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"strength and endurance"



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Search Results for strength and endurance
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strength will power - Magic Forums
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...What is te best way to full unlock my will power? What to further my studys but need help pushing myself to the next level. General Info strength will power Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest strength will power.......
Strength card ? - Magic Forums
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...HI all today I was with a friend, he asked me to do a reading about girl he likes I got 9 of pentacles STRENGTH 8 of pentacles I immediately felt like this lady only wants money... she wants to be rich, she can use people for benefits and she is...
Strength in numbers.... - Magic Forums
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...Merry meet to all of you! I had a bad vibe last night when I spoke with my son and daughter-in-law (they are 23 & 24 - yesterday was my sons bday and they were in Los Angeles somewhere..), and this is how my day has gone... I got a very...
Strength of spells - Magic Forums
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...Every spell I do affects the weather...the past few storms we had came after I casted a spell like clock work...I neex to know what this means for me as a witch? Spell Casters strength of spells Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest...
Inner Strength Spell - Magic Forums
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...Before i adress to my topic, i want to say that i'm new and i don't know if i'm supposed to post this here. I'd like to discuss a spell i figured kinda by mistake! So i've been going through some rough emotional parts of my life which sometimes would keep...
growing strength - Magic Forums
Forum Post in the household that i do, i am unable to practice magic. fortunately, every now and then, i get a chance to try a spell or two. ovbiously it hardly ever works, but recently the sucsess rate of my spells has risen sharply, in fact the last few spells have...
Divination strength... - Magic Forums
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...How can I strengthen my divination? I do fire and mirror scrying, and I meditate often, but I was wondering if there were other ways to develop the ability. Thanks so much! ~Lura~ P.S. If you want to read a little bit about me, click on my profile page :)
Mental Strength - Magic Forums
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...Hi, this was hard to talk about and put out there but I'm finally doing it. So, my entire like I've always been a bit of a crier/ very emotional person. I've always let things get to me and never NOT shedded a tear. Been bullied most of my life and...
Reading the Bones - Magic Forums
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...THE BONES Four bones are needed for this version of bone divination, based on the African divinatory system. The set of bones are called Bula the means 'to speak' or 'the word'. Thefour bones are simplified shapes separately denoting strength, endurance, adversity and triviality. Each has its own name and particular...
Reading the Bones - Magic Forums
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...THE BONES Four bones are needed for this version of bone divination, based on the African divinatory system. The set of bones are called Bula the means 'to speak' or 'the word'. Thefour bones are simplified shapes separately denoting strength, endurance, adversity and triviality. Each has its own name and particular...
gaining strength - Magic Forums
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...merry meet, i am new to spellcasters, and have, on my own, cast some real nice protection spells, which worked nicely.I think however, i need to meditate more closely, to gain more power, or ''oomph'' to my spells, can anyone help me with some meditation techniques please?,blessed be xxx Spell Casters...
Strength of Mind (praying monk) necklace | $29.66
Online Shopping
...Jewelry Necklaces strength of Mind (praying monk) necklace strength of Mind (praying monk) monk) necklace Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA!....
Price: $32.95 Sale Price: $29.66 (Save 10%)...
Mental Strength potion - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...What you will need: A spring of Mint A stick of Cinnamon A cup of water Small pot or cauldron Heat source Athame or Knife Wand, or stirring rod Cup, goblet, chalice... something to drink out of. This potion can serve any number of purposes related to mental strength. It can...
Strength spells - Magic Forums
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...are there any strengthing spells that help you build muscle if so please let me knowSpell Suggestions strength spells Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest strength spells.......
strength spell...........
Forum Post strength spells work? Do they work on your spirit or on your body? Such as this spell '' strength by day, strength by night, give me strength beyond my sight.'' thank you if you reply. Site Spells Discussion strength spell........... Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a...
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