a radio, so listen to the radio and you will hear their dreams.
Note: This works 80% of the time and is uncannily accurate. Use it as you wish and may you have good dreams.
Use this spell to create a telepathic link with an animal.
You may need:
You may need:
Look animal in eye for at least five seconds. Create an invision link to the mind and heart of the animal, focusing on connecting the two of you. If the animal shakes its head, try again.
This spell can make you travel, also known as teleport, to any place you want.
You may need:
White Chalk
You may need:
White Chalk
First, go outside to the wall of your house, It has to be a brick house so you can use the chalk. On the side of your house, draw a door with the chalk. Step about 3 feet away from your door and chant "Door, door; Open to the place name I must enjoy. Go, go; I chant this now. So mote it be".
After that you will be in the place but you also have to imagine the place really hard while you cast, and don't leave out a single item in the place, get the lamps, books, fridge, every-thing.