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"growing wing spell"



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Search Results for growing wing spell
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529 total matches
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Super Form - Free Magic Spell
...It's simple and worth your time. This spell will change your form. So first gather energy in your heart a lot of it as much as possible. Then let it all go and it will spread through your body you wont feel anything. Then charge energy from anything. You can once...
*~+Turn into a Fairy+~*
...You can become a fairy with this spell! Credits to Lydiah Hachbart and User211481! 1:Go outside (windy day is best) 2: Put your Symbol on. 3: Say spellTHREEtimes: can become a fairy with this spell! Credits to Lydiah Hachbart and User211481! User211481! --> Casting Instructions for '*~+Turn into a Fairy+~*' You...
Reversal Spell - Free Magic Spell
...If you have cast a spell you wish to reverse this should do the trick. Write the spell you cast on paper and burn while saying: ''Guiding spirits, hear my plea. Annul this magic, let it be''you have cast a spell you wish to reverse this should do the the trick........
love curse - Free Magic Spell
...this spell allows you to bind and attach a person close to you and you are the ruler and controller of their love life. you must open the jar fill it with tap water half way and get someone to get the raw honey and put some on your eye lids...
State of Hate - Free Magic Spell
...This spell is to remove someone who hates you from your life of their own free will. There are people out there who smile at your face and hate you when you turn away. There are also the obvious enemies who would love to see harm come your way. This is...
Witches Weeds - Free Magic Spell
...This spell is to help the Devine and determined a novice Witch's powers. It enables one to know the gifts and potential of his or her craft. This spell is great for someone that is new to the craft. Anoint the candle using the moon oil. Light the candle and the...
Any thing - Free Magic Spell
 It's not mine I took it from an old book of magic and this spell had been used along more than 7 centuries Who says bismillah elrahman ilrahim 786 times daily for 7 days to make a good thing or pushing an evil thing then it will happen . not mine...
Cancel - Free Magic Spell
...Cancel any spell A spell was cast now make it past remove it now dont ask me how x8 P.s. Ive seen this spell of this sight I just wanted to repost it. any spell --> Casting Instructions for 'Cancel' You will need the following items items for this spell: Belief.......
Fear fire - Free Magic Spell
...Fear fire is a spell I came up with a few years back it should if done correctly burn away your fears the way this is done is you focus on your fears one at a time and stare in to the flame of a white candle Chant this spell until...
Welsh Vervain Harvest - Free Magic Spell
...It is for plants to grow well... 1. The plant must be harvested during the rising of Sirius, the Dog Star, at an hour when both sun and moon are beneath the horizon. 2. Before uprooting the plant, offer a libation of honey. 3. You may only use your left hand...
To found a magic or Wicca school
...Will help you get a magic or Wicca school formed. You will need to request to have your magic or Wiccaschool built first Then choose the requirements for each year Nextchoose the name for your magic school Then choose the subjects Next choose the names for the houses Finally decide how...
Homemade DIY pendulum - Free Magic Spell
...I made my own DIY pendulum. Now you can make your own! Thread the charm through the yarn/cord, tying a knot as soon as the charm is onto the cord/yarn. Tieseveral knots at different points on your diy pendulum. Cut off excess from the knot. Your homemade pendulum is done! made...
Tea And Rune Divination
...A tea ceremony and divination with runes. Introduction: Tea is enjoyed across many cultures including Japan, India, China, Russia, France, Morocco, and North America to name a few. Add to that the medicinal properties of edible herbs and flowers, and the different types of teas available number many. There are blends...
Make them laugh - Free Magic Spell
...Just clap and think about 2 milicm gentiles. Clap x2 Say hi your broke to the navy office. Walk in Shake hand leave clap and think about 2 milicm gentiles. --> Casting Instructions for 'Make them them laugh' You will need the following items for this spell: Google........
Make your own magickal medication/pills
...You can make up your own charging, preferably with ''by the Sun and Moon'' included. Combine all the crushed items in the 0 capsules, a teaspoonful each. Charge the pills with thew charging blessing you made up. Store them in the jar. can make up your own charging, preferably with ''by...
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