987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Make it Rain
- Cold touch
- Warming
- Blizzard
- Wind Control
- Whirlwind Charm
- Spell to Invoke Water
- Ice Powers
- how to make the rain start
- Bite of a Frost Wolf
#151 - Make it Rain
Say out loud as you are looking up to the sky: "Elementum recolligo Huic commodo locus mihi vestri vox. Permissum Pluit es est meus nos sic vadum is exsisto"
Last edited on Jan 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#152 - Cold touch
#153 - Warming
Think about warm things, like fire, a nice shower, hot cocoa, something that's warm. Then concentrate and think about that warmth spreading through your body. Repeat until you feel warm enough.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#154 - Blizzard
Cast your protective circle. Never cast a spell without a protective circle.
Light a black candle, or two for more strength
Chant three times:
"Oh Goddess Hecate, I call upon thee, to send me a blizzard, so mote it be!"
The spell must be cast the night before you want the blizzard, and it works best on a waxing or full moon.
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#155 - Wind Control
Focus energy then chant 3x: "Goddess of air and god of wind, give me the control I desire. Let me have the power to control this element of wind so mote it be"
Last edited on Jan 20, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#156 - Whirlwind Charm
( The Incantation is came from the latin word ''Aer'' which means ''Air'' and the latin ''Turbo'' which means ''Whirlwind, Strong Circular Motion''. [ Say The Incantation with Wand Movement below and follow the concentration component and the willpower component. :) ] ).
Pronounciation: 'AE-ren-den-TUR-boh!'
Hand Movement/Wand Movement: Point at the target.. then in the another hand do the curling or swaying motion. ( As a wind )
Concentration Component: Concentrate on circular motion thoughts the caster can maintain the spell as they continue to think about it.
Willpower Component: Determine the Strong of the Wind.
Effect: Produces a strong circular motion of winds that enable to damage or destroy things and to dfamage the opponent or recipient.
Caster Level: '' Level 2 '' or '' Level 3 '' *Stronger Wizard*
Side Note: That's a real spell I've used that then worked believe me....
Last edited on Apr 25, 2020
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#157 - Spell to Invoke Water
Don't light the Blue Candle...that would simply draw in the opposite element of water, Fire.
Pour a little of the chamomile tea into the Chalice, and a little of the thyme on a dish. Give these to the Spirits of Water.
Then pour the rest of the tea in a cup and drink it yourself, and eat the remaining thyme. Or you can't do thyme, do soup.
Give the moonstone/aquamarine into the bowl as a present for the Sea Goddess. Give the hemlock, chrysocolla, and lilac as well as the turquoise and say:
"For you, Goddess. I am your Daughter and shall do My best to honor You."
Then chant:
"I invoke You, Water
And ask You to proudly be My Element
Now and forevermore.
Thank you, Aquatic Lunar Spirits
And Sea-Moon Goddess of the Divine Lunar Island!
This is My will
So mote it be!"
Last edited on Jan 16, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#158 - Ice Powers
Try to hold the ice cube in your hand for 10 seconds (it's okay if you can't). Say the spell 3x. After saying the spell drink the water
"I wish for the power of ice
I wish for the power of snow
I wish to control all
To freeze and make snow
Give me this power
I shall (how you want your power to work) to freeze
I shall freeze everything in my way
I shall (how you want your power to work) to make snow
If I get angry, my power will get out of control and
make a blizzard
So I should be careful
Khione Khione
I call on you
To give me the power of snow in (the time you want the spell to work)
It shall last until I choose to reverse it
So Mote It Be"
- You can choose how you want to freeze and make snow
- Your anger depends on what kind of blizzard it is, if you get really angry like your temper way over the max. Then the blizzard will be bad and probably severe so try to control it
- Khione is the goddess of snow and daughter of the North Wind
Last edited on Jan 15, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#159 - how to make the rain start
it might take a few days or hours.
#160 - Bite of a Frost Wolf
Crush the snowbell buds up in a motor and pestle. Then add both the crushed snowbells and the freezing old water into the chalice. The stir until you are satisfied with it.
Pour the liquid from the chalice onto the stone in the middle of the circle. Then place both hands over the stone, concentrate your energy and say,'' I call upon the wolves of the north to lend me your breath, because I wish all to freeze and all to be covered with white. I wish for a world of pristine whiteness and beauty and for all to be calm, even in the enders of the world. I desire for all to stop and freezing in place making a world with no time and no wrong and no difference. I want snow to fall upon us, come now wind and do as I need. Omnes Duratus.''
Within a short amount of time the storm should come and you should be able to manipulate it, that requires a high weather manipulation skill. Hopefully it works for you and enjoy the snow.
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.