killjoy's Profile

Member Info
Name: killjoy
Birthday: Oct 15 1996
Location: Here, There, Everywere
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 21 Dec 2012
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I have tried a decent amount of Black Magic spells . I do most of my bidding to SATAN. I do mostly Black Magic. If anyone whos reading this has a history of telekinetic experience plz help me with my spells and such because thats praticually my favorite subject.

I was born under the sign of Libra if it means anything.
If anyone has a realy good vampire spell plz send me it, And plz no candles involved in the spell/ritual i cant get them because i just cant get them.

Sometimes when i was young young like 10 i could sense and slighly hear sprits and demons and now i can practically see them . Is there like a growth thing with this thing .
Kleiner Tuefel is my nickname it means little devil in German.