Search Results for "what does the color blue mean"
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Search Results for what does the color blue mean
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'Colored' Magic - Magic Forums
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...Alright guys time to have a talk. Magic itself is not colored. Magic is energy and much like that of 'normal' energy it can be used with a variety intentions.(Ex. A nuclear power plant vs. a nuclear bomb (yes this is an extreme example)) What colors the magic is your intention....
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...Alright guys time to have a talk. Magic itself is not colored. Magic is energy and much like that of 'normal' energy it can be used with a variety intentions.(Ex. A nuclear power plant vs. a nuclear bomb (yes this is an extreme example)) What colors the magic is your intention....
what does it mean? - Magic Forums
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...Okay so whenever I do a spell, I always have a green, yellow, red, blue, and purple candle lit to represent the five elements. Tonight I was doing a slightly darker spell. To explain further, I was calling upon the night to do a curse. And when I curse someone, I...
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...Okay so whenever I do a spell, I always have a green, yellow, red, blue, and purple candle lit to represent the five elements. Tonight I was doing a slightly darker spell. To explain further, I was calling upon the night to do a curse. And when I curse someone, I...
My spirit animal meaning - Magic Forums
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...Ice found out from a friend that my spirit animal is a wildcat..Ive been looking into them but I couldnt find anything on the wildcat as a spirit animal.. so im just wondering what a wildcat for a spirit animal would mean? Spiritual Creatures My spirit animal meaning Reply to this...
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...Ice found out from a friend that my spirit animal is a wildcat..Ive been looking into them but I couldnt find anything on the wildcat as a spirit animal.. so im just wondering what a wildcat for a spirit animal would mean? Spiritual Creatures My spirit animal meaning Reply to this...
4mm Agate, Blue Lace stretch bracelet | $7.08
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...Jewelry Anklets & Bracelets 4mm Agate, blue Lace stretch bracelet 4mm Agate, blue blue Lace stretch bracelet Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA! Anklets &....
Price: $7.45 Sale Price: $7.08 (Save 5%)...
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...Jewelry Anklets & Bracelets 4mm Agate, blue Lace stretch bracelet 4mm Agate, blue blue Lace stretch bracelet Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA! Anklets &....
What do my eyes mean? - Magic Forums
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...Hey a month ago I casted a eye color changing spell to make my eyes red and as of lately my eyes started changing colors. They use to be green but in the past couple weeks, theyve started to have sparks of hazel and a bluish tint on the edge and...
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...Hey a month ago I casted a eye color changing spell to make my eyes red and as of lately my eyes started changing colors. They use to be green but in the past couple weeks, theyve started to have sparks of hazel and a bluish tint on the edge and...
What does this mean? - Magic Forums
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...Whenever I meditate my cat always lays on my legs. Misc Topics what does this mean? Reply to this post oldest 1 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest what does this mean?.......
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...Whenever I meditate my cat always lays on my legs. Misc Topics what does this mean? Reply to this post oldest 1 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest what does this mean?.......
~3+" Blue Stone obelisk | $26.96
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...Gems and Pendulums Massagers, Obelisks, & Points ~3+ blue Stone obelisk Specials & & Coupons ~3+ blue Stone obelisk Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA!....
Price: $29.95 Sale Price: $26.96 (Save 10%)...
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...Gems and Pendulums Massagers, Obelisks, & Points ~3+ blue Stone obelisk Specials & & Coupons ~3+ blue Stone obelisk Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA!....
Blue skinned Female Demon
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...So, for One, Happy Thanksgiving, And Two I Need help understanding and Identifying My Dream. I've come into an encounter with a demon of justice that For some reason In my head I knew the personal Sigil since I was in the 3rd Grade, so this isn't my first time having...
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...So, for One, Happy Thanksgiving, And Two I Need help understanding and Identifying My Dream. I've come into an encounter with a demon of justice that For some reason In my head I knew the personal Sigil since I was in the 3rd Grade, so this isn't my first time having...
Blue Pillar Candle 9" | $12.56
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...Magic Candles Pillar Candles blue Pillar Candle 9 Specials & Coupons blue Pillar Pillar Candle 9 Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA! Pillar.......
Online Shopping
...Magic Candles Pillar Candles blue Pillar Candle 9 Specials & Coupons blue Pillar Pillar Candle 9 Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA! Pillar.......
dream meaning - Magic Forums
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...I dreamed that i was looking at my husband and he picked up a snake and it curled around his lower forarm he pointed at me and the snake tried to get on me but I got angry and slapped his arm away and said no. I think i know what...
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...I dreamed that i was looking at my husband and he picked up a snake and it curled around his lower forarm he pointed at me and the snake tried to get on me but I got angry and slapped his arm away and said no. I think i know what...
Blue streak eye - Magic Forums
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...Hello I am looking for any info on the meaning behind my blue streak in the iris of my left eye. I have had it my whole life and wanted to know why, if you enlarge my profile pic you can see it pretty clear. Misc Topics blue streak eye Reply...
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...Hello I am looking for any info on the meaning behind my blue streak in the iris of my left eye. I have had it my whole life and wanted to know why, if you enlarge my profile pic you can see it pretty clear. Misc Topics blue streak eye Reply...
Agate, Blue Lace Nugget bracelet | $9.45
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...Jewelry Anklets & Bracelets Agate, blue Lace Nugget bracelet Agate, blue Lace Nugget Nugget bracelet Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA! Anklets &....
Price: $9.95 Sale Price: $9.45 (Save 5%)...
Online Shopping
...Jewelry Anklets & Bracelets Agate, blue Lace Nugget bracelet Agate, blue Lace Nugget Nugget bracelet Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA! Anklets &....
Dream meaning? - Magic Forums
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...Hey guys, so .. i had a weird dream last night it is kinda long to tell, so.. i'll cut off some parts i guess it was in my house, was still light outside, and then suddenly i see a fire from my window, on the side of our porch ,...
Forum Post
...Hey guys, so .. i had a weird dream last night it is kinda long to tell, so.. i'll cut off some parts i guess it was in my house, was still light outside, and then suddenly i see a fire from my window, on the side of our porch ,...
32" Turquoise color chip necklace | $3.75
Online Shopping
...Gems and Pendulums Stone Necklaces 32 Turquoise color chip necklace Specials & Coupons Coupons 32 Turquoise color chip necklace Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA!....
Price: $3.95 Sale Price: $3.75 (Save 5%)...
Online Shopping
...Gems and Pendulums Stone Necklaces 32 Turquoise color chip necklace Specials & Coupons Coupons 32 Turquoise color chip necklace Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA!....
Torot and what means ... - Magic Forums
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...Torot and what means to be a magician Tarot gives all kind of answers if you are open to understand them. Let look at ''The Magician'' and we'll find out what realy means to be a magician. In this picture we see all the elements a tarot deck contains of. ''The...
Forum Post
...Torot and what means to be a magician Tarot gives all kind of answers if you are open to understand them. Let look at ''The Magician'' and we'll find out what realy means to be a magician. In this picture we see all the elements a tarot deck contains of. ''The...