Run faster and become psychic level to control the wind.
You may need:
Magic Level: 2%
You may need:
Magic Level: 2%
Jump 20times. Imagine the wind beome a part of you, and you become part of it. Imagine how you feel about the wind. Then say:
"Wind o Wind,
Come and bind.
Blow out gushes,
Hurry in rushes.
Become part of you,
so so blue.
Blood mix, With some
wix, I wish to jump in
you, o plese take my wish,
mix it in your dish. So Mote
It Be!"
Then jump, then you turn pale. Your the King Wind Controller.
If you face west, wich do not do, that can create a tornadoe storm!!!!!
Spell made and developed by me.
You may need:
Sunny Day
You may need:
Sunny Day
First, face the way you want the wind to blow. NEVER WEST! North is best...
Winds that were born from god, bid you now from a wod. Winds i call you now come here and take a mount. wind blow ()miles and hour, I wish for this best in side my body dish! MOTE IT BE!!!
This makes more heat from the sun come into your area.
You may need:
You may need:
Say: "Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth, please make it higher in temperature under this hearth. Fire, please make it the sun more brilliant, And please do this now as I have said so." Now imagine the earth with the sun shining on it. Next imagine the area you are in getting more sunlight.
"Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth,
Please make it stop raining under this hearth
Water, stop dropping your drops,
Wind, stop blowing your blow,
And please do this now as I have said so"
Now imagine the rain stopping and the sun coming out.
IT is IN THE TITILE plz read this beginers before going onto spells(exscuse the spelling i am diclexic if you have questions then email me on this website on beakyboy4 profile
You may need:
You may need:
energy is the most inportant thing in magick alang with the mind
there are differant kinds of energy such as,kie,tie chi,spi,dark energy,first i willl explain tie chi. chi is a fuson of mind stat and powerand it is very relxeing to make chi work there is two energyy you have to obsorb posertive energy and negative.
when these are fused together they can seriously hurt someone or kill them or it can be used in defens to ceep enermys away from i will explain kie kie is a form of medatation by useing medatation you withdraw kie from the air.
now this can be turned into a solid brick or a blaze of fire a buble for safty but this is also dangourouse becau you kie fusing with someone elses may cuas heart failure shock comer and i will explain spi,spi is alot like kieit is form with medatation but it is easyer to turn into fire but you carnt make solid you can till shield yourself from just about enything bt the more force against it the less powerful you will become i would say spi is more poular then kie in spells but you probably use it wile sleeping orday is dark energies this energy is manilt used for harm or pain dark energy well have you ever walked into a dark room thats cold but non of the otheres are but you just think its a draft well thats dark energythat can be harnest like spi or kie but this gives a more painful death if you use it wrong
Creates a small fireball capable of hurling anyone into the air.
You may need:
Mana stone
You may need:
Mana stone
To do the blast spell you need a small amount of mana.To create the flame you'll need to sit in lotus style, and chant in regular speech "Tala Raka" several times until you get a basic flame. Then you can hurl it up to ten feet. Caution this spell affects everyone but the caster in the ten foot radius.The closer your foe is to the fireball the harder it hits.
a simple spell to warm your hands when cold using your iner fire. Oh and it also works on other parts.
You may need:
# 1 mind
# open third eye
# concentration
# hand/whatever your tring to warm (preferably attached to you)
You may need:
# 1 mind
# open third eye
# concentration
# hand/whatever your tring to warm (preferably attached to you)
ok so I know there other spells like this here, and its basicly the same but i though I'd tell folk how i do it. so lets get started.
Take said body part of yours(best to start with a hand),
Put it in front of you and look at it, and imagine a fire round it.(onlt take a second or so)
NOW the hard bit close your pysical eyes, and then using your second sight/third eye try and see your hand at the same time say ''fire from ice''
See the fire, hear the cracle of the flames feel the heat.
as you do this concentrate on the heating properties of the flame
Again repeat ''Fire from Ice'' each time you say this fell the fire flare and a blast of heat though the body part. repate until warm.
you may find thay at first the tips of your finngers miss the heat.
Start of small and work your way up, if you are unable to get it to work try keep picturing the fire and saying ''fire from ice''
if it dosnt work for you when your freezing to death try your pocets
or a mixture it probably wont be able to set them on fire as it isn't pysical fire.