Search Results for "third eye"
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Search Results for third eye
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Blue ring around my eye - Magic Forums
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...after I started magic a blue ring appeared around my eyes omg!!! I read about this they call it the evil eye, im so scared!!! What should I do? Its cool tho :D General Info Blue ring around my eye This thread has been lockedLocked oldest oldest 1 2 newest Start...
Forum Post
...after I started magic a blue ring appeared around my eyes omg!!! I read about this they call it the evil eye, im so scared!!! What should I do? Its cool tho :D General Info Blue ring around my eye This thread has been lockedLocked oldest oldest 1 2 newest Start...
fourth eye? - Magic Forums
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...I wana know how to use the fourth eye, but I dont really know where to start. And do you have to activate your 3rd eye before activating this one? Misc Topics fourth eye? This thread has been lockedLocked oldest 1 2 3 3 4 5 newest Start a new thread...
Forum Post
...I wana know how to use the fourth eye, but I dont really know where to start. And do you have to activate your 3rd eye before activating this one? Misc Topics fourth eye? This thread has been lockedLocked oldest 1 2 3 3 4 5 newest Start a new thread...
Glamour Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Rose Beauty Bath This spell uses the energies of water and rose to to bring beauty. It won't cause major physical changes such as different eye color or a new nose but it will bring.......
...Rose Beauty Bath This spell uses the energies of water and rose to to bring beauty. It won't cause major physical changes such as different eye color or a new nose but it will bring.......
First Path's Articles
...state of mind.Third eye openThis is a good way to go about opening opening your third eyeVisualization TechniqueBasic technique to work on visualization. * All information on this page is provided by the coven or person named and the contents of this page is not mediated by the.......
...state of mind.Third eye openThis is a good way to go about opening opening your third eyeVisualization TechniqueBasic technique to work on visualization. * All information on this page is provided by the coven or person named and the contents of this page is not mediated by the.......
Thrid eye - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I have a question about the third eye. Since it can be opened does it really mean that people always, since birth have it closed, 'cause when I was six I saw this stange wall-trespassing shadow with my friend and I got freaking afraid. Also, I will like to know the...
Forum Post
...I have a question about the third eye. Since it can be opened does it really mean that people always, since birth have it closed, 'cause when I was six I saw this stange wall-trespassing shadow with my friend and I got freaking afraid. Also, I will like to know the...
Power in eyes? - Magic Forums
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...Since i started seeing spirits which was according to my mom like when i was 2 years old, ive had all the spirits i see vanish out of thin air.Ive always thought it was a natural sheild but one day i was sleeping and my brother saw a demon on me,...
Forum Post
...Since i started seeing spirits which was according to my mom like when i was 2 years old, ive had all the spirits i see vanish out of thin air.Ive always thought it was a natural sheild but one day i was sleeping and my brother saw a demon on me,...
High & Low Frequencies List
... collection of polarity in science that connected with Spells, Magic, Enchanting As the Egyptian is fascinated with part of the brain (''eye of Horus brain parts'', ''Egyptian Headdress'', ''cerebellum Egypt headdress'') and body(''canopic jar'', ''ib heart'') So as above, So as below Emerald Tablet A.Become Opposite, up to become down, left...
... collection of polarity in science that connected with Spells, Magic, Enchanting As the Egyptian is fascinated with part of the brain (''eye of Horus brain parts'', ''Egyptian Headdress'', ''cerebellum Egypt headdress'') and body(''canopic jar'', ''ib heart'') So as above, So as below Emerald Tablet A.Become Opposite, up to become down, left...
gemstones elixirs? - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Gemstones I have: *crystal quartz. *pyrite. *black tourmaline *black obsidian. *snowflake obsidian. *onyx *sardonyx black. *apache tear natural. *smokey quartz *hematite. *cat eye. *green moss agate. *Arabic stone *fancy jasper. *zebra jasper. *axinite *desert rose. *banded agate. *garnet *sodalite. *Amazonite. *angelite *obsidian blue aqua. *lapis lazuli. *turquenite *peacock ore. *blue lace...
Forum Post
...Gemstones I have: *crystal quartz. *pyrite. *black tourmaline *black obsidian. *snowflake obsidian. *onyx *sardonyx black. *apache tear natural. *smokey quartz *hematite. *cat eye. *green moss agate. *Arabic stone *fancy jasper. *zebra jasper. *axinite *desert rose. *banded agate. *garnet *sodalite. *Amazonite. *angelite *obsidian blue aqua. *lapis lazuli. *turquenite *peacock ore. *blue lace...
Amulets and talismans
Symbols of protection against evil. Symbols of Protection Against Evil Omens, curses and hexes that foretell the coming of dark forces, evil spirits, bad luck and negative energies are rooted in ancient superstition and folklore. As a result of these long-held, widespread cultural beliefs most regions around the world have come...

God-like eye.. - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I am working on a spell, still designing it though. I am going to enchant my left to be able see energy, spirits,and demons. clearly when activated it will also have propertys of stealing other peoples psychic abilities. and more propertys to come. does anyone have any input on this. Site...
Forum Post
...I am working on a spell, still designing it though. I am going to enchant my left to be able see energy, spirits,and demons. clearly when activated it will also have propertys of stealing other peoples psychic abilities. and more propertys to come. does anyone have any input on this. Site...
...This will need serious concentration. Be in a very quiet and still room. Dim the lights. Lie flat on the floor. Close your eyes and think only of levitation. Think of rising and hovering a few inches above the floor. When you dont feel the ground open your eyes and look...
...This will need serious concentration. Be in a very quiet and still room. Dim the lights. Lie flat on the floor. Close your eyes and think only of levitation. Think of rising and hovering a few inches above the floor. When you dont feel the ground open your eyes and look...
Glamour Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Rose Beauty Bath This spell uses the energies of water and rose to to bring beauty. It won't cause major physical changes such as different eye color or a new nose but it will bring.......
...Rose Beauty Bath This spell uses the energies of water and rose to to bring beauty. It won't cause major physical changes such as different eye color or a new nose but it will bring.......
Candle Correspondences - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...White: The Goddess Higher Self Purity Peace Virginity (substitutes any other color) Black: Binding Shape shifting Protection Repels Negativity Brown: Special Favors To Influence Friendships Silver: The Goddess Astral energy Female energy Telepathy Clairvoyance Intuition Dreams Purple: Third Eye Psychic Ability Hidden Knowledge To Influence People in High Places Spiritual Power...
Forum Post
...White: The Goddess Higher Self Purity Peace Virginity (substitutes any other color) Black: Binding Shape shifting Protection Repels Negativity Brown: Special Favors To Influence Friendships Silver: The Goddess Astral energy Female energy Telepathy Clairvoyance Intuition Dreams Purple: Third Eye Psychic Ability Hidden Knowledge To Influence People in High Places Spiritual Power...
Purple_Eyes's Profile - Membership Area
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Info Name: Purple_Eyes Gender: Female Last Seen: Sun, 28 Aug 2011 Membership: .......
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Glamour Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Rose Beauty Bath This spell uses the energies of water and rose to to bring beauty. It won't cause major physical changes such as different eye color or a new nose but it will bring.......
...Rose Beauty Bath This spell uses the energies of water and rose to to bring beauty. It won't cause major physical changes such as different eye color or a new nose but it will bring.......