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928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 928 Wealth Spells
928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 928 Wealth Spells
  1. Scrying
  2. Enemy Slowness
  3. Apollo's singing voice
  4. Bring Me Riches
  5. Fame spell
  6. Inner Power Morphing
  7. See in Darkness
  8. Fire and Water Wish Spell
  9. Prosperity Ritual
  10. How to make cinnamon incense cones
#71 - #80
#91 - #100
#111 - #120
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#91 - Scrying

With a lot of practice, you can see psychic images in water or a crystal ball.
You may need:

  • either a crystal ball
  • or a bowl of water with black ink in it
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    You may need:

  • either a crystal ball
  • or a bowl of water with black ink in it
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    Either use a crystal ball, or fill a bowl with water, and put black ink into that water.

    Gaze into the water or ball with a clear mind. Gaze not stare. Try not to think about anything when gazing. If you fail to see any psychic images in the crystal ball or black ink water after attempting for from twenty to thirty minutes, stop and try again each day. From the crystal ball or black ink water, you may not see any portents at all after weeks or even months of attempts, but you will eventually see them with enough pursuit. When you do see the portents, the visions will be either literal or symbolic.

    Added to on Feb 13, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #92 - Enemy Slowness

    This spell makes your enemies go slower. It may not always work.
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    Memorize and say:

    "Run run like a snail,

    Make (name) run as slow as a snail"

    Added to on Jan 30, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #93 - Apollo's singing voice

    Gives you the singing voice of the God Apollo
    You may need:

  • Belief in Apollo and daytime
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    You may need:

  • Belief in Apollo and daytime
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    Say this 7 times during the day " Oh great god Apollo lend me your singing voice so that I may become a Rich and Famous singer and songwriter this has been my dream since I was young and I would like to make it come true so if you allow it let it be for this is my will so mote it be."

    Added to on Jan 26, 2020
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #94 - Bring Me Riches

    A spell to call unseen riches to your side and to give you the wealth you need.
    You may need:

  • Paper with an abundance symbol on it
  • Paper with a moon symbol on it
  • Paper with runes for wealth on it
  • Green Candle (Optional)
  • White Candle (Optional)
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    You may need:

  • Paper with an abundance symbol on it
  • Paper with a moon symbol on it
  • Paper with runes for wealth on it
  • Green Candle (Optional)
  • White Candle (Optional)
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    Say entire spell three times:

    Money, money come to me. Glitz and gold, treasure not seen.

    (Burn abundance on green candle (Without candle just burn))

    Powerful Jewels, riches untold, If I may be so bold. Help me now in my time of need, bring me money, fulfill my greed.

    (Burn wealth runes over green candle (Without candle just burn))

    With no harm or fowl unfold, please bring me my glitz and gold.

    (Burn moon symbol over white candle (Without candle just burn))

    After repeating the words of the spell three times then say:

    As I will it, So mote it be.

    Then blow out the candles.

    End of spell.

    Added to on Dec 15, 2019
    Last edited on May 10, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #95 - Fame spell

    To become Famous for your desired reason such as a Rock star or an Actor I will test myself to make sure that it works because I created this spell
    You may need:

  • Belief in the spell and in the Goddess Pheme who in Greek Mythology was the Personification of Fame
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    You may need:

  • Belief in the spell and in the Goddess Pheme who in Greek Mythology was the Personification of Fame
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    First say this " I call upon wind earth fire and water to make this spell Magic and to make it a real spell so mote it be." Next say this "I call upon and Invoke the goddess Pheme to make me a rich and Famous (insert desired reason here) everywhere I go people will swoon over me and ask for autographs paparazzi will stalk me and I will be recognized by everyone wherever I go my significant other and I will be the next celebrity power couple and I will have paparazzi stalk me in whatever state or country I am in I will have a Mansion in whatever state, city or town I'm in and my Mansion will be humongous with a gigantic yard a Olympic size swimming pool a hundred bed rooms a spacious living room and kitchen with a extremely large flatscreen tv and a bathroom for each bedroom and twenty bathrooms on the first floor and in the basement I will have a state of the art recording studio with top of the line equipment and instruments I will also have a gorgeous garden 15 luxurious cars and a custom everything Bugatti Gangloff a McLaren gt and I will have an Infinite amount of money so I can afford everything I will get all this instantly so mote it be."

