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"third eye"



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Search Results for third eye
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Third Eye Ritual
...The Immortal's Keep Articles third eye Ritual Rated 4/5 Stars Perform this ritual ritual to improve psychic powers three days before the moon is full, and preferably when it is in either the.......
Third Eye Ritual
 Perform this ritual to improve psychic powers three days before the moon is full and preferably when it is in either the astrological sign of Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio. Begin by brewing a strong magical tea made from yarrow or mugwort (herbs that stimulate the psychic senses) and then light thirteen...
hickory eyes - Free Magic Spell
...your eyes will change within a night. it really depends the person and how long they want their eyes to change. chant this twice Eyes eys change change, be black as black, even blacker than black, this is my wish so mote itbe and your eyes will change. eyes will change...
Third eye - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...When someone open their third eye what can they see beside ghost because I read it at wikipedia it said that people believe that the third eye has the power to see something that normal eyes can't see,so what is it they can see? Misc Topics third eye Reply to this...
The Evil Eye - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...The Evil Eye also known as Malocchio Perhaps you have heard someone in your lifetime say... ''Do not make her mad... for she is a Witch and she will put the Evil Eye on you''. Well it does exist and it can happen to you without your knowing that you have...
To change the color of your eyes
...Eye color change You need: 1 pink rose, 1 large red candle) Say: This is to touch (touch rose) This is to be (put hand above candle) Shape and formant for all to see, By the powers of three times three (put hands over eyes) As I will it, so shall...
Eye of the moon: When a wish can be made.
 The eye will commit one wish from one human every time a year ends with 13 An eye of the moon happens when a years numerals endwith 13. When midnight strikes on January 1st, 2013 an eye of the moon will appear. Any wish will come true on this date, making...
Third eye help - Magic Forums
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...I did a spell to open my third eye, and I had really bad headaches, and I could feel it waking up but when I take psychic test and try to guess things with my friends and family. I'm way off. What can I do to improve my psychic abilities? Other...
Technique to Open the Third Eye *Ritual*
 A technique for opening the third eye by Britty_55. Some people are born abel to see auras, others aren't. These colors representing bothe power anf emotion. To begin with, sit in a meditation position. Now close your eyes and place your index and middle fingers of your dominant hand on your...
third eye - Magic Forums
Forum Post do you open your third eye? and how do you close it? what are the pros and cons about the third eye?General Info third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 2 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 2.......
Open your third eye NOW - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Using your Third Eye is very simple and only requires an open mind and some patience. Although you can use your Third Eye whenever youd like once you become extremely learned in the way yours works, there is a suggested way of opening it as a beginner. First, turn off all...
Tiger Eye - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Tiger eye gem stone is usually found in Western Australia or South Africa. It is excellend for meditation. protection and grounding. Its color is usually brown,black,yellow and red. That shimmer a reflection like an eye blinking. The tiger eye is a hardness of 7,and adds insight and stability. It charges the...
Third Eye Ritual
 Perform this ritual three days before the full moon, preferably when the moon is in the sign of Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio. Begin by brewing a strong tea made from yarrow or mugwort. Light thirteen purple votive candles to help attract psychic influence. Drink tea, stare into a magick mirror, crystal...
dragons eye - Magic Forums
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...guys do you know about the dragons eyes?? its a seal or a sign i dont exactly understand what it isDragon Magick dragons eye oldest 1 newest dragons eye By: zernOct 21, 2008--> 2008--> Post # 1 Oct 21, 2008 guys do you know about the dragons eyes?? its a seal...
...divine being, able to do whatever one wishes. The third eye Chakra The The third eye chakra is located on the forehead. Also known as the Ajna, this chakra symbolizes intuition. Meditating on this chakra will allow you enter anothers body at will, and create, preserve, or.......
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