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"protect relationships"



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Search Results for protect relationships
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1273 total matches
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Started protection spell - Magic Forums
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...I started a protection spell that will run through halloween ending Sunday. i won't be home Sunday and will have to do the spell either early or late. I'm pretty sure someone cast against me, i felt things lighten as soon as i finished the first casting so that's a good...
Protection; herbs and oil
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...I've been told to put eucalyptus oil in the water that I wash my floors with for protection of my home. I also normally put fresh rosemary and lavender in flower pots around my house. This is just indigenous knowledge handed down, but I am not always sure if its the...
Relationship Problem!!!! - Magic Forums
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...Hello, I am in relationship with that girl and I don't know .. I need an advice or a spell . I love her , alot and like a crazy person , but One thing she does lately is that she replies with a word and max five words and doesn't...
Gently Protective Lavender Tea
...A relaxing tea for protection. Place a handful or two of lavender flowers in a teapot. Boil water on a stove top in an appropriate pan. Once boiled pour the pan of hot water into your teapot and add any sweetener you like. Let the teapot steep for 30 minutes on...
Witch craft protection - Magic Forums
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...What are some things i can do to protect myself against witch craft? General Info Witch craft protection Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Witch craft protection.......
Relationship spells - Magic Forums
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...hi im new to spell casting and im having trouble with someone i love but i dont think they love me back. can anyone tell me any spell/rituals to eithier... Attract someone Stop loving someone Get someone to share thier true feelings for you (whether they hate you or like you...
Need Protection Spell - Magic Forums
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...Hello again, I've decided to look for a spell that I can cast to protect my friend from someone and harm. I am NOT looking for a spell caster so pls don't waste my time on messaging me a spell caster unless they are FREE. I'm just simply looking for a...
Protection Spell
...Articles Protection Spell Rated 2/5 Stars Information on making a protection .......
Rose Quartz Relationships
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...Recently I have seen many threads in the forums about lovers. Many have involved exes and letting go. They are asking for spells, but I want to inform them they do not need spells. I understand it is hard to let go, and sometimes you don't have to! But a way...
Heal a relationship? - Magic Forums
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...Ive been through some tramatic things. long story short, i got out of a verbal/emotional abuse with rape... during the time i was away from my ex. I bonded with a friend and we got intimate. I ended up messing up badly with dealing with the aftermath of emotions of my...
Meditation and protection
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...If I was going to meditate would I be best using a protection spell first and if so does any one know a simple one? Thank you :) Other Spells Discussion Meditation and protection Reply to this post oldest 1 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Meditation...
spell for protection - Magic Forums
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...looking for any spells to help stop or reflect back someone doing harm to me or my family something to stop them from hurting any of us in any way. Site Spells Discussion spell for protection Reply to this post oldest 1 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1...
Re:Protection - Magic Forums
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...Hello everyone.I have a question one of my friend's brother is at a higher risk to be prone in injury regarding vehicles.Although his driving skills are modest he faces a lot of mishaps.Plus he cannot give up driving due to some reason.Is it because of sheer bad luck or something else.Do...
protection bottle - Magic Forums
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...there was this protection bottle spell that i had read in a book,you put the number of pins that you wanted to keep you safe from bad things or something like that, there was some other stuff in this spell that i can't remember cause i didn't think much of it...
beginner protection spell
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...i was just wondering are you suppose to feel,hear,see,or smell something when you cast the beginner protection spell Site Spells Discussion beginner protection spell Reply to this post oldest 1 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest beginner protection spell By:.......
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