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987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 987 Weather Spells
987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 987 Weather Spells
  1. Stop the Snow Spell
  2. High Winds
  3. Become a Mermaid
  4. Multiple Weather Spells
  5. Winds
  6. Snow Day Candle Spell
  7. Sunny Weather and Clear Skies
  8. Candle Rain Spell
  9. Light Power
  10. Wind Spell

#931 - Stop the Snow Spell

It will some the snow from falling.
You may need:

  • Clear Voice
  • Total Concentration
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    You may need:

  • Clear Voice
  • Total Concentration
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    Look up at the clouds and say:

    "Gods of power, Gods of might,
    I bid you now, stop this plight,
    Stop the snow, we need no more.
    Let it fall, nevermore."

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    Last edited on Dec 22, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #932 - High Winds

    A spell to increase the amount of wind.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Hold your hands up to the sky while you say: "Winds arise and flow from the east. Stream through the trees like a roaming beast. On tree branches and plains you shall feast. At my command, you will then cease. Harm to none, so mote it be!"

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    #933 - Become a Mermaid

    As it says.
    You may need:

  • Bathtub with water in it
  • Swimsuit
  • You
  • Your Voice
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    You may need:

  • Bathtub with water in it
  • Swimsuit
  • You
  • Your Voice
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    First put your swimsuit on. Then get in the bathtub and say mermaid if your a girl and say:

    "Merman if you are a boy."

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    Last edited on Nov 29, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #934 - Multiple Weather Spells

    They've worked for me; why not ye?
    You may need:

  • TIME:
  • Anytime (mainly in the daylight)
  • Anywhere near a window or outside
  • Complete concentration
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    You may need:

  • TIME:
  • Anytime (mainly in the daylight)
  • Anywhere near a window or outside
  • Complete concentration
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    Imagine of the sun being covered by the clouds. Now say the following chant:

    ''God of the Sky,
    Hear my plea.
    Make it cloudy,
    For me and thee,
    Now mote it be.''

    It should take 12 hours or less for the spell to kick in.


    Imagine that it is starting to rain. Now say the following chant:

    ''God of the Sky,
    Hear my plea.
    Make it pouring,
    So today is boring.
    Mote it be,
    Mote it be.''

    It should take 12 hours or less for the spell to kick in.


    Imagine snow falling from the sky. Now say the following chant:

    ''God of the Sky,
    Hear my plea.
    White and fluffy,
    Cold and fun, too.
    Make it snowy,
    Now mote it be.''

    It should take 24 hours or less for the spell to kick in.

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    Last edited on May 01, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #935 - Winds

    Use this spell to manipulate the wind.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    While outside, raise your arms from your sides and chant: "I call upon the elements of Air and the Spirits of Air. Hear my plea! Winds, arise and flow from the East. Stream through the trees like a roaming beast. On tree branches, you shall feat! At my command, you shall be ceased. Cause harm to none, so mote it be!". Directed your willpower outwards and the winds should change.

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    Last edited on Dec 30, 2015
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    #936 - Snow Day Candle Spell

    Spell to make it snow with a candle this spell is (only) to catch up on work.
    You may need:

  • Black Candle
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    You may need:

  • Black Candle
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    Light the candle the night before the day you want the snow day. Then recite this 3 times:

    "Goddess Hecate,
    I call upon thee,
    make tomorrow a snow day,
    so mote it be."

    Note: This spell must be used to catch up on work, or something
    important, not to laze around or it will either not work, or backfire. Must use new candle every time.

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    #937 - Sunny Weather and Clear Skies

    To clear maybe even provent from raining or snowing.
    You may need:

  • Container Of some Kind
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    You may need:

  • Container Of some Kind
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    Take a container of some kind (I used a blue bottle cap) and pour some water into it,
    preferably mineral water or spring water but any will do. Then put some salt in it and leave it
    on a windowsill if it is sunny or windy (if windy you need to make sure that it is secured and
    wont blow away). If it is wet outside or humid and the water will not evaporate away, leave it
    in your house in a warm place or by a window. As you pour the salt in, imagine the mixture
    becoming the clouds in the sky visualize it evaporating and the clouds evaporating with it.
    Then leave it to evaporate in its place. Only remove when all of the water has gone.

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    #938 - Candle Rain Spell

    A Candle Rain Spell
    You may need:

  • Map of the area you want the Rain
  • Some Rice
  • Bowl filled with Water or Small River
  • You may wish to add candles/incense to suit you
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    You may need:

  • Map of the area you want the Rain
  • Some Rice
  • Bowl filled with Water or Small River
  • You may wish to add candles/incense to suit you
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    Conjure up your magic circle.
    Place the rice over the exact area you wish it to rain and chant the following:

    "On these places that there is rice
    some seasonal rain would be nice,
    but not so much the rain should flood
    or those in need would drown in mud
    Anu and Lou blessed be
    and as my will so mote it be!"

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    #939 - Light Power

    This spell will give you the power of light to fight the Darkness.
    You may need:

  • Energy Source (Ex.Sun,light,etc..)
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    You may need:

  • Energy Source (Ex.Sun,light,etc..)
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    First concentrate on the energy source.
    Then as soon as you feel the light energy running through your body.
    Chant the following:

    "Oh Godess of light,
    I will use your power."

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    #940 - Wind Spell

    Summon a gentle wind.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Go outside with a clear view of the sky. Picture the power of wind coming to your hands. Release that power into the sky while you say "Gods of the Wind, lend me your power".

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    Last edited on Nov 29, 2015
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters