987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Rain Summoning
- Sun Protection
- Elemental Protection (Works)
- Fire Control
- *Summon a Fire Wolf*
- Ancient Fire Spells
- Blow Someone Away
- Air Control Techniques
- The Vortex of Magdalene.
- Water Element Enhancement
#531 - Rain Summoning
Put the blue candle at the center of the bowl and add water. Light up the blue candle. Stand up and look at the cloud and say, "Ancient god and goddesses, I command you to thee all, listen to my desire, rain fall!"
This magic spell works depend by the power and will of the user.
Last edited on Apr 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#532 - Sun Protection
Say to the sun " May God be the sun and burn away demons attacking me" then the sun will burn away demons attacking you.
Last edited on Apr 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#533 - Elemental Protection (Works)
Uses the elements to protect you for a whole day. And anything bad that was going to happen or has happened to you, will reverse (not like massive things like death,or health, just current bad life events)
Personal Experiance: I had done something major bad, and i was going to be put in care home for it, and have all my technology taken away. Then i did it, i did not get put in care home, but i got my laptop taken away, 2 hours later, I got it all back and everyone was in a good mood, when i had my stuff taken away, my grandad, was in a better mood as the minutes past away. And he said i could have everything back about 2-2 1/2 hours. So yeah it does work
''Hear me now this (warlocks/witches) Word, All elements now accord, Fire (if you used sun write: Fire,fire,from the sun), burn out my enemies and give my life longevity, Water, Wash away all neggativity, Eath, bury my anxiety deep in the ground, make my enemies, have no sound.Air, fill me with protective light, to keep me protected through day and night, Make me protected as can be, Do this immediately. SO MOTE IT BE''
Get some grass from outside put it inside a plate, bowl, any container
Get some water in a normal or glass cup/chalice (glass is best, all works though) Open window (or outside, outide best), Get WHITE (or creamish, but close to white, white represents spirit/akasha part of the elements) candle and light it (if you chose sun go outside, both work i used candle though)
Meditate for 10 minutes (i only did 30 seconds but its better to do 10 minutes) visualises energy , entering you, and also creating a force field arround you the SUN is amazingly powerful when doing this, if using sun imagine it is shining even brighter and brighter on you, then imagine it sending beams. balls of energy in to yourself, then imagine shining, then it covering you completly, then A big force field arround you
Then rub hands together fast feel the warmth, move them away from each other, imagine a ball of energy in you hands, move the hands like creating a ball for a few seconds
Then push it into your body
Do this 3X (if get it wrong start all over again from number 1 till you get it right 3x)
''Hear me now this (warlocks/witches) Word (war-de NOT Wer-de), All elements now accord, Fire (touch candle) (if you used sun Say, with hands in air towards sun: ''Fire,fire,from the sun''), burn out my enemies and give my life longevity, Water (dip fingers in the water, and splash some on your face), Wash away all neggativity,(hold grass) Eath, bury my anxiety deep in the ground, make my enemies, have no sound (put grass back in container)(Take Massive Breath in and out) .Air, fill me with protective light, to keep me protected through day and night, Make me protected as can be, Do this immediately. SO MOTE IT BE''
(i didn't do this but you might want to should work without though but its better to do this)
Burn paper with the writing on in the candle doesen't have to be all of it, put it in the water, till finishes with fire, leave the ashes in, take the paper out, put it outside NOT bin (after the day you can get rid of the paper put it in bin) Then put the grass in, then say ''after i drink this potion my spell is complete and a part of me, I can cast it any time) Drink the water (doesen't have to be all,, but make sure you drink some, but not just a sip)
Shout 3X
#534 - Fire Control
#535 - *Summon a Fire Wolf*
2: place the candle you want its fur to be below the pentacle.
3: draw or print a picture of what you want your wolf to look like. Remember to color it!
4: fold the paper in half and write the wolfs -name -personality -breed of wolf -color of flame(red, orange, blue, ect.) -gender and other stuff.
5: Light the candles(light the top one first)
6: place both of your hands on different sides of the pentacle and chant;
'' (name), my loyalest companion, with your (color of fur) fur and (color of eyes) eyes, you will protect your master. You will come in 6 days. Lets make a deal, you and me, i'll look for you thrice, and you do the same to me. Oh (name), we're going to be the best of friends, you'll see. Forever you and me. We'll share the same soul but not the same bowl. I will unlock you with my key, SO MOTE IT BE! ''
7: put the paper inside the box and lock it. (If its a cardboard box, just put tape on the hole and the lid so you cant open it)
8: bury the box under your favorite spot ( this will be your wolfs favorite spot too) make sure no dirt gets into the box or else your wolf will be dirty all the time
9: keep the key on you for 3 days and search for your wolf outside. Mostly look where you buried the box.
10: if you havent found your wolf in 3 days, bury the key a little bit above the box, your wolf will find you now. Still go outside as much as possible
11: if you still havent found your wolf, or it hasnt found you, you might have not believe enough. This spell takes practice, so keep trying! Im sure your wolf will come to you when ready. ^_^
#536 - Ancient Fire Spells
Simply light the fire, look into the flames and think about what you want to say to the Gods, or what you would ask of them. Think about it deeply and let the flames hypnotise you.
Fire Spell Step 2:With a small fire in a bowl, the flames will burn out soon enough, and then you have glowing embers. It is at that point you add the herbs, and it is then that the smoke will begin to rise powerfully, and that's when you state your intent or say your prayer.
You could say, for example:
Hear me, wise ones, old ones, those who dwell above; Hear my call and hear my voice, hear my prayer: Send to me the blessings of joy, of happiness, and of love.I prefer if you would let words simply come to you as you were looking into the flames and thinking about what it was that you wanted. When things come from the heart, and in the moment, that's the most powerful state for magic there is.
Fire Spell Step 3:Basically, that's all you have to do.
If you wanted to, you could add an offering to the powers that be as a sign of respect and gratitude, such as burning some special herbs such as tobacco; some people like to burn a bank note but I'm really not in favour of that, personally; some people add a gift of a few drops of rose oil, frankincense or even liquor for the offering.
This is an optional step because the gift you gave was to light the fire in the first place and make contact with the powers that be; they appreciate your sincere attention more than anything, and a meaningful, "Thank you for listening" at the end or words to that effect is quite enough to seal the spell.
Last edited on Jul 19, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#537 - Blow Someone Away
Maga winga! Maga winga! Let thy foe blow away, miles from mi, as i get my revanche! (revanche if french for revenge and mi is french for me)
#538 - Air Control Techniques
First off visuallizing is seeing and feeling images in your mind and putting them to use in the physical plane on which we live. Although it sounds complicated we really have done this at some point in time (daydreaming). Back on to the topic, focus on the air all around you realizing it is made up of 1 hydrogen atom and 2 oxygen atoms then focus on the slight breeze rolling in visuallize it coming from the ocean all the way to you notice how it is cool and refreshing but also hot and arid. At this point you should be in a deep trance-like state we call meditation. now while visuallizing and focusing call out to this gentle breeze saying the first things that come to mind. Then ask the breeze to do something for you that only air can do. When you ask this of the breeze feel around for any changes and if need-be open your eyes. But remember to keep that focus or you will lose the breeze and have to try again. Remember focus is key.
Last edited on Apr 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#539 - The Vortex of Magdalene.
Second: focus on slowing it down. What i do when the spell doesn't work right away is make my face into a frown.
Third: you have to believe that you are the wind's master. It would help to yell inside your mind,'' Slow.'' Or ''fast'' depending on the speed.
Fourth: this spell isn't the ordinary spell. It takes about seven days of practice and meditation to complete it.
If you have any questions, just mail me.
#540 - Water Element Enhancement
Say: "You control the forces of water. It bends to your will an desire. This element calls my name (say your name)".
Last edited on Mar 25, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.