    Added to on Dec 01, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #96 - Inner Power Morphing

    transformation of a small piece of your inner spirit substance to achieve a new state of power a new ability
    You may need:

  • meditation ability
  • the ability to control your self
  • focus on ones on inner self
  • self transformation motivation.
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    You may need:

  • meditation ability
  • the ability to control your self
  • focus on ones on inner self
  • self transformation motivation.
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    Start to meditate, the best you can, and focus on the thought of a bottomless well filled, with primal forces. Picture it gushing out more from the nothingness you're made of. Some of the it from the blanks between the things that make you, you.

    Now, step 2, form the primal forces transform them in to what you want say. This could bea big spirit eye to see in to other planes of existence, for example, and then move it to the appropriate spot, in this case your third eye.

    You can also imagine a staff or wand and place it on your hand as a spirit vision tattoo. In this case it acts as an amplifier for your control; like the key tattoo you get when you go to the angelic plane the tattoo makes you know things about the plane of existence.

    Added to on Oct 26, 2019
    Last edited on Oct 29, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #97 - See in Darkness

    See in Darkness.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Breath calmly. Close your eyes. If you are calm you can see what silhouettes of things are. Will work for anyone but works quicker and better for believers. Also you can breath faster to see colors in the darkness to gain visions.

    Added to on Oct 26, 2019
    Last edited on May 10, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #98 - Fire and Water Wish Spell

    This spell is used to manifest your desires. The fire helps manifest your wish quickly. The water helps nullify any ill effects. Both elements aid in the spell in more ways than one, and in addition the Earth and Wind elements play a significant role as well. Use this spell for any wish, however, make sure you are still doing things to bring forth that wish even in a mundane way.
    You may need:

  • A fire-safe bowl or cauldron
  • Water (bottled or tap is fine, rain water best)
  • A very small piece of paper OR a leaf
  • Marker
  • Some of your own hair
  • A candle (any color)
  • Tea tree oil OR eucalyptus oil
  • Ashes (from previous wishes, incense, or other ashes)
  • Lighter/matches
  • (optional) flower petals, soil, etc to add an extra boost
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    You may need:

  • A fire-safe bowl or cauldron
  • Water (bottled or tap is fine, rain water best)
  • A very small piece of paper OR a leaf
  • Marker
  • Some of your own hair
  • A candle (any color)
  • Tea tree oil OR eucalyptus oil
  • Ashes (from previous wishes, incense, or other ashes)
  • Lighter/matches
  • (optional) flower petals, soil, etc to add an extra boost
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    Please note: The burned hair will give off a strong smell. The tea tree oil helps a bit, but if you live with someone or are still a closet-witch, this spell may not be for you. Also, please be careful when burning things. Put your hair back and be safe!


    On the small paper or leaf (I used a paper about 1-inch x 1-inch in size), write down your wish. In my example, I wrote:

    "I have a job interview."

    Write it down as if it already happened!

    Fold the paper (preferably three times, but any amount is OK). Then, take several strands (note: hair that has already fallen out. For example, I used a bulk of hair from my hairbrush) and wrap it around the paper.

    Next (and Be Careful!) burn the hair and the paper (or leaf) in the fire-safe bowl. You can use incense to help burn it, too, a match, etc.

    Add a drop or couple drops of oil. Be careful, as this will make the fire burn higher/stronger.

    When it burns enough (follow your instincts), pour a small amount of water (approx a cup or less).

    Add a pinch or two of ashes.

    Add flower petals, soil, etc you want to add (optional).

