sycoraxflame's Profile

Member Info
Name: sycoraxflame
Location: In a small dark corner, cutting myself, crying, hating life, screaming, and enjoying the taste of my blood running down my throat
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Fri, 08 Aug 2008
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I have only just started magic not to long ago, and, like a lot of things, it comes rather easy. (but then again i haven't tried anything hard) If anyone has advice, or just wants to email me, the following is checked more often than my SpellsofMagic: (if you want to IM take off the "" part and you have it.) And remember, choose your poison carefully. :) This is a poem by John Henry Dryden. I have to admit that I love this poem. Espically, the last two lines. Farewell Ungrateful Traitor Farewell ungrateful traitor, Farewell my perjured swain, Let never injured creature Believe a man again. The pleasure of possessing Surpasses all expressing, But 'tis too short a blessing, And love too long a pain. 'Tis easy to deceive us In pity of your pain, But when we love you leave us To rail at you in vain. Before we have descried it, There is no bliss beside it, But she that once has tried it Will never love again. The passion you pretended Was only to obtain, But when the charm is ended The charmer you disdain. Your love by ours we measure Till we have lost our treasure, But dying is a pleasure, When living is a pain. See? now a snip bit from Absence by: Matthew Arnold Absence by Matthew Arnold (1822 - 1888) In this fair stranger’s eyes of grey Thine eyes, my love, I see. I shudder: for the passing day Had borne me far from thee. This is the curse of life: that not A nobler calmer train Of wiser thoughts and feelings blot Our passions from our brain; But each day brings its petty dust Our soon-chok’d souls to fill, And we forget because we must, And not because we will. IT IS SO TRUE!!! *sniff* *sniff* :"( NOT jk. I really like the first one better though.