987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Snow Prayer
- Wind Power
- Summon a Tornado
- Snow Spell
- Make It Rain
- Become An Angel For a Short Time
- Solarkinesis
- A cold Front
- Fire
- Fire Pixie Dust
#241 - Snow Prayer
"Please, Ahone, make it snow!"
Last edited on Apr 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#242 - Wind Power
Stand outdoors and close your eyes. Visualize the wind beginning to come under your control. Do that for a minute. Then open your eyes. Note: It would probably be best done by an Air sign.
Last edited on Oct 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#243 - Summon a Tornado
Go outside then sit and say:
"Tornado Tornado come to me, wipe this
world so mote it be."
Warning:This can really destroy your world and also kill you but before you do this. Do the protection spell.
Last edited on Dec 28, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#244 - Snow Spell
Light all three candles. Then Chant this spell three times:
"In this night and in this hour, I call upon all of my power. Make the temperature go down low, so that soon it will snow. In three days I shall see pure white snow, with this smoke this spell shall go."
Good luck and blessed be.
Last edited on Dec 28, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#245 - Make It Rain
Please be aware that if you cast this if you are lets say...A wind element, you might not get this to work, it depends on what you are and who you are! :) first, go outside, you can stand or sit (In a meditation stance), if you stand, please use you're hands or wand, if you sit you can pray and you have no need for either one.
Chant 3x:"Oh, gods and goddesses, hear my plea, bring some pouring storms to me, I wish for water, I pray for plants to grow, so mote it be!" If you are standing use you're wand and move it in a circle, up down, and lastly, straight up, do the same with you're hands, you can do this every day for three days but stay cautious if you do it any longer. If you do it any longer than you could cause a possible flood
Last edited on Oct 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#246 - Become An Angel For a Short Time
After fasting for one day wrap a blindfold over your eyes. Then walk into the room you wish to change in, once inside close the door and put your head to the floor. Chant this incantation twice:
"Let divine light purify me, let it make me great and soar through the sky's with wings of purest white"
Then wait a month and you should change form on the same day at the exact same time.
Last edited on Oct 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#247 - Solarkinesis
Go somewhere where the Sun is shining on you. If it is a cloudy day either ask the Sun to come put or ask the clouds to move. Raise your arms up a little bit with your palms facing outwards. Now feel the Suns energy.
Now imagine absorbing the golden solar energy that the Sun is giving you. When you feel soothed and calm, imagine the energy gathering into a ball. Now you can move that energy by imagining it moving. This energy can heal.
After you are done, try to imagine the solar energy exiting your body. I used to leave energy in my body and I would get migraines and pains.
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#248 - A cold Front
Go outside and look at your surroundings and imagine them cold or icy, then say the following chant 3 times: "Cold front i call of thee come to me so mote it be. Depending on your will is how cold or fast it comes."
Last edited on Oct 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#249 - Fire
Do this outside and say this to what you want to burn as many times as you want while waving your wand: "Zippo zip , Zippo zap , Zippo zip". For a reversal spell say it backwards
Last edited on May 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#250 - Fire Pixie Dust
Next take the Paper and draw what the finished product will look like with the cursed pen.Now with your voice say
''All elements Air,Water,Earth,Fire ablaze I ask of one wish from the Fire pixies,Fairy's a glow.The Fire i seek the fire I know now that I see the third eye of thee.''
Now after you do this wait until the water evaporates and then you will have the finish product that you drew on the paper.