    Add some candle wax to "seal". I used a black candle, but you can use any candle or a color associated with your wish. For example, if your wish is related to money, you can use a green candle.

    Stir by moving the bowl around, chanting your wish several times.

    When you are done, pour it on the ground outside. For me, I did this right outside my bedroom window.

    Important factors to consider:

    1. Make sure that you are still doing things to help with the spell. For example, if your wish is to have a job interview, apply to jobs! If your wish is for your crush to notice you, wear a nice outfit! If your wish is to get stronger physically, work out.

    2. Keep doing the spell until you get the desired results.

    My results:

    I did this spell about four nights in a row until I got a job interview at the company I wanted! At first, I kept getting job interviews after job interviews at places that turned out to be a wrong fit or farther than I expected. If you don't get your desired results, keep trying! For me, that meant I had to keep applying to jobs and keep spell-casting, even when I was REALLY tired of the smell of burned hair.

    However, the spell works amazing for me, so I kept doing it!

    Want to add an extra boost?

    Throughout the day, keep repeating your wish. For example, I would repeat the words, "I have a job interview" quietly no matter where I was, throughout the day.

    Sometimes, I would light a candle, say it, then blow it out.

    Persistence is key!

    If you have any questions, feel free to message me. I'll try to answer as fast as possible, but I'm not always on here.

    You can also message me via my blog:


    Happy spell-casting!

    Added to on Oct 25, 2019
    Last edited on Nov 07, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #99 - Prosperity Ritual

    A working to thrive and succeed in a difficult situation.
    You may need:

  • 1 Lemon
  • 2 Fortune Incense (Satya)
  • 2 Patchouli Forest Incense (Satya)
  • Matches or Lighter
  • Knife
  • Dried Split Peas
  • Green Bourbon Glass
  • Waxing Moon Phase
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    You may need:

  • 1 Lemon
  • 2 Fortune Incense (Satya)
  • 2 Patchouli Forest Incense (Satya)
  • Matches or Lighter
  • Knife
  • Dried Split Peas
  • Green Bourbon Glass
  • Waxing Moon Phase
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    1. Do during waxing moon for the increasing boost.
    2. Pour split peas into bourbon glass.
    3. Cut lemon into fourths, not all the way through, lengthwise.
    4. Stab two fortune incense through the vein part of the outer lemon slices.
    5. Stab two patchouli incense through the vein of the inner lemon slices.
    6. Light the incense, starting from outer working to the inner ones.
    7. Sit in the same room as the incense, letting it wash over you.
    8. Be mindful of its presence and the intention you have it set for.
    9. Continue with what you were doing so long as you remain present until it has burned though.

    Added to on Oct 04, 2019
    Last edited on May 11, 2021
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #100 - How to make cinnamon incense cones

    This is a simple thing to do if you want some nice cinnamon incense cones for you to burn and attract prosperity and good luck.
    You may need:

  • Cinnamon powder
  • A plate (to place the cinnamon incense cones)
  • A bowl (to mix the cinnamon with the water)
  • A glass/container with water
  • Two spoons to mix the water with the cinnamon
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    You may need:

  • Cinnamon powder
  • A plate (to place the cinnamon incense cones)
  • A bowl (to mix the cinnamon with the water)
  • A glass/container with water
  • Two spoons to mix the water with the cinnamon
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    First, place some cinnamon powder into the bowl. Make sure you have everything ready so you can make the cinnamon cones. With one tablespoon, slowly add in water into the bowl with the cinnamon powder. Make sure it is not too much or you will mess up the job. Keep mixing the water with the cinnamon using the other spoon until it turns into a dirt like substance. It will look like dirt once it is sucessfully done. After you're done with the mixing, you pick up some cinnamon with your hands and form a triangle on the plate. You do this for as long as you like and make how many cones you want.

    That's pretty much it. Have fun making some cinnamon incense!

    Added to on Oct 03, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters