986 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Fire Bound Pretection
- Protection Fire
- Superior Air Spell (Easy, used for protection and Attack
- Superior Fire Spell
- The Beautiful Voice Spell
- Sunny Day
- Snow Day Spell
- Make a Wand
- Shadow
- Super Snow Storm Convergence Spell
#571 - Fire Bound Pretection
Take the object and burn it. As it burns chant
"Protect me keep me protected. For I want to be protected from those, my enemies most fear me I shall be prtected."
Let object cool. You can put it in an amulet or keep it with you. If someone shoots a spell it hold it up it should block it.
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#572 - Protection Fire
For attack and defend but only fire element people can defend:
"Bed of Coals, Bed of Fire. Do as I say, and follow my desire. Burning eyes and eyes of lazer, Nuclear Hit and Inferno later. Searing Flame, Savannah Heat, Liquid Flame and Fire Stone. Rodgort's Invocation."
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#573 - Superior Air Spell (Easy, used for protection and Attack
''Wind blows through and storm of sand. Play the song like in the band. Break and free, out the world. Blow the dust and pain will come. Swosh the ocean, cold and humid. Puts out fire, ignite hurricane. Thunder hurricane, time stops freeze, make it unleash.''
#574 - Superior Fire Spell
''Bed of Coals, Bed of Fire. Do as I say, and follow my desire. Burning eyes and eyes of lazer, Nuclear Hit and Inferno later. Searing Flame, Savannah Heat, Liquid Flame and Fire Stone. Rodgort's Invocation.''
#575 - The Beautiful Voice Spell
This spell is for occasions when you want to sing well in a performance, in rehearsals or anywhere. Take a gray candle, lubricate it with red oil. Pour spring water into a bowl, Ignite wows "opium" and say : “I tuck in the magical force Magic thrice blessed: I bless water and the sweet smoke, my voice will let this happen. Let the blue sky flow As the beautiful songs I sing!” Everything must be placed on the window and the windows should be opened. Then Ignite candle and let it burn until the end. Better to spend the night before the day to come.
#576 - Sunny Day
Go outside. Set the orange candle directly in front of you an one yellow candle on each side of the orange candle.
Then say this encantation:
"Oh goddess of joy, happiness an might
part these black clouds and reveal the light."
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#577 - Snow Day Spell
Light the candle the night before the day you want the snow day.
then recite this 3 times:
"Goddess Hecate,
I call upon thee,
make tomorrow a snow day,
so mote it be."
Last edited on Mar 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#578 - Make a Wand
Find a branch or a stick while walking in the park or any place where you can find them. It doesn't matter what kind of wood just find the one calling for you. If you can't find a branch, ask a tree if you can cut one off. If not, ask another tree. (Don't harm the poor trees if they don't want to get hurt :'( A good length for a wand is from the tip of your middlefinger to your elbow. Remember: a wand is just to direct energy. It can be a pen or even your finger! (Don't use this spell with your finger, that might be painfull)
Now you have your stick, (you need to be outdoors for this) go to a place where you are going to make your wand. Light the incense to remove negative energy, because we are NOT using this wand for bad things! After all, you may fail making the wand.
Stand outside and place a glass of water, a lit candle and the incense in front of you. Draw with your wand on the floor a circle around you deosil (clockwise) Hold your wand in the air and chant:
"God/dess of the winds,
Grant this wand the power of air!"
Stir with your wand in the glass of water and chant:
"God/dess of the rivers,
Grant this wand the power of water!"
Put out the flame of the candle with your wand an chant:
"God/dess of the flames,
Grant this wand the power of fire!"
Put the staff in the earth and chant:
"God/dess of the mountains,
Grant this wand the power of earth!"
Last edited on Feb 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#579 - Shadow
Mentally project what you want in your mind like good luck or a change in weather than simply say 'shadow shadow on the ground and the shadows in the sky making the darkness all around and leaving their minds bound'
Last edited on Feb 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#580 - Super Snow Storm Convergence Spell
''Deep and freeze and blizard breeze. Let it go and make it free. Winter's embrace rise and release. Let the temperature decree!''
You can defend yourself by this spell if your element is water or ice.