Search Results for
"protection spells"



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Search Results for protection spells
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529 total matches
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Enchantment Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Earth Amulet Make an amulet charged with earth element energy. read more Even Even more great spells..... Astral Travel Become 50% human 50% mermaid Book of Shadow protection Candle.......
Health Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Create A Healing Mirror A simple craft. Make a magickal, healing mirror to to target aches, pains and injuries read more Even more great spells..... A Good Night's Rest Acne Reduction.......
Death Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Calling Of Lucifer A shifter and I have used this, only in time time of great need. Please don't go waving this spell arround uselessly. read more Even more great spells..... Death of a.......
Music for the 7 chakras
...All credits go to Muladhara Color: Red Location: Tailbone Controls: Sense of safety, security, home within + legs and immune system Note: C + C# The Root Chakra, or Muladhara, is our first chakra. It controls our sense of primal security, groundedness, and ability to adapt. When overactive, the root...
Symptoms of opening chakras
...A list of symptoms to tell you your chakras are opening. I numbered the chakras so you don't get mixups with the opening symptoms. 1- Root Literally Feeling Grounded These symptoms occur in no particular order, but an overwhelming sense of grounding is usually a key indicator that your root chakra...
karma spell - Free Magic Spell
Spells karma chant 3 times see the cruelty and the pain, that you have caused once again i turn the tables three times three bring light to you actions, i will be free, when light breaks and dusk comes through the pain you caused will come back to you i say...
Fairy tale spell - Free Magic Spell
...It's to turn you into a fairytale. Say fairytale to turn you into a fairytale. --> Casting Instructions for 'Fairy tale spell' spell' You will need the following items for this spell: The fairy tale that you want to be........
most powerfull binding spell
...bound yourself to any house garden or person you half to have dependency on somone to get money and start smoking cigerets its worse than a wedding ring yourself to any house garden or person --> Casting Instructions for 'most powerfull powerfull binding spell' You will need the following items for...
Forgetful Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Forget My Secret Makes someone forget a secret you regret telling them. read read more Even more great spells..... Fogetful Guilt Elimination Mind Searching Persuasion Smudge.......
Friendship Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Violet & Daffodil Love Bundles Instructions on making love bundles. read more Even Even more great spells..... Element PPF Forgiveness Friends for Others Friendship Help a.......
Telekinetic Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Aerokinesis This will help you learn aerokinesis read more Even more great spells..... spells..... Speed Hypnosis The Seers Scrying Bowl Will Power Practice Telepathy.......
Memory Spells - Free Magic Spells
...A-Z Incense List and Usage This is a list of a-z of various various Incenses and what they are believed to be used for.Forgive me if i have forgotten some. read more Even more great.......
Force Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Make A Psi Ball The Proper Way I see many people who try try making psi balls and fail. So, here is a technique that worked the first time I tried it and it was amazing! read more Even.......
Conjuring Spells - Free Magic Spells
...Astral Projection A summary of how to astral project read more Even more more great spells..... A Simple Summoning Astral Travel Cat Familiar Conjure Archangel Ariel Crystal.......
Energy Spells - Free Magic Spells
...How to make a PSI Ball Larn to make a psi ball to to help you learn healing, telekinesis, and energy magic. read more Even more great spells..... A Simple Healing Altering energy to the.......
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