Girlygothic's Profile

Member Info
Name: Girlygothic
Birthday: 1996
Location: Indiana,United states
Last Seen: Wed, 07 Aug 2013
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
Hello,I'm not sure what all to put in my bio because I don't want to sound to weird so,I'm only going to say a little bit and then let anybody who wants to know more about me ask. I've studied magic and the occult off and on since I was fourteen and became interested in wicca(and have studied more than practiced)but,I am not part of any particular religion anymore,instead I'm just an eclectic,also,I may be open minded about the possibility that mythological creatures exist,but I don't know how to turn people into them,and please,don't message me to hit on me(people have done this in the past). The last thing I'm going to say is that I probably wouldn't be a very good teacher,but I will recommend a book for beginners and provide a link to a website where you can download it,it's called "the basics of magick" and it was written by someone named K.Amber,there are a few things in the book that are strictly a matter of opinion,and I don't think that ghosts are as stupid as she says they are,but other than that it's very interesting and helpful,It doesn't include everything that the index says it does,but it's a NEARLY complete introduction to the occult,and this bio is longer than I had intended. you can download it here: This website is free.