TINY365's Profile

Member Info
Name: TINY365
Birthday: Nov 12 1993
Location: California
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 14 Oct 2011
Membership: Member

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Personal Bio
i thought magic would be rly kool and it is! and the basic facts about me is i like to sleep eat play video games train my dogs plumbing and have lots of fun with sonja (my girlfriend also known as sunny7896) i am also a decendant from a wolf pack in my indian tribe the chaktaw cherokee and black foot and since i am a male i have the instinct to be dominant over anyone that opposses me another way of me counting myself as a wolf is that i like to gnaw on things and i get along rly well with dogs and animals of the wild (such as horses deer and etc)
i also know i have the heart of one because when ever i am in conflict i never give up until i know i am defeated and when deafeated i honor it... but everytime we encounter i will keep fighting until i win and becaome dominant as an alpha just like my great great great great great grandfather (i dont remember his name ill post it when i get it) the alpha of his pack and tribe.
and p.s. i am the last to carry on these alpha traits after im gone my wolf pack will die with me but still live on. it is an honor to be the last alpha of my pack and be able to carry these traits.