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"third eye"



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Search Results for third eye
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The Third Eye - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...What exactly is the third eye and what does it do? And are there only three eyes or are there more? Misc Topics The third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest The third eye.......
Trataka : Meditation of third eye
...The Legion of Light and Dark Articles Trataka : Meditation of third eye eye The meditation technique which you are going to read is 'Trataka' (also known as third eye meditation). This document is readable only by members of The Legion of Light and.......
Opening Closed third eye - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...When i was young i used to see spirits such as a little white dog that used to live at the house im living in and had ho rrible nightmeres of demons everynight so im suspecting that my third eye is closed due to not seeing anything so im curious on...
Malocchio (Evil eye) - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Perhaps you have heard someone in your lifetime say... ''Do not make her mad... for she is a Witch and she will put the Evil Eye on you''. Well it does exist and it can happen to you without your knowing that you have been inflicted by someone. Let's do some...
3rd eye astral projection
Forum Post
...I have been (what I just found out to be) astral projecting for about 15 years, however, I was very fearful of it and explained to my family that something evil was happening and I would fight it and say prayers...that is until yesterday. Yesterday and today my I wasn't afraid...
amethyst for third eye? - Magic Forums
Forum Post it possible to use an amethyst crystal to open the chakras like the third eye? if so how exactly do u do it? Site Spells Discussion amethyst for third eye? Reply to this post oldest 1 1 2 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
autumnwitchh's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...I want to learn more about how the mind works, such as dreams, dreams, the third eye, a.p, etc. I believe in karma, what you put out will come back three times greater. If you put out negative energy, you will recieve negative energy in return. I really want to learn...
Third Eye Ritual
...Teen Witches Articles third eye Ritual Rated 3/5 Stars Perform this ritual to to improve psychic powers three days before the moon is full and preferably.......
Third Eye Ritual
 Perform this ritual to improve psychic powers three days before the moon is full, and preferably when it is in either the astrological sign of Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio. Begin by brewing a strong magickal tea made from yarrow or mugwort (herbs that stimulate the psychic senses) and then light thirteen...
Opening the Third Eye? - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Hi, I tried a spell to help open my third eye but I think I might have done it wrong. I don't know how because I followed the directions...unless I didn't say it right. In the spell it said I should experience a headache or migrane but all I feel is...
Third eye - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Hello I am just asking can anyone help opening my third eye General Info third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 2 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
Third Eye and Meditation - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I'm finding it very hard to meditate. I can't concentrate enough to do so. I go into a quiet room, I clear my mind, and I breathe deeply, but I just can't seem to meditate. I want to open my third eye, but unless I meditate, I can't do so. Any...
viewing the aura layers
...Divine Spirits Articles viewing the aura layers Rated 3/5 Stars as the title title says VIEWING THE SEVEN AURA LAYERS In Chios Level II you were introduced to the practice of learning to view the.......
How to meditate - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...To meditate, find a clean, comfortable place and sit in a position which is easy for you. You may sit cross-legged, in a chair or in any way, which makes you feel relaxed. Then close your eyes. This is essential. I have heard people speak of ''open-eyed'' meditation, but this is...
Technique to Open the Third Eye *Ritual*
...Deep Arts Articles Technique to Open the third eye *Ritual* Rated 1/5 Stars Stars A.......
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