927 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters
- Plant growing elixir
- Stone of Power
- Spell of a better exams
- Luck bag
- Luck Spell
- A simple yet powerful wish granting spell (be careful what you wish you)
- Win a Lottery Spell
- To get what you want
- Brain Booster
- Get Rid of Writer's Block
#211 - Plant growing elixir
If you have any questions mail me :)
Last edited on Mar 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#212 - Stone of Power
Hold it in your hand, with your eyes shut and focus on the stone.
I have made a few chants for some gems, mail me if you need a chant, or make your own.
Citrine (Wealth):
Maiden, Mother and The Crone
I ask ye to give power to this stone
Let it help with wealth
And I will use it for myself
Rose Quartz (Love):
Maiden, Mother and The Crone
I ask ye to give power to this stone
Blessed by the triple goddess above
So I can use it to find love
Alexandrite, Amber, Pearl or Opal (Luck):
Maiden, Mother and The Crone
I ask ye to give power to this stone
Give me the luck that I deserve
And you I will always serve
Amethyst, Jade (Stress management):
Maiden, Mother and The Crone
I ask ye to give power to this stone
Please take all my stress away
So I can be joyful another day
#213 - Spell of a better exams
Let's look at the ingredients. Skip this if you choose, but just some facts.
The chosen candle is Turquoise, this is because it works tremendously well with study, problem solving and stuff. Also white was chosen, due to it accessing all the colours.
You need belief, like, come on. Nothing works if you can't believe it will work.
You also need to study, not all things come at a click of a finger.
Now that's all done, let's get on to the spell:
Rub a few drops of oil from your candle on your two palms, then grasp the center of the candle with both hands.
Close your eyes and focus on your test, believe that you will pass it.
No your hands slowly to the ends of the candle while chanting these words:
I call the Ancient One
God of the falling sun
Share ye wisdom and give me luck
As the days to my paper begin to pluck
I will pass, I will achieve
So I can leave with my belief
Thank you god for hearing my spell
All hope it will all go well
Do it at sunset
Have a Citrine Quartz with you
Remember, friends:
'If ye harm none, do what ye will'
#214 - Luck bag
2. Once your paper is dry you can remove your leaves and grab a pen. Write your intention onto the paper, which in this case is luck.
3. Scroll up your peice of paper and place it in the bag along with all your other items and charms, close the bag and carry it with you when ever you need some luck.
If you have any questions please mail me :D
#215 - Luck Spell
2. Drop the hair (if you have it) into the flame.
3. Hold the personal object in the flame (over it if it's flammable) and then smear it with the blood (if you have it).
4. Draw a magic circle and place the personal object in the center.
*If you're casting it on someone else
5. Get into lotus position and chant: ''O Fortuna potens fortuna, quaeso, tibi sit bene ac fortunae obiectum protegant (person's name) dum a malo induere.
*If you're casting it on yourself
5. Get into the lotus position and chant: ''O Fortuna, quem fortuna, cum fortuna hoc peto benedicere fortunae, quamdiu mala prohibere induere.''
#216 - A simple yet powerful wish granting spell (be careful what you wish you)
Now think of your wish, to be short and simple and to the point; the more detail and the more specific you can be, the better the wish will come out when it has been manifested onto the physical plane from the spiritual plane.
Chant anywhere from three to ten times
''By sun and moon and stars above, with positive intentions and the energy of love, like summerland my wish shall shine, let my will be done and this wish be mine, as I do will so mote it be''
Now bind your spell by saying ''For the good of all and to harm none, this spell is bound and is to not be undone, by the power of three times three, as I do will, so mote it be''
Give thanks to the divine and the higher powers as well as the elements f aiding in your spell! And don't forget to say farewell!
#217 - Win a Lottery Spell
Put pinch of lottery oil, pinch of cinnamon, pinch of marjoram and pinch of prosperity magical oil in the oil diffuser.
Light the votive candle as you concentrate/meditate on your winnings (no specific amount). Place it under the oil mixture and say:
''Lottery Lottery be far to me,
Grant me any amount you wish that may come to me.
With a grateful heart I shall receive
the great gift that will come to be.
As I say, so mote it be''
Not sure the timeframe of this spell working, but keep playing those numbers!
#218 - To get what you want
Light your incense on your altar or table. Place the three pieces of carnelian ( symboling Mars, Fire and Aries) in a triangle shape. Now take the piece of carnelian from the top point of the triangle in your hand. Close your eyes, and imagine what you want. Once you have visualized your success story in your head, open your eyes and place the Carnelian back on the table. Next, pick up the piece of carnelian at the bottom right of the triangle and do the same thing, but this time as you see your desire, say : "I believe in my intended deed, and with this Crystal, Mars, and fire, I will succeed." Finally, take up the last piece of Carnelian and as you visualize your success, say: "Begin my quest from this day forth and it will succeed. And with this Crystal, Mars, and fire, my dreams are fulfilled."
From now on, every day for a month take the three pieces of carnelian with you if you go, either in a pouch or just in your pocket, to reinforce the energy you have invoked from this day and help you to truly succeed a manifest the dream.
This spell is not my own and is from the book spell craft for a magical year written by Sarah Barlett. Don't forget, if you like to spell maybe you should check out her book!
Last edited on Aug 09, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#219 - Brain Booster
My magic wand this magic stone,
Make wisdom in my mind be borne
Repeat twice and touch stone and forehead again only one time after
#220 - Get Rid of Writer's Block
Take your object and place it on ''Writer's Block''.
Then after that, chant/whisper this saying twice.
''Gods and goddesses, may you help me.
Take away this writer's block, for me.
I will sacrifice my object for you.
If you help me with my lost thinking clue.''
The object will not disappear, but it's energy power will decrease after you do it. After three times, you will no longer be able to use it for the spell, and you must find another object.
It may automatically take it away, or may be a few minutes. It will be gone by 10 minutes.