This is a easy relaxing spell. Best to do outside.
You may need:
A quiet area inside or out.
No one around(unless someones doing it with you
Good at imagining
Possibly flexible
You may need:
A quiet area inside or out.
No one around(unless someones doing it with you
Good at imagining
Possibly flexible
Outside: Go in a nice relax area like so sit down a criss-cross or put one foot on top of the leg on each side. Then close your eyes thing of nothing.
But a circle around you and if you have air then you see clouds around swooshed around. If fire then flames. Water the a lake around and earth is grass. Think of whats around you for abount 15 min. Open up and relax and chill. It helps.
It is a wind spell that is best working if you have the air element.
You may need:
2 white candles
You may need:
2 white candles
First you need to be in a wide open area near trees.Then stand up in the middle and concentrate on the tree in front of you.Think of power gust of winds and think mostly of air. Place 2 white candels and light them.
Relax and meditate on air. As you focus, you will see the candles go out. This means it works.
This spell is to help you decide your magical region. If you believe you are elemental-wind, try this spell.
You may need:
1 white candle
1 blue candle
1 green candle
1 red candle
You may need:
1 white candle
1 blue candle
1 green candle
1 red candle
While lighting the white candle chant: "I light this light, for the people of the watchtowers of the south of wind and sky. Hear me/us."
While lighting the blue candle, chant: "I light this light, for the people of the watchtower of the east of water and sea. Her me/us."
While lighting the green candle, chant: "I light this light, for the people of the watchtower of the west of mother and earth. Hear me/us.
While lighting the red candle, chant: "I light this light, for the people of the watchtowers of the north of father and fire. Hear me/us."
After all of that is chanted, chant:
"I/We take the time out of my/our future,
That I/we ask you give me/us a force of nature!"
After that, go to which ever candle/element you wish to summon. Keep it from being blown out. Blow the rest of 'em out. If the magic does not respond to you, then the elements are not in your magical region.
Visualize your eyes glowing orange and a clear person shaped object in front of you. Now use your mind to clearly see the spirit. I you can see the spirit or spirits then you have succeeded.
This is just a little spell to make it rain, or to prolong the rain if it's raining.
You may need:
You may need:
Sit down and start to meditate until you are in a comfortable state. When you feel you are ready, chant;
'Rain, rain let it rain,
Rain for me today,
Pour down, pour I say,
Let sunshine lack just for today
Let the rain not fade away
So mote it be
By the power of three'
Repeat this three times, or a multiple of three times. If it does not work immediately, that's ok, sometimes it just needs some time to work depending on how hot or cold it is where you are doing the spell.
Protects one from evil spells chants cursesand spiritual harm.
You may need:
Source of flame (lighter, candle)
You may need:
Source of flame (lighter, candle)
Take your source of flame and move the flame up into the air, tracing the five star pentagram. From bottom left, upper right, upper left, lower right, upper center, to lower left - then circle in a clockwise motion back to the starting point. As you do this, chant:
"Element of fire,
Protect me from evil desires.
Whether it be of spirit or flesh
So mote it be"
#669 - Ritual for the Execution of Desire with 40 Candles
Ritual for the execution of desire with 40 candles.
You may need:
40 candles
1 mirror
1 tray
1 red fabric
You may need:
40 candles
1 mirror
1 tray
1 red fabric
It is better to do on the moon rising in the days of strength from 12 to 3 nights. Buy in the church 40 tapers (not cut). Put them on a beautiful tray. Put the tray on the floor. By the wall leans a little mirror.
Light all the candles and pray in your own words on the implementation of the most cherished desire. Pray until the candle does not go out. Your request must be emotional.
When the candle burned, then pick up the mirror and wrap it in a red cloth. This - the generator of your energy. Now, when you will be overflowing emotions, look in it for 5 minutes. It will concentrate in himself the power of which will come in handy for the execution of your wishes.