This may take awhile, this spell accelerates evaporation, and will only work in places with evaporation being possible.
You may need:
8 ounces of water in a stove-capable container
A stove set at 400 degrees Fahrenheit
A pinch of dust.
You may need:
8 ounces of water in a stove-capable container
A stove set at 400 degrees Fahrenheit
A pinch of dust.
Take the pan with water and place it on the stove, let the water set until boiling. Then chant, "water boil, water cling, to the dust, as I sing, not just here, but everywhere, just like this, at which I stare". Say this 3 times, and each time, release some of the dust. You must not say this quickly, or too slowly.
A simple, beginner's spell. One of the seven basic elements.
You may need:
Concentration, the possiblility of wind, (will not work in extremely confined spaces) and mist of all, a loud, clear voice.
You may need:
Concentration, the possiblility of wind, (will not work in extremely confined spaces) and mist of all, a loud, clear voice.
Place your hands at the object or direction at which you wish to direct the wind. Focus. And say slowly, and clearly, ''Wind I summon, wind I command, wind I summon, with my hand, go to where, I point now, with hesitation, go you shall.''
This will make the rain stop before it comes to you.
You may need:
You may need:
When it is getting dark, Chant this with faith and concentration :
''Gods of power, Gods of might,
I bid you now, stop this plight,
Stop the rain, we need no more,
Let it fall, nevermore.''
Put a lot of feeling in stopping rain from falling from the clouds and it will not fall, it will simply move to a area away from where you
are and then fall.
Use this to get out of school and cause a snowstorm.
You may need:
You may need:
Go outside. Calm yourself, then chant: "Oh Gods and Goddesses, please help me. Throw a snowstorm all or me. Make it great and make it cool. Please help get me out of school".
This spell helps you earn your energy aka Weather energy to do weather spells ( It works I mean it).
You may need:
None but out were there is some cloud
You may need:
None but out were there is some cloud
First go outside or look out a window then look at the clouds and then chant out loud the following
"Clouds near and far, please make it ______(say snow, Rain,be sunny,or windy)oh mighty spiret, make the weather be what I said,______ (say snow, Rain,be sunny,or windy."
Like you said up there)it shall be thank you god jesus and all" then you should have it happen in 1 hour.
Stand by the heat source and say:
''Fire in the air, fire in the ground,
I use the fire that can not be found,
It comes out of my mouth in a blow,
To people around me, my fire will show.''
Then you blow out your fire.
Get relaxed. You may sit or stand, whatever you wish. Close your eyes. Now imagine that as you are sitting/standing that there is a pit of fire inside of you, just getting hotter and bigger and it wants to be released. I prefer an old bird nest for this.
Now, as that fire gets hotter and bigger, imagine it spreading to your hands. Hold the bird nest in your hands, and as you feel heat in your body basically, focus on where you want to start the fire, most likely in the middle of the bird nest. If you smell the slightest of smoke, you can take the dangerous way and set the whole thing on fire, or you can just start gently blowing at that little spark to make it spread more.
This is great for camping and such, and I hope you put it to good use.
It's a spell to make an easy but powerful blizzard. It's great to use if you want to stay home from work, or for the kids to miss school an extra day or two.
You may need:
You may need:
Say this:
'Oh, Goddess of cold
Please send more snow.
A blizzard would be nice,
So make it as cold as ice.
So mote it be.'
This really should work at the first time you say it, so no need to reapeat, unless you think it's needed. If so, chant this three times to make sure.