Search Results for "protection magick"
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Search Results for protection magick
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NightRebel's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Info Name: NightRebel Location: With Rogues Gender: Female Last Seen: Wed, 14 Nov Nov 2012 Membership: Member Personal Bio I dont like spells that hurt/hex people ._. I favorite element magick,.......
User Profile
...Info Name: NightRebel Location: With Rogues Gender: Female Last Seen: Wed, 14 Nov Nov 2012 Membership: Member Personal Bio I dont like spells that hurt/hex people ._. I favorite element magick,.......
protection and shield - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Personal Protection Shield Personal Protection Close your eyes and picture yourself totally encased in a suit of armor. If you like, you can make it so that instead of just blunting negativity it radiates cheerfulness to others. You must renew regularly. (can use this for psychic protection as well) Give your...
Forum Post
...Personal Protection Shield Personal Protection Close your eyes and picture yourself totally encased in a suit of armor. If you like, you can make it so that instead of just blunting negativity it radiates cheerfulness to others. You must renew regularly. (can use this for psychic protection as well) Give your...
Protection (CG) - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...An amulet of protection creation guide. To start off we must answer the question ''what is an amulet of protection'' Well interestingly enough it need not be an amulet nor does it have to be limited to protection from spirits or entities as is often thought. Thoereticaly it can be made...
Forum Post
...An amulet of protection creation guide. To start off we must answer the question ''what is an amulet of protection'' Well interestingly enough it need not be an amulet nor does it have to be limited to protection from spirits or entities as is often thought. Thoereticaly it can be made...
What Is Real Magick?
...Magick. Magick, what is magick? Well here is a article on what magick could be. Magick is another word for transformation, creation, and manifestation. Wicca magick is a tool we use to act on the subtle - or energy, or quantum - level of reality. The quantum level is the causal...
...Magick. Magick, what is magick? Well here is a article on what magick could be. Magick is another word for transformation, creation, and manifestation. Wicca magick is a tool we use to act on the subtle - or energy, or quantum - level of reality. The quantum level is the causal...
Candle Magick
...Discussion in regards to Candle Magick and Candle Energies. Candles: The most magical tool ever I would say and with the introduction of candle magick starting from childhood as to when we made a wish and blew out the candles on our birthdays. Then and there, we unknowingly start our magical...
...Discussion in regards to Candle Magick and Candle Energies. Candles: The most magical tool ever I would say and with the introduction of candle magick starting from childhood as to when we made a wish and blew out the candles on our birthdays. Then and there, we unknowingly start our magical...
Candle Magick
...Spell Casters Articles Candle magick Discussion in regards to Candle magick and Candle Candle Energies. Candles: The most magical tool ever I would say and with the introduction of candle magick.......
...Spell Casters Articles Candle magick Discussion in regards to Candle magick and Candle Candle Energies. Candles: The most magical tool ever I would say and with the introduction of candle magick.......
Stone Magick - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Really Wow... I looked all Over the coven for somewhere that had this and it does not. There are small post about them but not anything with this title That FITS It all in. So When thinking of stones I think protection. I will List all the Stones off the top...
Forum Post
...Really Wow... I looked all Over the coven for somewhere that had this and it does not. There are small post about them but not anything with this title That FITS It all in. So When thinking of stones I think protection. I will List all the Stones off the top...
protection and shield - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Personal Protection Shield Personal Protection Close your eyes and picture yourself totally encased in a suit of armor. If you like, you can make it so that instead of just blunting negativity it radiates cheerfulness to others. You must renew regularly. (can use this for psychic protection as well) Give your...
Forum Post
...Personal Protection Shield Personal Protection Close your eyes and picture yourself totally encased in a suit of armor. If you like, you can make it so that instead of just blunting negativity it radiates cheerfulness to others. You must renew regularly. (can use this for psychic protection as well) Give your...
Dragon Magick Information
Forum Post
...First, what is Dragon Magick? Dragon Magick is simply the practice of Magick with the aid of Dragons. No matter what type of magick you practice, be it necromancy or healing, curses or blessings, you can ask a dragon for help. Keep in mind, however, that dragons are indeed alive. They...
Forum Post
...First, what is Dragon Magick? Dragon Magick is simply the practice of Magick with the aid of Dragons. No matter what type of magick you practice, be it necromancy or healing, curses or blessings, you can ask a dragon for help. Keep in mind, however, that dragons are indeed alive. They...
Wicca and Magick - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...By: Lady Sabrina (Exploring Wicca) --Great Book to Start With! Wicca and Magick Witchcraft is the celebration of life and magick is the ability to control it. Magick is the on thing that can really help improve life, is something everyone can do, and is only as good or evil as...
Forum Post
...By: Lady Sabrina (Exploring Wicca) --Great Book to Start With! Wicca and Magick Witchcraft is the celebration of life and magick is the ability to control it. Magick is the on thing that can really help improve life, is something everyone can do, and is only as good or evil as...
What Is Real Magick?
...Spell Casters Articles What Is Real Magick? Magick. Magick, what is magick? Well Well here is a article on what magick could be. magick is another word for transformation, creation, and.......
...Spell Casters Articles What Is Real Magick? Magick. Magick, what is magick? Well Well here is a article on what magick could be. magick is another word for transformation, creation, and.......
Tanzamine's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Info Name: Tanzamine Location: The Mental Plane Last Seen: Sat, 18 Mar 2023 2023 Membership: Contributor Website: view Personal Bio A little about me: Hello, I am a Hespherian Witch)!Ive been.......
User Profile
...Info Name: Tanzamine Location: The Mental Plane Last Seen: Sat, 18 Mar 2023 2023 Membership: Contributor Website: view Personal Bio A little about me: Hello, I am a Hespherian Witch)!Ive been.......
What is Magick? - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Magick is the control of situations or events by the use of energy. There are actually quite a few discriptions of what magick is, but in the's energy. Your energy, the energy of the earth, the sky, tools and everything else. There are those who are of the belief that...
Forum Post
...Magick is the control of situations or events by the use of energy. There are actually quite a few discriptions of what magick is, but in the's energy. Your energy, the energy of the earth, the sky, tools and everything else. There are those who are of the belief that...
failed magick - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...The biggest reason magick sometimes fails, is because you were not able to step away from narrow-mindedness to believe, deep inside, that change is possible. This is, of course, not the only reason magick fails, but like I said, it is the biggest reason. Other reasons may be: You lost your...
Forum Post
...The biggest reason magick sometimes fails, is because you were not able to step away from narrow-mindedness to believe, deep inside, that change is possible. This is, of course, not the only reason magick fails, but like I said, it is the biggest reason. Other reasons may be: You lost your...
... This is not really a ritual but more like recipes for different powders Angel Powder Blue talc. Lavender (peace and {purification);} sandalwood (protection and {spirituality);angelica} (protection and {visions);} orange peel {(love);} frankincense (protection and spirituality). Holy water or spring water for spraying. This powder brings forth the essence of the angels,...
... This is not really a ritual but more like recipes for different powders Angel Powder Blue talc. Lavender (peace and {purification);} sandalwood (protection and {spirituality);angelica} (protection and {visions);} orange peel {(love);} frankincense (protection and spirituality). Holy water or spring water for spraying. This powder brings forth the essence of the angels,...