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"play an instrument"



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Search Results for play an instrument
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The Dragon & Creation - Magic Forums
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...The Dragon & Creation: Reclaiming the Sacred By Susanne Iles The dragon plays an integral role in the creation mythologies of many world cultures. As the messenger between Heaven and Earth, the dragon helps form the framework for our temporal and spiritual existence. By way of example, the ancient symbol of...
Debating - Magic Forums
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...Were going to start something new. Everyone knows i love debating things in a friendly way. So were going to play a debating game. *The rules are simple* We pick a topic. We express are theory's in a friendly matter. *If you want to pick a topic you simply request it...
Spider Totem
 Some information on the Totem Spirit... Grandmother Spider Spiders are very delicate creatures that play an important role in the myths and lore of many peoples as the teacher of balance between the past and future, the physical and spiritual. To the Native Americans, Spider is Grandmother, the link to the...
Tarot Basics - Magic Forums
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...Tarot is a set of seventy-eight cards, each featuring different symbolic pictures. A standard Tarot deck is made up of 22 cards called the major arcana and four suits of 14 cards - similar to playing cards - called the minor arcana. ~ Major Arcana Cards ~ THE FOOL Basic Tarot...
Introducing myself - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Hello fellow first path members. I am Vampyric and no I am not a vampire XD! I am currently known for my overuse of the XD! statement, but it is so this moon XD! Anyway, I have studied the occult, but have not really tried any spells. I am at basic...
Priest & Priestess
...This is a short article about Priests and Priestesses. Also about the role they play. So the question that rumbles through some peoples heads are Why are there Priests and Priestesses in a coven? Well its not just covens that have priests and priestesses. Churches also have them.. Priests and Priestesses,...
Music for the 7 chakras
...All credits go to Think of these chakras like Christmas lights. Seven bulbs and one for each color, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. I think its happened to everyone at least once where theyve put up Christmas lights, plugged them inonly for some of them to not...
Find A Ball - Free Magic Spell
 This is a spell to help you find a missing ball outside. Good for finding a ball to play base ball. Plus you must have feel where it would be. Walk around and keep repeating this until you find the ball. Its ok to mess up the sentence order just say...
Prayer of St. Francis
...Christian Wiccans Articles Prayer of St. Francis This is a Catholic prayer created created by St. Francis: the patron saint of animals and nature. Lord, make me an instrument of your {peace;} where.......
Playing cards. - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Have any of you ever tried reading playing cards? A friend of mines told me that they are very similar to reading tarot cards. .......
Let's play Mythbusters - Magic Forums
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...Recently a subject matter has come up about ''Physic vampires''. I don't really understand the meaning. Does it mean that they are able to take energy (of any kind) from you? Or does it mean that this person is a burden? .......
Methods of Divination
 Types of divination. By soulgray. Aeromancy:divination y interpreting the air, sky, and atmospheric conditions, particularly concentrating on cloud shapes, comets, and other phenomena not normally visible in the heavens. Astrology: is divination using celestial bodies,such as the sun, moon, planets, and stars, in order to determine the likelihood of future events....
Vampyre life style
 This group plays vamp. Im starting with Life style vamps as I personally find it the most appalling and detrimental to the vampyer movement as well as practitioners as a whole. As with Satanism, Wicca and Christianity (of which I have only seen Satanism referred to as a lifestyle thing) some...
Charlie Charlie are you there
Articles to end charlie charlie are you there game so play charlie charlie are you there for a week and end the game by telling charlie you bet him you will win donkey kong win donkey kong and he will leave youCharlie are you there how to end charlie charlie are...
Forgive and forget
Articles nor your parents are empowered - it???s likely you are all just just playing out a game of pre-programmed reactions. The person who really has their personal.......
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